Author Topic: Acceptance  (Read 13894 times)


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« on: September 08, 2016, 01:41:45 PM »
I coming to the realization and just accepting the fact that my ex is not coming back and I'm fine with that. Why should I want someone who said very mean things to me and the entire relationship I have don't nothing wrong but go out of my way, spend lots of money and time invested for a person to break up with me constantly over nothing and every single time he left me I was in a crisis and needed him for support. If I say something mean to someone that I love I will it wait a whole month and half or more to apologize . So I am now accepting wheat he said that he doesn't love me anymore or find me attractive anymore as face value. I didn't deserve for him to treat me like s*** for four years. Wasted my college years on him and I should have let him go when he left me the first time I probably could have met the man of dreams at college who wasn't selfish and cared only about himself ,money , and what others can do for him. I can only be upset with myself . All the readers say that my ex had issues and it's not because of me but when someone treats you horrible it's hard not to take it personal or feel your not good enough but I have taken off the pedestal and I know that I was a good girlfriend and gave it my all.
I'm tired of reading with psychics about him and just over this situation just done , it's too much for me.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2016, 05:32:17 PM »
It's a sad realization but I think a lot of women have gone through this...we give and give and get crap or very little in return, and we justify it somehow.  then, if you get readings, they give you all these theories, like he's been hurt, has issues, etc...but NOT OUR PROBLEM!  it's very hard not to take personally but at the end of the day, you just have to pity them, and realize it was their loss, and someone better is out there and we will see that once we stop focusing on the wrong person and open ourselves up to the right one.


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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2016, 05:54:59 PM »
Exactly ! It's not my problem that he has been hurt and has  insecurities . We all have those things. So far right now no reader who predicted positive things has been right and I honestly can't see this thing turning around by December like hey are saying . So Kiesha is right and was right from the get go. It will officially be a year since we have broken up in December and there's no turning back I'm going to continue to focus on school and then eventually focus on my love life.

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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2016, 06:37:11 PM »
Exactly ! It's not my problem that he has been hurt and has  insecurities . We all have those things. So far right now no reader who predicted positive things has been right and I honestly can't see this thing turning around by December like hey are saying . So Kiesha is right and was right from the get go. It will officially be a year since we have broken up in December and there's no turning back I'm going to continue to focus on school and then eventually focus on my love life.

yep Keisha told me no long term future for me too...looks like she was right, but she tends to be very negative with predictions re: love anyway....


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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2016, 06:56:02 PM »
Yeah your right she is negative . I thought Dominique from cup and Leo even sincerity were good picking up on past present and what's been going on and since they've worked for others I was hoping the same but it is looking like they are wrong and positive prediction is not going to happen.

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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2016, 07:11:35 PM »
Yeah your right she is negative . I thought Dominique from cup and Leo even sincerity were good picking up on past present and what's been going on and since they've worked for others I was hoping the same but it is looking like they are wrong and positive prediction is not going to happen.

Listen, you never know, it could!  It just might be later than you want.....I have heard of that the person coming forward wayyyy after the other has moved on......

Offline Leogirl0808

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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2016, 07:40:30 PM »
I totally agree Bluebelle! I read with psychics about 8 years ago about a different love interest back then, some were right and some were straight up wrong but once I stopped caring, a year later that same love interest wrote me an email and wanted to talk, he begged for me even cried 😳. I had checked out completely but he still tried and contacted me few months after. All of sudden he was ready to give me what I wanted but the hurt, betrayal was all there and I can tell you even though you forgive the pain doesn't ever disappear. My point is the happy ever after reading may have happened but I chose not to take it which changes everything.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2016, 07:54:56 PM »
I totally agree Bluebelle! I read with psychics about 8 years ago about a different love interest back then, some were right and some were straight up wrong but once I stopped caring, a year later that same love interest wrote me an email and wanted to talk, he begged for me even cried 😳. I had checked out completely but he still tried and contacted me few months after. All of sudden he was ready to give me what I wanted but the hurt, betrayal was all there and I can tell you even though you forgive the pain doesn't ever disappear. My point is the happy ever after reading may have happened but I chose not to take it which changes everything.

exactly!  I guess that's the whole "free will" thing at play....

Offline Jjj

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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2016, 08:30:33 PM »
Certain things are pre destined to happen in our lifes. Only god/universe know the right timming of things. There are few psychics that can see the big picture or even see the destined things but as far as timming that can change all the time. Thats where freewill and soul growth comes into play.

That man maybe the one for you, just not now. Its could be 10 or 20 years from now. Energies and emotions change.

Offline Bella

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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2016, 04:01:18 AM »
Sometimes you have to accept when someone's part in your story is over.   I am guessing that is why I call....cause I cannot see it or accept it.  As most of us cannot.

 Hate to admit, but I have called a few regarding the last guy (#4).  They've been wrong for all the other situations, what would make me think they'd be right now?????  Lol. My own fault for picking up the phone. Oh, I haven't called In almost a month....but nothing they all said ever happened, nor will they.
It's hard when things end, more so when you were really feeling it, and "thinking" they did too.  It's our projections. Not seeing thingsfor what they really are.

I say this tonight as I just learned my guy, who I was with for 4 months was and is with someone else....all the while I was being told he was scared of commitment, and I was the only one. He loved ME!!!!  Omg... What a crock of shit.  I just could not accept it...that is why I called.  If a guy wants you, believe me you will know. And if they're with someone else...that means they do NOT want to be with you. At all...well maybe a Booty call, but that's it.  Cause obviously they chose them... Not you.

Ladies and your money.  Yeah, they all pick up on stupid shit...make us believers,  it is all bullshit.  Save your money.   

All the new people here....READ BACK....nothing I mean NOTHING ever happened for anyone. Stop the insanity.  Some stories are Horrifying, honest they are.

We call so we can feel better. At least that is why I called.  To feel better, that I was loved. Or that he wanted me.... Well. You know what? Not so much, as reality shows me he does not.

I have never had any kind of real prediction happen for me.  Oh a contact or two, and one trip. One even was right on insight about a guy. ( he confirmed something she said about him) but nothing more...and that is with years of's the addiction.  Save your money and your sanity.

Even the best of the best readers that people here rave about have been horribly, horribly wrong with out come.  Keep reading back.  You will see. It goes back years.  Please please read.

Offline Bella

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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2016, 04:43:08 AM »
Even the worst reading that I have gotten regarding this situation cannot compare to the reality I have found out tonight.  And omg all the lovey Dovey readings....that I kinda hoped were right... They are all full of shit... All of them....


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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2016, 04:44:25 AM »
Even the worst reading that I have gotten regarding this situation cannot compare to the reality I have found out tonight.  And omg all the lovey Dovey readings....that I kinda hoped were right... They are all full of shit... All of them....

What happened?

Offline Bella

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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2016, 04:48:29 AM »
What happened?  Well nothing they said would happen did.  Ever. Basically he is on to someone else...while all the while it was supposed to be me that he wanted and was too scared...and loved me so.... .really? Save your money. Stop calling.


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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2016, 04:52:36 AM »
So true. If someone wants you, you will know it. If they're not with you, they don't want to be with you or can't for whatever reason. Move on and stop relying on contact dates or numbers or trying so and so reader because they worked for someone on this forum.


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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2016, 04:54:59 AM »
What happened?  Well nothing they said would happen did.  Ever. Basically he is on to someone else...while all the while it was supposed to be me that he wanted and was too scared...and loved me so.... .really? Save your money. Stop calling.

Oh, Bella. I am so sorry. Psychics suck at grasping third parties. If it gives you a peace of mind-Out of the 60+ psychics I read with, only four knew the POI was attached to someone else. One saw her, the other felt her via energy and the other was told via hearing. One knew via tarot cards. O Valley and Lolli from Keen and Jeremiah and Jozette from CP and  They knew within minutes. How did you find out?