Author Topic: My psychic binge  (Read 18073 times)

Offline Baypark1

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My psychic binge
« on: September 09, 2016, 12:53:41 AM »
I've been lurking here for a while and have read with alot of the people mentioned here.  I've been calling Keen for about 3 years about 3 different men.  Most everyone I spoke to said the same thing, that they would be coming back.  ALOT of them were accurate in the present but not ONE prediction has ever happened.   What I don't understand is how ALL or most of them, say the exact same thing about the man and are pretty accurate with the way he is feeling and they all say the person would be contacting or coming back, but they are all wrong.  How can they all say the same thing, yet it doesn't happen?  This last week I've been on a horrible binge.  And for the record, I hate it.  But, I've spoken to some different advisors that seem to be good, but again, they all say the same thing. 

Laurie Lee 90210
Mystical Eve -
Cinnamon Moon
Suecrete - she was pretty impressive but I just read some very negative things about her on this forum
JoAnne Salem - she's hit or miss - going back on notes from my past 2 guys, she actually has said the same thing about all of them.  Not sure why I even called her yesterday
Annie Heaven
Advice by Ann
Jeanne Clock -  very sweet lady - great to talk to
SoulExposure - she gave me today as a day of contact and it hasn't happened yet. I emailed her to see if anything had changed and she was adamant and confirmed with cards that we would be in a relationship and he'll be clear and direct with how he feels - I've got high hopes on this one - probably not a good idea :)
Lily Holiday
Myrium - she seems good, but her reviews are only from 2 or 3 of the same people..constantly - I'm very leary about her
Lisa Dianne

Most say mid September will showing movement forward and some have said this for a month.  They all have pretty much said the same thing. He's not ready, he's scared, he's thinks I'm great and he will make a commitment.  Now, he's said in his own words that he's not ready and thinks I'm awesome.  So they're right there.  I just want a damn prediction to happen!! 

Do you think calling too much prevents the prediction from happening?  I think I seriously need PAA - psychic addicts anonymous.  It's getting out of hand.  I know many of you have felt or feel the same way. 

Offline Sooshi

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2016, 12:56:28 AM »
Seriously? Not even one prediction panned out? I usually at least get a few small ones come through. My finances keep me from binging. I dont have a credit card to use with psychics and that's probably a good thing.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2016, 12:59:46 AM »
Lily Holiday got one thing right. "Something will happen - guilt on his side"  Something did happen which I would think he would have guilt about.  But he hasn't contacted me yet. She said give it 7 days which will be tomorrow, some say soon, 4 days, by the 15th etc.  It's very very frustrating!

Offline Sooshi

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2016, 01:22:42 AM »
Have you tried Judi's inner light or Scott Angel? Judi is great at channeling people, and Scott is blunt as f*** but he's usually pretty darn accurate.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2016, 01:40:14 AM »
Have you tried Judi's inner light or Scott Angel? Judi is great at channeling people, and Scott is blunt as f*** but he's usually pretty darn accurate.

No I haven't tried those two.  I just looked up Scott.  He's got a bunch of different prices.  I like it :) 

I'll try them, however, I would really like to STOP calling!  It's like freaking gambling. Just one more quarter and I'll hit the jackpot.  LOL


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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2016, 01:59:28 AM »
definitely have felt the way you do. i think a lot of us on this forum have gotten out of hand at one point or another (or many times) when it comes to calling too much. i don't know if calling too much prevents things from happening but i do firmly believe that dwelling/obssessiing/ thinking about something too much does something to the energies and things just don't happen when expected or as soon as it would or could have.

Do you think calling too much prevents the prediction from happening?  I think I seriously need PAA - psychic addicts anonymous.  It's getting out of hand.  I know many of you have felt or feel the same way.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 02:02:05 AM by RedVelvet »

Offline HopefulHeart

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2016, 02:26:08 AM »
I too sometimes wonder if being too focused on it makes things not happen. I don't know if calling too much really prevents things from happening (in a way think of it like a second opinon.. or third, fifth and twentieth opinion in some of our cases lol!!) , but maybe just the negative energy from worrying sort of mucks things up?

But, on the other hand, I've been told to visualize on things to help them come to fruition. (and honestly, I have seen visualization work. But sometimes I can't help but wonder if it was indeed visualization or just some sort of deep-seeded intuition popping up to show me things).

Offline Baypark1

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2016, 02:49:12 AM »
I too sometimes wonder if being too focused on it makes things not happen. I don't know if calling too much really prevents things from happening (in a way think of it like a second opinon.. or third, fifth and twentieth opinion in some of our cases lol!!) , but maybe just the negative energy from worrying sort of mucks things up?

But, on the other hand, I've been told to visualize on things to help them come to fruition. (and honestly, I have seen visualization work. But sometimes I can't help but wonder if it was indeed visualization or just some sort of deep-seeded intuition popping up to show me things).
Visualization is a form of manifesting and I've been really deep into that as well.  Lanie Stevens is awesome to learn more about that.  Some people believe that when you are trying to manifest, you are trusting the universe/God etc to bring you your desires and when you call psychics on the same thing you're trying to manifest, it negates the trust.  I kind of understand that and it makes sense.  But I'm like Veruka in Willy Wonka...I want it NOW!  Patience is not a strong point with me. 

Offline Baypark1

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2016, 12:57:00 PM »
Presense, thank you!   Yes, I'm at the point of utter disgust.  There's the thought that keeps running through my mind that why am I doing this, spending all of this money, time and energy because of a man (or men) that isn't here and maybe never will be?  I deserve more than this and if a man doesn't want to be in my present life, for whatever reason, then why the hell am I obsessing about it?   I think calling psychics can actually hurt your self esteem, self worth and keep you thinking negatively because they give hope and then it doesn't pan out and sub consciously we blame it on ourselves, which makes us feel bad so we call more psychics to feel better.  It's truly a vicious cycle.

I just read with Scott Angel.  Boy did he put a different perspective on the situation.  He pretty much nailed what the guy is feeling and has told me and coming from a man, it made sense.  I need to let this guy go, for now.  There may be an opportunity to revisit and if I'm there, it will be my decision. 

Basically, I feel that if  a person of interest does not show in their actions what we want them to show, then we shouldn't obsess and call psychics, because I seriously don't think it will change, especially if we keep obsessing about it!  If  a person is interest in having a relationship with us, we will know.  God gave us an intuition for a reason :) 

I seriously think we need a sub topic forum to get support when we are trying to get out of our psychic addiction so when we have weak moments, we can fall back on each other.  Just my thoughts.

My goal for today is not call anyone else.  I really want to be done!

Offline bluebelle

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2016, 01:37:19 PM »
I've been lurking here for a while and have read with alot of the people mentioned here.  I've been calling Keen for about 3 years about 3 different men.  Most everyone I spoke to said the same thing, that they would be coming back.  ALOT of them were accurate in the present but not ONE prediction has ever happened.   What I don't understand is how ALL or most of them, say the exact same thing about the man and are pretty accurate with the way he is feeling and they all say the person would be contacting or coming back, but they are all wrong.  How can they all say the same thing, yet it doesn't happen?  This last week I've been on a horrible binge.  And for the record, I hate it.  But, I've spoken to some different advisors that seem to be good, but again, they all say the same thing. 

Laurie Lee 90210
Mystical Eve -
Cinnamon Moon
Suecrete - she was pretty impressive but I just read some very negative things about her on this forum
JoAnne Salem - she's hit or miss - going back on notes from my past 2 guys, she actually has said the same thing about all of them.  Not sure why I even called her yesterday
Annie Heaven
Advice by Ann
Jeanne Clock -  very sweet lady - great to talk to
SoulExposure - she gave me today as a day of contact and it hasn't happened yet. I emailed her to see if anything had changed and she was adamant and confirmed with cards that we would be in a relationship and he'll be clear and direct with how he feels - I've got high hopes on this one - probably not a good idea :)
Lily Holiday
Myrium - she seems good, but her reviews are only from 2 or 3 of the same people..constantly - I'm very leary about her
Lisa Dianne

Most say mid September will showing movement forward and some have said this for a month.  They all have pretty much said the same thing. He's not ready, he's scared, he's thinks I'm great and he will make a commitment.  Now, he's said in his own words that he's not ready and thinks I'm awesome.  So they're right there.  I just want a damn prediction to happen!! 

Do you think calling too much prevents the prediction from happening?  I think I seriously need PAA - psychic addicts anonymous.  It's getting out of hand.  I know many of you have felt or feel the same way.

Some of those readers you mentioned are great, have you ever tried Advisor Suzan?  I have to admit, after a long and painful process, she has been pretty accurate for me .... few details wrong here and there, but overall I like her a detailed info.

DON'T put any stock into Lisa Dianne's predictions at all!  and Mystical Eve ummmm no.  She told me the POI was gonna give me in a ring in January, NOPE not even close.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2016, 01:39:41 PM »
What I don't understand is how ALL or most of them, say the exact same thing about the man and are pretty accurate with the way he is feeling and they all say the person would be contacting or coming back, but they are all wrong.  How can they all say the same thing, yet it doesn't happen?  This last week I've been on a horrible binge.  And for the record, I hate it. 

I went through the exact same thing. I called, for years, asking about the same guy. All the readings were very similar and so were the predictions. Turns out they were all wrong. As it happened, the guy I asked about was seeing his ex while seeing me and chose to be with her (but failed to tell me). In fact, I got a reading about him about an hour before I found out about everything and even that psychic didn't pick up on what was really going on.

Since that happened, I've gone back and forth in my mind about how they all picked up on him accurately but their prediction of him coming back was very, very wrong.

I wondered if any of these people are really psychic. Maybe their prediction was meant to happen five, ten, or twenty years from now. I thought, maybe they weren't given the info I most needed because I needed to find out in the way, and at the time, I did. I wondered if the future can truly be predicted by anyone. Were they scared to tell me what I didn't want to hear for fear of bad feedback? And on and on...

Looking back, I feel so foolish for spending money and continuing to ask the same questions when, the reality was, he wasn't coming back.

The cool thing about your current mindset is that you have awareness. You're not so deep in that you dismiss the discomfort you have about calling. That really is a turning point. For you, I hope, you can pull yourself back and come up with a plan to call less and less with each passing week.

It's been about a month since I got a reading. I had to keep calling and keep spending money until i got to the point of utter disgust with myself. There I was calling psychics I couldn't stand (borderline hated), listening to them give advice I knew wasn't accurate, and spending money I should have been putting into savings. And the craziest thing? I was calling back all the people whose predictions were wrong!

Finally, I made myself do better. You can do this as well.

On some level, I do think our persistence to know things changes the course of a situation. In basic terms, we're calling because we don't feel good and we want to feel better--feel better in the present and a knowing there is happiness awaiting us in the future. I think, on an energetic level, the men we ask about can sense that longing and, by nature, want to stay away from it. It's only when we ease up and surrender the situation that the most unexpected, mind-boggling things happen.


Offline Baypark1

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2016, 02:13:14 PM »

Some of those readers you mentioned are great, have you ever tried Advisor Suzan?  I have to admit, after a long and painful process, she has been pretty accurate for me .... few details wrong here and there, but overall I like her a detailed info.

DON'T put any stock into Lisa Dianne's predictions at all!  and Mystical Eve ummmm no.  She told me the POI was gonna give me in a ring in January, NOPE not even close.

Really? No Lisa Dianne?  I've read great things about her!  However, she told me mid September I would see movement so we'll see......

Offline bluebelle

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2016, 02:32:28 PM »

Some of those readers you mentioned are great, have you ever tried Advisor Suzan?  I have to admit, after a long and painful process, she has been pretty accurate for me .... few details wrong here and there, but overall I like her a detailed info.

DON'T put any stock into Lisa Dianne's predictions at all!  and Mystical Eve ummmm no.  She told me the POI was gonna give me in a ring in January, NOPE not even close.

Really? No Lisa Dianne?  I've read great things about her!  However, she told me mid September I would see movement so we'll see......

yea she kept pushing timelines out on me, and then last reading was very negative....but maybe she will work better for you.  she was good at picking up emotions and the "now"..that's about it.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2016, 02:52:47 PM »

I just read with Scott Angel.  Boy did he put a different perspective on the situation.  He pretty much nailed what the guy is feeling and has told me and coming from a man, it made sense.  I need to let this guy go, for now.  There may be an opportunity to revisit and if I'm there, it will be my decision. 

Boom, there it is. This is why I recommend calling Scott. He doesn't sugar coat and it's often not what you want to hear, but he nails the situation 90% of the time and tells you how things are, bluntly. If you're up for it, he'll also tell you why you fell for the behavior of that person and what you need to change to avoid doing it again in the future.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: My psychic binge
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2016, 05:21:15 PM »

Boom, there it is. This is why I recommend calling Scott. He doesn't sugar coat and it's often not what you want to hear, but he nails the situation 90% of the time and tells you how things are, bluntly. If you're up for it, he'll also tell you why you fell for the behavior of that person and what you need to change to avoid doing it again in the future.

I've done a lot of work on why I attract men that can't give me what I deserve.  I ended up working on that on the last man I was with.  However, I obviously need a little more work :)   The good news is that I'm more open and aware and don't become a doormat like I use to.  I know my worth now.  NOW, I just need to stop calling these damn psychics and get in my own power :)