Author Topic: Who is your favorite on CP right now?  (Read 6628 times)

Offline Cr1992

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Who is your favorite on CP right now?
« on: November 23, 2023, 05:55:26 PM »
Just figured I’d start a fresh thread to ask who you think is great on CP right now? Who are your favorites? I can’t advise until it gets to be time that my predictions are expected to pass, but would love to know who’s worked great for you in terms of prediction accuracy.

I’d especially be interested in your favorites for general readings.

Thanks in advance!

Offline KawalaKutie

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Re: Who is your favorite on CP right now?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2023, 02:17:58 AM »
Hello, there are many I would like to pick. Do you have a budget you would like to stay in or if it doesn't matter?

Personally, out of everyone I have read with on CP, there are very few who would be willing to do a general reading. I will list the ones I like below and who have worked for me, with little to no information.

Uli - She is expensive but she does wonders with general reading for me. However, if you have any specific questions or a POI you want to check into she will also ask just to be sure. She picked up a few things around me that were accurate and that I could validate at the moment.

Mattie - She can do general readings, however, I think she has been preferring more question-based. (Might want to check on this one)

Luna - She is also great for me. She was able to also be the same as Uli in my opinion. With little to no information and only asking if what she says makes sense/if there are any connections so far.

William/Jeriamah - Both are pretty similar in their reading approach in my opinion. They will however pause in between and ask if what they saying makes sense or if you have any questions about what they saying/want to know.

Luciana - She is also able to a general reading. Someone on her reviews mentioned her cold readings blew their minds. Personally, I never tried her for general as I brought in more specific questions.

Kavita - She can do general, but I think she also prefers more question-based. But the last two times I read with her, she will automatically bring up work/finances without my prompting to do so.

Uma - She is similar to Uli, being able to pinpoint something in the context/a few egos of a certain situation and I could validate.

These are the ones that I remember as of recently, however, if I remember any more I will come back to edit/post.

Offline LearningTrust

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Re: Who is your favorite on CP right now?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2024, 10:26:43 PM »
I really like Eldon. I do chat readings with him. He is no fluff and gives good detail. My relationship played the way he said it would.

Offline sleepyeyes

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Re: Who is your favorite on CP right now?
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2024, 04:33:39 AM »
Luna and Effie have had a good amount of hits for me in terms of reading situations and predictions happening although timing is always off with Luna (I never hang onto her timelines) and Effie’s timing is either on point or months late (for me at least).

I just recently tried Mattie and she was spot on without any prompting from me. Predictions still pending.

Callie is my favorite empath. I don’t talk to her often as I’ve noticed if you read with her too soon after your last reading you just don’t get as much information. She only works best for me as a “present moment” reader.

Offline mliva34

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Re: Who is your favorite on CP right now?
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2024, 07:31:20 PM »
I've read with a lot over the 5 years and as much as people say the readers on here are fake.. they have good days and bad days and can't get every detail and timeline is a hit or miss for any of them..

Sometimes energies gets mixed up so just be aware on that regardless who you're reading with.. but the ones who have predicted big things for me are


