Author Topic: Safe Haven  (Read 2490 times)


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Safe Haven
« on: August 08, 2016, 01:59:58 AM »
This forum was created for people who read with psychics to express themselves their journey and their personal reviews freely without being crucified by others. Everyone has their own experience and connections with psychics.if one person does not work for you that is fine and if one person works for you that is fine as well.It has been years since this forum has been active and now that it is,we should all have respect for one another and try to keep things confidential.If your main purpose is to sneaky or use people's stories or vulnerabilities against them, or if you get really sensitive because your worship a certain psychic and people don't connect with them  and state it then DO NOT JOIN! There will be days that we may disagree and argue but at the end of day remember that there is an ignore button and that we are all here to help one another and accomplish the main goal HAPPINESS. For some happiness is getting back with an ex, finding a job, finishing school, reuniting  or amending broken relationships ,etc. It's really alarming that a website that was created as an outlet people now feel wary to post and it should not be that way.

Everyone's review is greatly appreciated either saying the reader did not work or did work.Overall, we all have a mind of our own you can decided which readers you want to read with.Like many have said trust your own judgement you know your own situation the best.Psychics are not God, Allah, Buddah,gods, or Universe.

From now on I will state in a readers thread that I have read with them and anyone who want's info can pm me.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 02:02:41 AM by allibai3 »