Author Topic: CP- I was there!  (Read 36926 times)

Offline scorpiogirl

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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2011, 09:49:31 AM »
EXACTLY cj487, we could make a fortune

If you think of how many people say Natalie spoke to. Let's say 100 in a week. She tells everybody he'll come back in 2-3 weeks. He loves you blah blahblah. Out of those 100, SOME have to be right. There's your positive review.
The ones who don't have their prediction come true will blame themselves or "free will". That's too mch of an easy out.

Seriously, you're right cocoapple, you deserve a million times better. Somebody who chose you. Not somebody who made you wait for year while he figured his things out and had you waiting there. There's a man out there who will treat you the way you should be treated.

We give them too much credit, make too many excuses for them (sometimes a douche bag is just a douchebag) and put ourselves last. If you won't put yourself first, how can you expect someone else to make you a priority?

Please look at the site I mentioned above. She talks a lot of sense!


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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2011, 03:11:04 PM »
cocoapple - I have a ton of jacqueline experience and her timing can be off but if she sees something it usually happens - not always - but from a high level she has been very accurate for me. I've also called her to ask why something didn't happen, she explains, and then it all generally comes together. Timing with SM relationships is very very hard to pinpoint (which SUCKS). I also generally follow Jacqueline's advise even when it kills me.

Just wanted to add my 2 cents.


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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2011, 03:22:18 PM »
sammie - I never know what to do when I call - to say, I haven't heard from him, or just say nothing. Next reading with jacqueline I'm going to try what you said. I've tried both ways with her - I have said nothing to her and just her read me, and I've asked 1000000 questions and I don't know which way is more accurate. That's something I should keep notes on. lol

Also - something to keep in mind everyone, a psychic once told me even the very best psychics in the industry are around 80% accurate.....................

When I'm told he is calling on Thursday, I take it with a big grain of salt but also knowing he will call......................then if the call comes Thursday (which it sometimes does), I'm thrilled.

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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2011, 03:32:09 PM »
from my experience...if I listened to psy ab my 1st sm I wouldve moved to FL by now...I left him alone...I couldnt wait on him for *taking so long* and I moved on to 2nd honestly I think 1st sm wasnt really a sm...I think 2nd sm is! (which is another isse I have with psy..they tell you these past life relationships and karmic relationships are ure smate when thats not true!)

Anyways a year later...guess whose predictions are finally coming to pass???? with that note I realize maybe people do have to move on completely let it go and date and when the guy comes back...then decide what to do... :o Im jst glad I was waiting around a year for it becase then I wouldve been pissed and bitter and miserable!

It feels so much better its happening now that I could care less lol

So maybe thats what will happen with my 2nd (real sm) too...who knows...but waiting isnt fun Im Im not doing it...

On that note I think things do happen just late as hell! :o

Also I think when you leave the man alone thats when he comes to his senses...and that may take a while...if you keep running back everytime @ his beck and call it delays things or makes them not happen...So I do think our free will can shape our I do think that whole "they used their freewill crap is just bs...and I also dont agree with the whole sm pred are hard to also..."

I think the more demons or isses a person has makes timelines unpredictable bc they have to live and learn things on their own..and most of the time theyre not learning anything with you hanging around and spoiling have to kind of give them their big boy pants and send them on their way for them to become a man.

Offline cocoapple

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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2011, 04:37:34 PM »
+'ve thoughts, I don't know anymore.  It seems like Jacqueline is good at the little stuff but for the outcome i'm not seeing it.  Seems too good to be true anyways.  I called her last Saturday, two days after the break up and this is what she said:

He will try to contact me on Sunday and it's more of an excuse for him.  In 5-7 days he will try to fix this and make it better.
(i got that fb msg on Monday)

Then on Tuesday, i called her again and she said:

Before and by the end of Thursday I will hear from him, a text msg follow by a call.  We will have a talk by the end of Sunday perhaps on the phone and he will pour his heart out about his stress, feelings etc.

SO +'vethoughts, you had anything similiar along these lines?  It's all too good to be true and as soon as i got her on the line and said 'my bf broke up with me on Thursday' that's what she spilled out.  I feel like she's on the line and say what we want to hear and that's it.  That's her job.  I used to work in a call centre and that's how i'm imaginning these psychics now....on the us pretty pictures...-_-

What stuff has Jacqueline gotten right for you?  How's the outcome?


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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2011, 04:48:26 PM »
On contact for me she is usually about 1 to 2 weeks off but it usually happens within a month. Sometimes she is right on the money, but her predictions always pan out for me!!

Offline kiki155

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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2011, 04:49:13 PM »
I personally feel like a lot of the psychics are like that -- just like customer service reps at an 800 number trying to calm us down about a broken coffeemaker.

However, I also believe there are some genuine psychics on there who will not bullshit you. I truly believe Jacqueline is one of them. I think her timing sucks, though.


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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2011, 05:00:49 PM »
I agree she is genuine, and her timing does suck sometimes especially when you are wanting something to happen right then and their.

Offline cocoapple

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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2011, 05:14:19 PM »
I don't know anymore.  I feel that the longer it takes the more we forget about the SO no?  Has she ever been dead wrong for you guys?  But then the 'outcome' of getting back together isn't there right?

Offline cj

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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2011, 05:32:07 PM »
Im sorry but Jac tells EVERYONE the same thing..they will get back tog with their sm...not one person has ever said she told them no about their SOULMATE...not a random guy or someone theyre she tells EVERYONE YES about who their heart desires...

I dont care about how many small predictions she gets right...everyone in the world is not getting back with their soulmates lol

Offline cocoapple

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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2011, 05:39:16 PM »
Maybe that's their tactics.  Yes maybe they are real but they are human and bills needs to be paid.  So they tell you the little stuff to get you hooked and keep telling you that they are coming back only to have you call in again and again.  It's a business ploy probably.  They may SOUND nice and ethical but heck they are on the phones!  You can't really tell if they are truly 100% genuine unless you SEE them and SEE their reactions and facial expressions.  I just don't know anymore.  Some say Jacqueline is great and some say she tells that to everyone.  I want my monies back! :(


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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2011, 05:40:07 PM »
kiki - LOL

coco - she has been right on a million things for me but the timing is usually off. She told me SM was going to tell me everything that was going on with him and I think that was almost a month late. Other times she said - he'll contact you Wednesday and he does. I can't say on the final outcome yet either. I'm past where you are (thank goodness - I'm so sorry - I know how much it hurts) but we aren't back in a relationship. My situation has trickled along at a turtle pace but it has moved forward and she has been right for me. If you told me in December that I would be where I am now (which isn't far along but a tiny bit better), I probably wouldn't have believed you. I'm also a realist and know SM could choose to delay things again but my situation is different from yours, and all of our situations are different so don't go by me. My dude is "unique".

I don't want to give you false hope because I'm not psychic but all I can say is that she has been good for me. My measure is that when they get small details right - they are connecting to your situation (work, friends, whatever). She has gotten some very big predictions right for me and for that, I will always be grateful no matter what happens with SM.

big hugs coco - you are at the coffee machine is broken stage (kiki) and it sucks. Only you can choose your path and you'll know what to do.


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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2011, 05:42:51 PM »
CJ - she said I wasn't getting back together with my dude before SM..................she also told me the hottie from December wasn't going to work out.

But why I have such faith in all of this while I sit, and wait, and rot away is beyond me.


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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2011, 05:51:28 PM »
I know she told you ab the other guys pt but they arent ure hearts desire...Im talking about she tells everyone that they will get their hearts desire..

I do think she's psychic but there is no way in hell everyone is getting back together with their smates...

but she is psychic..she does pick things up and fast, and she has made some small but very generic predictions for me..but I hate that she  tells everyone the same thing

Offline cocoapple

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Re: CP- I was there!
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2011, 06:20:26 PM »
I honestly don't know what to believe anymore or if i should continue on believing.  Maybe if i mourn him like he's dead that would have been better lol.  Sucky thing is i will see him in mid June for graduation but i will be surrounded by my favorite people so i just need to act and be civil about it.  As for predictions.....i don't know anymore.  It's just funny how they all say i will marry this person blah blah blah when i called them up asking about the relationship between us.  When we broke up, everyone then say he will be back.  Dawn was the only one who picked up on energy moving away from me and so did Alison.  Although Alison is sometimes wrong like contacts and stuff, when she reads energy i really think she got it right.  Like he energy is pulling away or what he is going through and stuff.  So, if the beginning of June is truly how things will unfold, I guess i shall be a believer.  If not, well then i will be posting MY testimonials on this forum on all the readers i read with just so i can help other lost lambs out there for the future. 

How are London's predictions guys?  Has she been right for you?  I got one thing from her right which was the scholarship but other than that, still waiting...-_-
