from my experience...if I listened to psy ab my 1st sm I wouldve moved to FL by now...I left him alone...I couldnt wait on him for *taking so long* and I moved on to 2nd honestly I think 1st sm wasnt really a sm...I think 2nd sm is! (which is another isse I have with psy..they tell you these past life relationships and karmic relationships are ure smate when thats not true!)
Anyways a year later...guess whose predictions are finally coming to pass? with that note I realize maybe people do have to move on completely let it go and date and when the guy comes back...then decide what to do...

Im jst glad I was waiting around a year for it becase then I wouldve been pissed and bitter and miserable!
It feels so much better its happening now that I could care less lol
So maybe thats what will happen with my 2nd (real sm) too...who knows...but waiting isnt fun Im Im not doing it...
On that note I think things do happen just late as hell!

Also I think when you leave the man alone thats when he comes to his senses...and that may take a while...if you keep running back everytime @ his beck and call it delays things or makes them not happen...So I do think our free will can shape our I do think that whole "they used their freewill crap is just bs...and I also dont agree with the whole sm pred are hard to also..."
I think the more demons or isses a person has makes timelines unpredictable bc they have to live and learn things on their own..and most of the time theyre not learning anything with you hanging around and spoiling have to kind of give them their big boy pants and send them on their way for them to become a man.