Author Topic: Taking Notes and Multiple Readings  (Read 3774 times)


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Taking Notes and Multiple Readings
« on: July 16, 2016, 11:35:29 AM »
Okay, question:

How is everyone when it comes to note-taking? For example, do you list every prediction (or statement) from the same reader under one unit, or do you date it and separate it. I have a notebook and when I would read with a psychic, I'd date it and then list the psychic's name at the top, then jot down notes. I never organized it per se so that ALL of one's psychic's statements/predictions were listed together (if that makes sense).

The reason I ask is because I could read with psychic A, a few weeks go by and I read with psychic A again. She may not say the EXACT same things as last time, but enough that I'm confident that she's definitely reading my situation; however, I get a little worried if something in particular doesn't come up. I always feel like the most current reading trumps the prior reading and that I should scratch everything in my notes from any old readings and only hone in on the newest one.  One psychic in particular during one reading picked up on emotions from my ex regarding me and made a few predictions, then when I read with her again a few weeks later, she didn't pick up on the emotions between us (not saying she flipped, she just didn't mention them), but rather, she picked up on what was going on with him at that moment.  So, I tend to panic a WEE bit and think, "oh no..she didn't pick up emotions. Maybe he's changed his mind and doesn't feel that way anymore?" Does that make sense?

How do you guys take notes and have you every read with the same psychic who had predictions from a prior reading manifest or statements from a prior reading that were true even if it wasn't necessarily picked up on in the newest reading? The safest thing I wound up learning was to WAIT until one psychic's predictions manifested (or didn't...hey) and then go back and read again (or not if they failed to manifest).

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Re: Taking Notes and Multiple Readings
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2016, 12:23:28 PM »
I don't take notes. I'm terrible at it. I record the reading instead and it catches a lot of nuances that note taking never could.

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Re: Taking Notes and Multiple Readings
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2016, 12:43:27 PM »
I make the call through my laptop with google voice and record it with the app on my android.Have you tried using a different app maybe?

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Re: Taking Notes and Multiple Readings
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2016, 02:20:29 PM »
Get a google voice number from gmail. They're only available if you're in the US. If you're not in the US, you can still get one but it's complicated. That allows me make calls through there. My android phone came with a voice recorder. I don't know if you can use it while you're on the phone. I use it to record the call I make through my laptop.

tired of it all

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Re: Taking Notes and Multiple Readings
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2016, 07:30:39 PM »
I use a notebook and write down notes for each call.  My handwriting is terrible but I try to abbreviate words so I can keep up.  I don't like hearing my own voice so I would never want to listen to a recording plus it would make me so nervous to be recorded I think it would ruin the reading.

I think the readings should be fairly consistent...they may not pick up on everything, every time, but the current reading shouldn't cancel out previous ones.  Emotions will change for sure and sometimes people change their minds about things.  But the reader needs to put that into a larger context and explain how it fits in to the bigger picture. 

Sometimes when they are just telling you how things are in the moment, it can really freak us out because in the moment things can look bad.