Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Cynthia Faye->CSK local reader
Okay guys she said she loves helping people and of course i could give out her info....
her phone number is 636-949-0117.
her website is ----if you scroll down the page there is a little video of herself describing how she does her readings.
i hope whoever gets a reading from her is pleased. please remember that i have only had in- person readings with her, never phone readings so i dont know if it will be any different...but this psychic is the real deal.
i never read with Uli but from what people say i think i could try to compare Cynthia to her.
please share if you do have a reading with her!
From what you have said I would love to read with her on my next call. At the moment I am taking a break from psychics for a while. And if she is anything like Uli, I am very tempted to call her.
By the way how much does she charge for a reading?
If any of you guys know CP's psychics like Uli, Seha, Giselle's personal websites please send me the info on this board or in a private message. many thanks.
I think it says on her website....its $75 for a half hour reading (cheaper than most CP readings) and $100 for an hour....however i know she charges extra for medium or cross-over readings.
since i am a frequent customer now she does give me discounted readings. her email address is
CSK- what predictions has she gotten right for you?
Anyone else read with her yet?
thanks CSK..... I saw the prices but I did not understand the pricing for different types of readings. I have come to understand when the psychics talk about Spirit readings they mean a Medium or Channeling.
I saw the same description on as well. I have had several ten minute readings with their psychics and had some good results. I do not know at the moment if I want to spend more money on psychics and then I get tempted by all the testimonials on this board of Storefront psychics like Tarotlady, Ellen and now Cynthia. I have to say CP's have fast readers, only if their prices were not so ridiculously high, I mean come on from 5.00 to 10.00 within couple of years. Having said that there are other psychics or lightworkers as some call themselves who charge like $800 for readings. I have heard Sylvia Browne is one of them, and there was another one who was presenting herself as a Ascension worker or something. Some of the big names now only do readings on Cruises where patrons pay thousands and thousands. This psychic business is getting out of hand.
I don't know about you guys but in my life I have sudden unpredictable changes. There are advantages to this too even if it creates havoc in life, first of all you do not spend inordinate time worrying about something bad that is coming your way. Bang it happens and then you deal with it. Keeps life exciting too. Trust in the Universe and your prayers.
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