Author Topic: The real truth behind Californiapsychics  (Read 32110 times)

Offline cocoapple

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2011, 05:38:01 PM »
How's Michelle for you positive?  Has any of Jacqueline's prediction came true for you???

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #31 on: June 27, 2011, 07:31:44 PM »
 I dont know about Michelle.

"I called Jacqueline, Seha and Alison back because their timelines...."

never spoke to Jac, Seha gave me a two month timeline and she was right, Alison is a good empath but her timing was way off. (to anyone who wants more opinions)

Offline bjr181

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2011, 07:37:04 PM »
What was Seha's prediction right about?  "He would return in 2 months"?  You would be "back together and exclusive" in two months?

Just curious, CSK.

Offline cocoapple

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2011, 07:51:46 PM »
I still have the end of Sunday for Seha's 'updated prediction' to come true.  I called her on the 15th...and she said he'll tell me he loves me 'soon'....say 7-10days....two weeks max.  Well, that 7-10 days is gone...but i'm waiting out on the max part lol.  If i still haven't heard a peep from him....even a text or fb msg....i'm cutting her off my list.  I'm not spending more money no her giving me another two weeks ~

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #34 on: June 27, 2011, 08:58:28 PM »
jacqueline and michelle stated the same thing... but michelle goes in more detail.  she told to pull away and watch how my ex gf will try to contact me and email me... Which she did...  Here is the brief situation.  My ex and I work together.... and she told to stop calling her and email and im and txt unless it is business related.... So i stop.  now she contacting me wanted to talk and wish me a happy bday and told me that she love me.  There are alot of issues to work out. but michelle has given me hope and has pray for me to get better.... If the prediction comes true.. i will let you know.... i know time lines suck but i realized it will happen naturally

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2011, 09:25:01 PM »
I think both Seha and Jacqueline are excellent readers and I've had predictions happen from both.

Jacqueline is the type of reader where I try not to get hung up in her timing and just wait for her predictions to happen. I can also ask her 100 questions about the present and she can usually answer most of them with a great level of accuracy. Some of Jacquelines predictions have shocked me with the level of accuracy.

With Seha, her high level overview of my situation was very accurate and her timing has been pretty good.

Offline cocoapple

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2011, 02:09:00 PM »
PT, I know you are a huge fan of Jacqueline but i'm not convinced about CPs anymore.  Predictions come and go and I find myself hearing 'two weeks' when i call them back. 

You know what sucks too?  Looking back at my spending, here's the scary thing:
I called Alison a couple days after we broke up and she said early June, and i quote 'June 1st is what i'm getting, the first 10 days.'  Well, i called her back in mid-June to tell her NOTHING has happened.  It's not contact she predicted for me, but when he will come around.  I didn't ask for 'when will he call me, text me etc.'.  Then last week on my last CP rampage, i told her that if he's NOT coming back, just tell me.  She STILL insisted June and guess what?  $110 later, it's June 30th today and NOTHING!  All those CPs who told me June....sad to include Arlene from Ellen's crew too.....they were wrong. 

With Seha, I think she told me what she thinks i want to hear.  When i called her back last week after her time frames came and went 4 weeks too late i asked her again.  She said 'Has he told you he loves you?' And i said no....never even mention it.  She said 'well he's going to and i get that it's soon so i say 7-10 days....well let's say two weeks'.  With Jacqueline it's the same thing so you can't blame me for being frustrated.  I actually want a CP to tell me 'no, he's not coming back!!! Move on!'. 

I've read everyone's post on this forum, asks other's for their opinion on readers and i thought i did all the homework but seriously, if he hasn't text or call you in weeks......i highly doubt he's going to magically show up one day with a phone call and say he loves me, or as Jacqueline say 'he will fix this and make it better' or London's 'Everything is gonna be ok'.  I have Maryanne and Julia's timeframes coming up and the recent ones i read with including Eden, Marceea, Uli, and Sherie gives me stuff like before Fall, August...mostly August times but i'm not clinging to that.  Even though Uli is good, she may just be good at past and present. 

No more CPs for me.  The only reason i'm not closing the account yet is because by Fall if something DOES happen, then i would want the option to leave testimonials to those who deserves it.  For now, i'm so repelled and turned off by CP that even the thought of calling them makes me sick.  Cuz i know either they will say 'another two weeks' or August or Before Fall. 

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2011, 03:29:05 PM »
cocoapple - I can 100% relate to how you are feeling. I was told I'd be in a committed relationship by April by a million CP's. The fact that timing has and will continue to change has been my hardest lesson to learn with my CP experience. I've also found the more I focus on myself and get on with my life, things seem to happen faster.

I think it is good that you are mad and frustrated. That happened to me as well and I stopped calling and now I only call 2 CP's who had correct predictions for me and I force myself to not call a lot. Like you, I was calling all around and realized I was hearing the same thing over and over with different timelines. So don't call until you do hear from him. You will - if everyone sees him contacting you, it will happen. And once it does and you get some clarity you can take out your notes and decide who was actually accurate for you. Calling them and asking the same questions without any change is a waste of your time and $$. I've been there.

I owe my CP change to Libra. So Libra - if you're still out there - thank you! xxoo

All the best

Offline tippyrose1

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2011, 04:50:52 PM »
Hi coco & pt2,

Coco, I'm sorry you haven't heard yet...and I completely can identify with your frustration and the almost sicklike feeling you get when you think of calling another cp reader...seriously...and I think of this often since I joined this forum....not a whole lot of predictions have manifested for anyone on here...makes me very sad and almost taken advantage of....especially since we do tend to develop friendships with the readers....I sometimes wonder if its just a very well played game...and then I think no....because look at some of the tetimonials for these psychics...Alisons recent testimonials for example....right on the money with some people...down to the dates!!! Why can't that be us? pt2 said...try to go on with your life, listen to your gut...your own intuitive voice...and you know the minute you stop worrying is when it will happen...hang tight coco.  PT2...if I may ask...who are your two favorite readers?  You guys take, tippy xo

Offline cocoapple

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #39 on: June 30, 2011, 05:27:35 PM »
Tippy:  I know.  I read that testi. on Alison's page too and that NEVER happens with me.  But you know what?  After all that CP experience, I NEVER trust those testi. on the CP site.  I only pay attention to testi. who left their names and look through their list and see if they posted another testi. in another time.  Kinda see if i can gauge a timeline of events.  It really does suck because i have spoken to Summer on several occasions and they were long calls too because it's like talking to a friend.  I didn't call her back of course, after she was one month over her timeframe. 

PT:  I hope your posting is my catalyst for change, just as Libra did for you.  Paying if forward :)  I'm not even interested in calling them anymore.  I would be much happier keeping my monies where it belongs, ON me lol....and paying off all those money i spent on these readings.  -_-"  thank you for your words of encouragement guys!

I hope this gives new psyhic junkies on this forum an eye opener.  I don't want them to get to where we are after countless of monies have spent already.  For that, i'm greatful that this forum exist~

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2011, 06:07:03 PM »
My 2 favorites are Jacqueline (as everyone knows) and William. I've tried everyone. Allison I LOVED for a long time but none of her stuff happened when she said it would. I'm at the point where I don't call anyone else. I liked Amy on PS but I can't deal with their phone system. But Amy has been very accurate for me as well. With Jacqueline, a lot of her predictions happen and the details are usually right on so I look past the timing issues. I've had some luck with William's timing and his details are pretty good too. I have found with both, the longer you read with them the better they get. Like a hairdresser - they get to know you and the energy. I swear when Jacqueline is "on" , she can tell me what SM had for breakfast. I also think they get more info after there has been a change - like a phone call, or email, whatever.

So I've found it is worth the $$ and energy to find who you really connect with and stick with them. And then most importantly - LISTEN TO THEIR ADVISE. And no, they don't tell me what I want to hear. William especially has told me some stuff that was very hard to hear. Jacqueline has too but she has such a loving  "sunshine" personality that it doesn't hit you until you're off the phone with her. lol. Narrowing it down to 2 readers has also helped me save $$. If you think about it, it makes sense. We're not friends with everyone we meet because we simply don't connect well. I think it is the same with a psychic connection.

One person I forgot is Casey. I read with her once and LOVED LOVED LOVED her and one of her predictions happened on the exact day. I have another prediction coming up so I'll let you know. But she is impossible to get in with. Talking with her was like getting a reading from another dimension or something. It was cool.

ugh - all of this SUCKS!!

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #41 on: July 01, 2011, 01:17:13 AM »
"I only pay attention to testi. who left their names and look through their list and see if they posted another testi. in another time"

The few credible positive feedback posts that i have made, have been anonymous. usually you can tell when the company "fakes" a testimonial. its something like..."i cant believe it, everything you said came true!! when i lost faith and didnt think it would happen you were right!! exactly the time and date and everything wow!!"

thats how you know lol....even though most of us are very serious about our situations and the money we spend on there, use your best judgement for testimonials. I think the NUMBER of testimonials also matters.

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2011, 03:18:16 PM »
do you think california psychic write their own feedback...  the customer service reps?

Offline Libra

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #43 on: July 01, 2011, 05:11:52 PM »
You are welcome PT, I wish you enlightenment on your spiritual path. 

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: The real truth behind Californiapsychics
« Reply #44 on: August 09, 2011, 01:57:01 AM »
I dont know about Michelle.

"I called Jacqueline, Seha and Alison back because their timelines...."

never spoke to Jac, Seha gave me a two month timeline and she was right, Alison is a good empath but her timing was way off. (to anyone who wants more opinions)

Just wanted to note that back in December Alison had some incredibly accurate contact timelines for me.

I talked to her on 12/3 and she said that he would contact me 12/18-20. He called me on 12/19 and asked me to bring him something and I spent a couple of hrs at his place - first time I had been there in 6 months! (he had also called me the weekend before on help with something else but I felt being in his place was more thrilling :)  )

At that time she felt that by June 2011 we'd be back in a r/s if I wanted, but so much happened in his life starting in January I think that has just skewed everything.

On Jan 6 I called her again. He had unexpectedly called me Jan 1 and we spent 24 hrs together. It showed me he still loved and cared for me, but the next morning he gently pushed me away again. She did say we'd have contact the following weekend and we did, via fb and I called him the next week to leave him a vm as he sounded really down about something. He picked up and we actually talked for over 30 mins. She still felt a r/s in June.

She NEVER picked up on the fact he was seeing someone else.

Feb 24 I'd say she picked up his current state of mind pretty well but no real timelines. Didn't like the reading much at all, I felt she pumped me too much.

June 4 I called her again. I had seen him in early May for the first time since NYD. He had ended that other r/s as well. She felt we'd be connecting more in June/July.... kind of have but from nothing to a little, I guess that can be more..... Said he had been confused from Dec and Mar/April were difficult with him and that was all true once I found out about the r/s he tried. The one thing she really impressed me with, she kept asking what happened in August 2009. She even gave me the exact date but I don't know if I can confirm it. Aug 2009 was when his cousin introduced him to a girl via fb, this girl was supposedly getting divorced (she is still married 2 yrs later but still "in love" with him and still hangs around). They went out for dinner a couple of times and she's made his sister her special charity case. Alison said this time she feels July/Aug we'd be moving forward. Call me nuts but he called me last week about an upgrade and then dropped something off to me Friday night.

I called her again Aug 1 and she said again we'd be working our way back in August and should be back in a r/s in December.

So for me a lot of her contact timelines and some past/present has been very accurate.