I just did. I don't know if she was really amazing or if I just got scammed. She basically said my guy was pulling back emotionally and reassessing the situation and felt it was outside disturbances. Then said my goad will be accomplished and i'm great value to him. Then told me to have a 5 of pentacles talk with him and explained what that was. When I told her why we were distant, his ex is a lunatic and I spoke truth to him, it became a whole lesson on how to deal with the situation. Basically in a nutshell, I need to reel him back in, have friends with benefits, then in a month when his psycho ex gets out of jail, to stop FWB, let this other woman that is pursuing him jump in a screw him while his ex creates drama and the 2 of them will battle it out while I sit on the sidelines and be no drama and a supportive friend. This will go on a for a few months and in March, I will be the STAR and will be in a relationship with him. I asked her if he has slept with this other woman who he told me he had no physical attraction to, and she said he did Wednesday night which I find odd because she was commenting on his facebook posts.
First off, I don't think this is a healthy situation to get into. I agree it's a good thing to talk to him and get things straightened out and back on track but as for being FWB, then supporting him as he deals with the ex and this other woman he's going to sleep with, then taking him back? WHY would I do that? Plus, if he does take the nightmare ex back, which I really don't think he will, he will lose his kids and she'll still be a nightmare. I know that in my gut that he won't take her back.
Does this sound normal to you? I'm confused as hell because every reader I've spoken to says he's done with the ex, that he just feels bad and doesn't want her to commit suicide (duh). Plus this other lady that's hovering around him, they all say it's just friends and he has no attraction to her plus he's letting her go and keeping her at arms length. Every reader says he'll be contacting me soon. She says he won't.
I have never been so confused. I don't know what to do now.