Author Topic: Keen Psychics: Faery Lady (nancy); Deborahmills; ask Dr. Donna; Ellen hartwell  (Read 7901 times)

Offline PC

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Hi all,
I am brand new to this website and I am so happy I found it. I have been talking to the psychics above and wonder if any of you could share any experiences you have had or are having with these psychics.

1. Are they accurate ?
2. Have you had any of their predictions come to pass?
3. How are they with time frames?

I am just wondering what you may think of them. Any help would be so appreciated. I am also open to seeing who your favorite psychics are in terms of accuracy/predictions coming to pass & honesty

Offline PC

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Thank you Jordie & Sunandmoon for your replies. I will look for the Ellen Hartwell thread

Offline Itsmylife

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Hi all i am new to keen as well. But i have wasted thousands of $ on kasamba  so here i made sure to be careful. I have read with Faery lady. I didn't enjoy my readings. First she was a bit accurate to pinpoint tinniest of insignificant predictions but thereafter, that also stopped. I didn't read with Faery lady like crazy or like people write in the reviews "she's my good night sleep treatment" or gives me HOPE. If you see mostly good reviews are about FEELING GOOOD. I rated her when i thought her predictions happened initially but again very very insignificant. Her accuracy rate for me was about 2-5%. All in all ALL DEAD WRONG
- changed pregnancy timeline
- said boss will reappoint me he didn't
- pointed a few timelines for job WHICH NEVET PANNED.
She is busy because she is available when most readers aren't, fills people with false hope and feed psychic addicts the daily dosage. I would not recommend Faery lady from Keen.

Offline Itsmylife

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I also read with Ellen Hartwell. Predictions pending. She is cheap on her own website. She gives free minutes in a way that the call doesn't drop. She lets you finish. As for predictions all are pending....

Offline FaithnTrust

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I am more psychic than these 4! Save your money and time.

Offline Zenia

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I am more psychic than these 4! Save your money and time.
lol yes they are ALL horrible.
yeah...According to DM i should marry "next summer"...but that is 9 years ago:)uoppsss...