Author Topic: New girl in town  (Read 3113 times)

Offline HopefulHeart

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New girl in town
« on: August 23, 2016, 12:42:43 AM »
Hi all!

So I'm new around here. But I've been a long time lurker. I honestly wish I had found this site LOOOONG ago.

Call me Heart. I'm a 27 year old female with a serious psychic problem.... also I've got terrible luck

After a breakup sent me positively spiraling I started talking to psychics. (Actually, if I'm honest, I started talking to them before the breakup. Things had been up and down and all I wanted was some answers). Now here I am, with a story much like many others. Ive spent an embarrassing amount of money on psychics.

It all started with a great guy, honestly a guy I am still in love with. We'd met through mutual friends, and after a few years of just being acquaintances, he started pursuing me. Boy did I give him a chase!!! At that time, I'd been single almost 6 years, so opening up and dating was terrifying. But once I gave him a chance it was like a movie romance. I know I know... you hear it all the time. But really, everything about us just worked. Even our imperfections. We had many discussions going into things. We'd both been single for a while, both knew we had faults, and also knew we could end up messing things up. But we didn't want to let that get in our way; we felt a fire and we wanted to see where things could go. We wanted a future together. We worked on so many levels,we just clicked. There was an amazing chemistry and passion. We have so much in common. His friends practically adopted me into their group. Honestly its in them that I truly found my tribe. Everything about us and then some just made sense... (heck even during the breakup he struggled with it... saying that we did make a lot of sense and on paper I was everything he'd been looking for.. but that something was just "missing")

Things were great... then not so great. And we fought to keep things going, we tried our darndest. But things ended in December after over a year of being together. Over time he had gotten distant and started being very in and out.. then i got insecure. Which made me worry about what wasnt happening and what should have been happening more than I was enjoying what was happening. He never said it, but looking back on things (as I've had lots of time to look back) I realized that some of the way I reacted wasnt the best.. my worrying certainly didnt help. And I fear that many times I probably made him feel like he couldnt make me happy so he gave up (in all reality he made me the happiest. Even in our tough times I was so glad to have him in my life.). We have remained friends and have been in contact. We've even hung out a few times. But lately he has been more quiet (up until last week itd been almost 2 months since we'd last spoken!)

Anyway... it was throughout our turmoil and afterwards that I was talking to psychics...

some have been right, some not so right, and some downright WRONG.

Ive even used many posts on this board to find better psychics than the ones I had been talking to. I hope to one day get a list going of some of the ones I have talked to. BUt.. that might take a while.

Overall i am ashamed of how much I've spent and how I started letting others essentially dictate my life. But... I admit too I suffer from depression and sometimes that can just really get the best of you. Im hoping maybe having a new support group (quiet though it may be in here) will sort of help things.

Well... thats about it for my intro for now. Hope to meet some new great people and contribute to this site! :)

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Re: New girl in town
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2016, 01:10:23 AM »
Welcome Hopeful Heart  :)

Very bold and courageous putting it all out there. Thank you for sharing your story 💚🌟💚