Some said it would be good if I reached out, one said it would create a hiccup and one said to not do it at all. I actually took Judi's suggestion to reach out. She said he needs to know I'm still there, as a friend and I wasn't going anywhere because of his trust issues with women. Most say that we will be back in relationship mode early October and it will grow for the remainder of the year and then be in full fledge relationship in 2017. Honestly, I've let him go 90%. I really can't obsess anymore. It was driving me crazy and draining my bank account. I honestly feel that calling so much and obsessing delays the outcome. When i started readings 3 years ago because of my ex, I only called maybe 10 times over the 9 months he was gone. All said he would be back but never gave time frames except a few who said Spring of 2013 of which he did come back in March 2013. I actually was seeing someone else during that time but he was reallyl a play toy and filler if you know what I mean. I did somewhat obsess of that guy but I didn't call psychics all the time. I've read that calling too much does something to the energy and keeps them away? I don't know if that's true, but the last guy I called about never came back, even though they all said he would and now this guy. If you think about it, it's really crazy to be calling so much about a damn man. If they want us, they'll come for us. If they don't, it's their loss. That's kind of where I'm at. F**k him if he doesn't see how awesome I am

But this guy does have some damage to deal with because his ex was a freaking nightmare and is actually in jail for domestic abuse . So, I'm letting him go. If he comes back, great. If not, someone else will come. I did speak to Mystical Moonshadows and she said theres another man coming very soon, like this weekend. Someone that either is from my past that I didn't get into a relationship with or has wanted a relationship with me but I wasnt' available. I can't imagine for the life of me, who that would be. She also said my current POI starts to change October 2-9 and by the end of October I'll be having to choose between the two of them. LOL I don't know about that. After being alone for almost 2 years, of course I'll have TWO guys to choose from. I find that hysterical. I'll be taking all of this with a grain of salt. I will update if any of this comes to fruition!!