Author Topic: My Psychic Source Experience  (Read 48284 times)


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2011, 01:09:41 AM »
lol!  I can totally see that whole "keep you on the line as long as possible" crap.  That is ridiculous and yes, I did check out CP and noticed they actually have like 5 psychics at $10 a minute.  Hell, if they could give me some serious winning lotto numbers I may be interested but I have to be honest and say I refuse to pay anyone $10 a minute.  That is outrageous and I don't think even half of that money is going to the psychic.

I had no clue that they had that many customers and would never have guessed a whole bunch of them are in India.  Wow.  It's kind of like the reverse since most of our customer service agents are over in India.  ;)

What can I say, I enjoy psychic readings but can see how they can get out of hand.  To me it is addicting.  I haven't read with anyone since Ricky and decided I would leave it at that.  Ricky did not keep me on the line any longer than need be.  He gave me all the information  I needed within 5 or 6 minutes.  I didn't need anything more or less.  It really was a perfect read in terms of time.

Problem with Psychic Source is dialing over and over to get Ricky or Therese.  Don't get me wrong, I liked Therese too.  I don't think she overly milked, but I do think Madeline was starting to milk the cow.  Lily was fast and didn't milk.

But I am looking for no milk and accurate fortune telling, yes fortune telling.  That is what I am looking for when I contact a psychic I need to know the future outcome.  I want the truth whether good or bad so I have a jump start.  That is why I call a psychic, honestly, so if it is bad I can share that pain with someone on the other end who can provide details of the bad news ahead of time so I can think of a whole bunch of ways to try to prevent it or get a jump start on different options to deal with it.


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2011, 01:25:07 AM »
I am like you, I like to try to prevent things as well. The future isnt set in stone, but they do see where it is going if we keep on that path. I like a reading every now and then as guidance :)

Offline Kareena

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2011, 01:26:53 AM »
Fortune telling: try I ching. I heard it is a solid divining method but I have no idea of the practitioners.

 Some events are destined to happen no matter what and  that is Fate.

Some are subject to change and that is destiny.......... I think it is a mixture of science and clairvoyance to find out which is which.

I think in a legal issue there should have been correct predictions it is not hard to see the outcome with cards for weeks in advance unless something changes in the interim


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2011, 01:57:59 AM »
I have never had a reading where they do I ching it  sounds interesting.


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2011, 02:15:02 PM »
Agreed completely!  To me a lot of things are fate, only a small fraction destiny.  Honestly, I don't think there is that much "free will".  I think in the end your free will can change some things slightly and that there are certain paths of destiny to deal with the fate but overall major things in your life are predestined and there isn't much to control.  I think the way a person reacts to a situation has to do with free will (destiny) but the actual event itself is fate.

So Kareena I think your outlook is in jive with mine.  As far as I am concerned this legal issue in my career is the most important thing that has ever happened in my career and one of the top issues that have ever happened in my life period.  It is fate, not destiny and as far as I am concerned such a pinnacle should be so significant that the outcome can be foretold.

In the end I know, you should always prepare for the worst so I am doing that, it doesn't matter whether a psychic is right or wrong about it you should always prepare for the worst.  But, like I said something that is this much of a pinnacle in my life I would certainly think the outcome could be foreseen.

Now, I also believe that psychics are only allowed to see what God allows to be seen.  So at the same time I understand if an answer on the outcome isn't clear as day but there should be an indication which a psychic can say looks one way (winning) or another way (losing).  I also think longer term predictions may be more difficult to predict than short term ones, like what will happen in a couple days.

Of course, I am still holding out hope that Ricky is right, talking to him I have to say I felt most of a connection with just because I think he knew.  For instance, he knew the case has been going on a long time, it has like 5 years of my life.  I told him in a sentence or two the basic important topics of the case, he understood.  I did feel comfortable talking to him and, as embarrassing as it was did cry for a second or two.  I really can't believe this is the way my life is unfolding. 

Some of the things he said were weird and didn't make sense to me at the time, but now that this case has reached it's almost ending finale some of what he said now makes sense.  Mind you I spoke to him about around the end of March.  The problem is that the ultimate prediction of "acceptance" he didn't predict until 9/2011.  At this juncture, unless this court does something between now and a week and a half, the case will be denied or accepted in about 2 weeks.

Being fair, it is possible at this juncture that this court will require the other side to file some paperwork.  If that happens, highly unlikely, it could push the case out further and if accepted by this court it probably wouldn't happen until 9/2011.  Limbo really sucks.

You know, I have to admit this case is like a crutch to me.  I want it over, but then I don't.  I can't understand why.

So now I am trying to adopt the attitude that at least if it is not accepted, HIGHLY LIKELY, and I will hear about the denial in about 2 weeks I can finally get this crap out of my life, period and deal with the b.s. aftermath.  Oh well.

But one more thing, thanks everyone for letting me talk about this because it is helping me tremendously, Ricky did tell me something that is very weird.  I don't want to up and announce this one thing he said, but at the time he said it I had been thinking a little bit about this possibility.  It wasn't really a possibility at the time, but more like if this court of last resort accepts the case it could result in this one thing happening.  This was the bad part of the prediction, but it wasn't that bad for ME.  But now that the paperwork has been filed this one thing he said could most certainly turn out to be true if he is right.  The case started to take this sort of turn in the past month or so that he ultimately predicted, which would be acceptance but leave someone else screwed.  The way the case is set up this is a VERY STRONG possibility.  But then again, the decisions of the lower courts has somewhat played out like this already.  See, that is why I don't know how much I can count on the ultimate prediction.

Calling another psychic won't help this now, I have to wait it out.  I know, being honest with myself, is that I don't know how objective I can be about these predictions now.  I want it to turn out well, the way Ricky said.  Well actually if I had my way, the bad part of what he said I wish wouldn't happen.  But I would be happy and ecstatic if it did turn out the way he said.

Funny, a couple years ago I had a dream that I did "win" the case.  Now I feel like I can't trust anything and not even myself.  That is dangerous.

But life goes on and you just have to keep on truckin.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 05:45:48 PM by sofie »

Offline Kareena

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2011, 04:54:09 PM »
Sofie the problem with psychic reading is you do not know if you needed it or not until you have had the reading.

I would suggest to give a call to Ciarra on CP and then Jayzie because if you are spending thousands on a court case what is another couple of hundred?

Since this is a long dragging case there is something that has hindered to turn it in your favour. And this is where a psychic reading can help you. I am afraid a prediction is not much helpful when you need is insight and guidance and be on top of the other side, like anticipating their next action. This is not a lottery or rolling the dice, this is a matter of getting your ducks in a row. If you want to be reminded afterwards and not take proactive action that is your choice.


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2011, 05:36:15 PM »
I agree with Kareena you need to get advice, you need to know what is going to happen next to see what you can do about it :) I hope everything turns out just fine


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2011, 05:38:41 PM »
After reading your posts I think I will pick up the phone and give one of those psychics you mentioned a phone call.  Ay yay yay, what a life!  Thanks for the advice!

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2011, 05:48:14 PM »
Sofie, just remember......if on CP and you don't like the call or that they are totally wrong, HANG UP AND GET MONEY BACK!  Because you can  :)  I personally don't have a good experience with Jayzie...but i heard from this forum that Ciarra is good.  Good luck and keep us posted with the calls!

I have experienced fortune telling when i was in one of the temples in Hong Kong about 3 years ago.  That lady was super accurate and basically, i gave her my name, DOB, TIME of birth, place of birth, where my ancestors are from and she did some calculations in a weird chart thing (no it's not astrology) and kinda read me like a book.  She also read my palms and i have to say, EVERYTHING she said has been true so far.  The last thing she told me is that i will have 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl, my marriage lasts 20 years and there's departure....whether is divorce or death not too sure....cuz she read it from my marriage line.  Overall, it was a good experience.   :D


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2011, 06:12:28 PM »
I read with Jayzie once and I did not have a good reading with her as well. I got my money back because I didnt understand, what she was saying it was back in November!

Offline Kareena

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2011, 06:22:38 PM »
I think it is a little unfair comment on Jayzie, I had multiple readings with her on extremely complex situations and she has been very accurate on seeing the fine details and can tell you what is going on in the heads of these people. No one has surpassed her on that level. She will give you the truth on that.

If you are talking about predictions that is a different story, and I do not know anyone whose predictions have manifested always. Some were successes later than she predicted, and she was clairvoyant and I had not come across those people yet in my life. I do not ask much about predictions anyway. But for a legal matter or finding out stuff about the other party she can give you an edge there so you can arm yourself. 

On the other hand do not make a judgment based on other people's experience here on this board, read the testimonials and experienced for yourself first and then decide if it is worth getting advice from this person. If satisfied you can call again or not depending on your decision.

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2011, 07:10:18 PM »
Sammie - I honestly don't think people should get married before the age of 30. Men and women are very different at the age of 30 then they are at 20. Elvin should be confused right now. This is an age for him to discover himself and in his case, his religion. You should be discovering yourself as well. Get out there and date girl - there is a big beautiful world for you to enjoy. Put your $$ and focus on you - put your attention on some dating web sites and send 100 messages to all of the cute guys out there. You are just starting your life journey and you don't want to start it already stuck. There will be plenty of roadblocks and reasons to become stuck later in life. For now, enjoy the freedom and life lessons. I understand you love him, and your heart hurts, but you are meant to experience that as a 20 year old, and experience it again, so when it is time to marry, you make the right decision.

Trust those of us with a few years experience on you (yes, I'm 42).

We all mean the best for you


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2011, 07:12:40 PM »
Yeah well I am not like most people my age. I dont enjoy going out and dating it is so boring I would rather be reading a book or studying!

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2011, 07:12:58 PM »
On a note of fate and destiny Kareena.....i think to some degree our life was planned out before we were born.  For example, some people generally have better lucks than others like how many times have you heard of the same person winning prizes, lotteries and just generally having an easier life than say someone who's always had to work hard for everything in life?  When the fortune teller told me that my life is destined to be fill with work......and that my life evolves around work, that's when it hit me.  Since i was a kid....i NEVER stop working.  From newspaper routes until now, having my career and i believe that it will be that way until i'm too old to work lol.  Plus, i'm generally the type of person that NEEDS work because i'll get bored doing nothing at home.  In chinese, we use the work fate and destiny together and there's a saying how sometimes when you meet someone in life, you may be fated to meet each other, but it may not be your destiny to end up together.  You meet people everyday and some may have a longer stay in your life and some don't.  That's how i see my exs.

Sammie, when i was your age, i experienced many many things including death in my family, moving to school on my own and getting my heart broken for the first time.  ALL in one year and funny enough, that didn't drive me to call psychics lol.  You will one day look back on this chapter of your life and say 'meh, it was no big deal'.  If it helps, think of the crap Elvin's done......and you'll think of him lesser and lesser.  That did the trick for me!

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2011, 05:52:43 AM »
Hi Everyone,

I don't know exactly where the offensive posts began, so I did the best I could to remove some of the harsh comments. I'm not trying to favor anyone. I'm just trying to clean up the board. Let's just make up, be friends, talk about our lovers, our problems, the psychics, etc.

I still haven't heard from my SM. So far all CP psychics have been wrong and I paid them over $10K. I have found some comfort in reading my own cards and I would recommend that to everyone here. It's calming and you don't have to wonder if they are telling you bs or not. You get to see what comes up yourself and best of all, it's free.

Let's all try to move in concert from here to create one grandioso, positive energy and maybe we'll have more fortuitous results!
