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Etsy Readers?
No luck with 99% of folks on there. Devyn above - read with her a few times thru the past few years, unfortunately - or fortunately, nothing came true.
I just had a reading with Tarotlondon. I wasn't happy with the reading, she wanted a lot of information and just repeated back what I told her. I saw the responses to other people and it almost seemed the same. She is too negative and adds her own experiences, which makes me think she is biased.
I have to add that I recently came across a reading I had had with Irish Psychic Family from like 2.5 years ago. I read it because I was cleaning out my email junk. Anyway, they were so spot on about my most recent job. This is exactly what they wrote to me:
"I see your job is going to be hard work job, so a sense of lots of responsibilities, it not being an easy workplace. But I see it being good for you for the time being, I don't see you being there ongoing for a long-term, but this being a good place for you to be right now I see you unshackling the ties in the future and going elsewhere because of the energy of you being unhappy in the future but I sense that this job is safe, secure and so it's a really good place for you to be right now but I do not see you being treated very well here in the future and you won't be wanting to put up with that so I see you leaving at some point my dear and not wanting to say there but your do very well in terms of your work."
Okay, this is EXACTLY what happened to me at that job! And I left after just over 2 years there because I couldn't stand my manager any longer. This reading was done right as I started this job btw.
Then I also asked about a connection I had with a POI at that time and why it even occurred and what was the point of it because I was so frustrated with how it was going and here is what they said to that:
"Tuning into ____ and yourself if you were to be romantically linked, I feel this wouldn't be a good love match for you, because I feel that you wouldn't get enough respect from him, there's just not enough respect their from him to you and this will mean that there would be an erosion and problems and issues in conflicts so this would be a really bad love match for you my darling. I feel that because it's such a loose connection, that it was a connection spirit sent in for you to keep you strong over the pandemic is the main energy I'm picking up on, and also just to make you stronger in love connections to know that not everything moves forward , not everything is for your higher good, and that if something isn't moving forward easily there's usually a reason for that, when we meet the right person, things flow very easily, you don't have a lot of these blocks and these issues and even a pandemic wouldn't be able to stop the flow for example, so learning to recognise that, so you can navigate future connections is why this connection was brought to you."
Now I can validate this is EXACTLY how I've ended up thinking/feeling about that connection as well, especially after some time had passed. I do think it was just to help me pass the time during the pandemic. I really don't like doing readings on Etsy and probably won't but if I were to again I'd definitely go back to this place. I can verify these things 100%! And I don't remember how much this cost but it wasn't a lot.
Be weary of readers using Chatgpt.
--- Quote from: Chitowngirl on August 29, 2023, 09:05:07 PM ---I have to add that I recently came across a reading I had had with Irish Psychic Family from like 2.5 years ago. I read it because I was cleaning out my email junk. Anyway, they were so spot on about my most recent job. This is exactly what they wrote to me:
"I see your job is going to be hard work job, so a sense of lots of responsibilities, it not being an easy workplace. But I see it being good for you for the time being, I don't see you being there ongoing for a long-term, but this being a good place for you to be right now I see you unshackling the ties in the future and going elsewhere because of the energy of you being unhappy in the future but I sense that this job is safe, secure and so it's a really good place for you to be right now but I do not see you being treated very well here in the future and you won't be wanting to put up with that so I see you leaving at some point my dear and not wanting to say there but your do very well in terms of your work."
Okay, this is EXACTLY what happened to me at that job! And I left after just over 2 years there because I couldn't stand my manager any longer. This reading was done right as I started this job btw.
Then I also asked about a connection I had with a POI at that time and why it even occurred and what was the point of it because I was so frustrated with how it was going and here is what they said to that:
"Tuning into ____ and yourself if you were to be romantically linked, I feel this wouldn't be a good love match for you, because I feel that you wouldn't get enough respect from him, there's just not enough respect their from him to you and this will mean that there would be an erosion and problems and issues in conflicts so this would be a really bad love match for you my darling. I feel that because it's such a loose connection, that it was a connection spirit sent in for you to keep you strong over the pandemic is the main energy I'm picking up on, and also just to make you stronger in love connections to know that not everything moves forward , not everything is for your higher good, and that if something isn't moving forward easily there's usually a reason for that, when we meet the right person, things flow very easily, you don't have a lot of these blocks and these issues and even a pandemic wouldn't be able to stop the flow for example, so learning to recognise that, so you can navigate future connections is why this connection was brought to you."
Now I can validate this is EXACTLY how I've ended up thinking/feeling about that connection as well, especially after some time had passed. I do think it was just to help me pass the time during the pandemic. I really don't like doing readings on Etsy and probably won't but if I were to again I'd definitely go back to this place. I can verify these things 100%! And I don't remember how much this cost but it wasn't a lot.
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They are not bad but I have had predictions that did not come to pass from him and that others that have come true
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