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Etsy Readers?

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Hey guys! I’ve had a handful of readings off Etsy and most of them have not been good - oracle indigo is okay.

I can go through my list and post what they’ve sent

Sugarsky - That'd be interesting + insightful.

Sure! No problem. I don't mind sharing. I don't get readings anymore but I got a TON over the past three years I would say. Two different POIs. Current POI is always just a simple question - will we reconcile? And no, we have not reconciled. I'm not all crazy in my head about it anymore, but I actually do intuitively feel that we will likely reconcile at some point in 2021.

So Sageandsalttarot was one I tried to purchase from - back in October, actually, and she never sent me anything. It was cheap so no big loss, but do not buy from her. A shame, because she's noted to be good and I would have been curious to see what she said.


I also got one from 1111WitchyBabe -

Question: Will reconciliation happen with [POI]?

8 of Swords, 3 of Staffs, Knight of Cups Reversed, Summer, Grief

Right now I don’t see a reconciliation being possible between you two, but it is something that can happen in the future- Summer being a possible timeline. Any reconnection prior to a decent period apart is likely to be short lived. There could be late night messages and “I miss you”, but the consistency won’t be there.
no late night messages here


Queen of Cups, The Star Reversed, 7 of Swords Reversed, Mask, Fear

Right now there is a lot of healing that needs to happen for both of you. The masks need to be put down, and the fear needs to be faced. Self deception is a big theme here, hiding yourself from yourself will only create blockages in all areas of your life. You’re being called to the underworld, to the shadows and darkness, to see those parts of you you’re trying to hide and let them speak. Life isn’t about running from the parts we fear about ourselves, but facing them and integrating all the aspects of ourselves. That is healing. That’s your focus.
did not resonate with me at all. Healing is a general word/definition/theme with all relationships butI am a positive person and I am not running from anything, nor do I feel like i'm being called to any dark place... this is just life.


I got one from thepsychic lady:

Hi dear! Thank you for allowing me to help you!
I feel yes. I feel that there will be a little bit if wait for this not getting a soon feeling however it does feel like within the next month. I do feel he does feel a connection with you but feeling a lack of confidence to do anything about it on his end. I do feel he may appear confident but isnt so he may appear as wearing a mask. This means he may seem disinterested but he isnt he is shy with feelings. I do feel he will stay in touch. I feel you may have to push the efforts here because of his lack of confidence and fear towards you.
none of this happened


Oracle Indigo - dang I've been looking for her reading in my email everywhere but I will tell you it was much like the two above and very vague.. she was negative. Said me and POI were not likely to reconcile. If I find it i will update and post the full reading here


This one is from Penelopetarot



1. Overall relationship 3 card spread: a snapshot of what went wrong

This looks at your relationship and
the energy around the issues that led to where you stand now. The Strength card in the center indicates a power struggle. Dominance. You are represented as the Queen of WANDS, fire energy, passion and desire. A bold personality full of drive. The strength card indicates sexuality and sensuality and passion but in reverse its about dominance and control. The 7 of swords is rhe energy of cheating and deception. If your partner cheated on you with another then its possible to see this combination but it feels more like your person sneaking out of a situation that he felt was not in his control. no this did not resonate

2. your current position-where you stand within yourself
Ironically this is the card of someone in control and driving a situation but in reverse it indicates a lack of direction or control. This is putting the cart before the horse. It calls for you to take charge of the direction you wish to head in. okay..neither here nor there to me. I am not someone who spirals

3. your ex-partner's or partner's current position.
This is the energy of partnerships. Soulmates. Friendships. Harmony and healing. It states that hes in a period of receptivity to healing and meeting up. The lion pictured in the card with the cadeucious which is the sign of healing further indicates a desire to mend the hurt and meet up. general

4. Positive actions that should be taken by you.
Yes there was betrayal and hurt but with this card in reverse it calls for you to put aside those hurts and heal. In order to move forward you have to release the pain of the past. The card shows a picture of a person lying on the ground with 10 swords in their back. In reverse its pulling those swords out and allowing for healing to happen. there was no betrayal in my relationship

5. Negative actions that should not be taken by you.
Don't be afraid to start fresh on new ground. Take that leap of faith. At the same time this also cautions to look before you leap. Yes its ok to be impulsive and free but not ok to be stupid. Im also getting the message that yout partner does not want you to go. In a sense he is keeping you in place. Does that make sense? Dont start over without me. Thats what I heard. I.. don't know?

6. Other influences that may affect the situation for good or bad.
Fear run amok can keep you up at night and if you allow it can manifest into your reality. The thoughts and fears you carry in your mind about this and the ones that others feed you about this can seriously upset you to the point of affecting your reality. Try to relax and let only positive thoughts into your mind about this.

7. Why it really ended for them
This was a head over heart decision. The lovers is soulmate energy and also a choice between two lovers. It indicates that the practical choice was made. this i can see in his mind.. "I love you but we won't work".. men can be so dramatic LOL.. I never thought he lost feeling or anything of that nature. He's stubborn and thought our lifestyles were too different

8. Something they may be hiding from you
The 9 of cups upright is greedy and selfish behavior of satisfying ones own needs and standing alone within that energy. In reverse its a feeling of guilt over this indulgence. They feel guilty. They may also have a drinking problem! okay.. so.. he drinks a little more than I would like but again.. this is a literal card meaning.. so.. idk if that's something she picked up or is just relaying because of the tarot meaning

9. Is there another man or woman in their lives?
No. The hermit is quite possibly the most alone card in the deck! This separation was about soul searching. true, he has no other woman to this day. we broke up 4 months ago

10. Overall view and/or recommendation.
Its time to rebuild from the ground up. For this relationship to work you must tear it down and build it up from the bottom. Ita clarified with the Sun indication a new day begins, one filled with light and happiness. general response

So she didn't say anything one way or another about whether or not we would reunite but, you know.

I feel like i have more in my email somewhere. I will have to search and update if I find anymore.

Interesting. Seems like you didn't have the Wow factor with most of them.

I did have a love reading with Oracle Indigo 1.5 years ago and she mentioned " a water sign person’s interest in you/message from them" didn't happen.

psychic Devyn . omg . worst ever . nothing she saud resonated not sure where she get the reviews from . dead wrong about my career as it had nothing to do with my field of study   . love readung made no sense either . totally fake .


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