Author Topic: My Psychic Source Experience  (Read 48283 times)

Offline BriannaJazmine

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My Psychic Source Experience
« on: May 07, 2011, 03:09:43 AM »
I've spoken to quite a few psychics from Psychic Source, lately- and mainly the top advisors. There was a guy I was dealing with about a month or so ago, he and I began developing feelings for one another..mainly due to our strong emotional connection. I ended things between us due to personal reasons, and I've been missing him so much ever since. I just haven't been the same without him in my life. Although we weren't in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, we were pretty close. I've spoken to quite a few psychics from PS about this- mainly the top advisors. I spoke to Amy, Ricky, Betty, Paige, Lily, Moira, even the infamous Therese. They all advised me that he'd come back, and I should expect to hear from him within a week's time frame. Keep in mind this was about a month ago. Paige said she hates using the term "soulmate" loosely, but she feels that we have a definite soulmate connection. Ricky said he'd contact me again, we'd spend the entire month of May together, and that eventually we'd begin a serious relationship. Betty said this wasn't the end of us, and that she definitely sees a serious relationship in the near future. Therese said possibly marriage, and so did Lily.

Well guess what? I haven't heard from him AT ALL. Not a text or anything. Not a sign of him coming back at all. I know those are THE BEST advisors on that site, but I can't help but feel hopeless. I feel as if I've just been fed fairytales. Therese's accuracy rate is about 99%, so is Ricky's..and I'm beginning to think I'm that 1% that doesn't have success. I'm a bit angry, because I've blown so much money on that site. How can not even ONE of their predictions come to pass?

I spoke with 3 advisors on asknow, and they also advised me he's coming back, and one psychic stated there's a soulmate connection there.

I spoke with an advisor on liveperson, and she advised me the complete opposite. She said he isn't coming back at all, and to move on..he wasn't that interested in me.

Now, I'm confused & have no idea who to believe.

Offline fm

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2011, 04:17:15 AM »
Hi Brianna

I used to frequent this forum and trying to get readings from various Ps about a relationship that wasnt meant to be. It is not that I want to slam readings and all, but seriously, I would like you to use logic and reality to judge whether there is still hope for this relationship. Carefully think of the follwing questions and maybe you might have a conclusion

1. How long has he not communicated with you? Over a month? During this one month, did you intiate contact with him?

2. When you guys are together, are you guys really happy? Does BOTH parties want to make things work? Do both of you try to make time for each other and putting in an effort on their part to make things work. Or is it just an extra push of effort on YOUR part?

3. Are there more smiles and laughter then tears when you guys are together?

4. What went wrong exactly from the last point of contact?

5. Do you wan to be in a relationship that is full of misery and little happiness? Is there anything to be worth clinging on to? Do you want to continue waiting and waiting and not knowing when he will ever respond to you? Even if he does, we can worry about that later and see how it goes then

When I had my past relationship which my ex broke all communications with me, I spend no lesser then 2K  (in my local curreny somewhere in Asia, approximately 1.5K in USD in 2 months?) getting all the readings from CP and all said the same stuff, we are soul mates, he would come back and so on and so forth. He would contact me from Dec to Jan to Feb to Mar, many many people said different things, I was confused and hoping that he would talk to me.

In the end, I just write a very nasty sms to him and he did reply in an equally nasty note after 4 months! So then I knew it was fully over. Everyone, from friends to counsellors I was seeing was telling me there is no hope, only the Ps I spoke to told me all the positive outcomes. And once I did not hear from him, I would add more credits to call them again and again to have false hopes and have renewed hopes. In the end it is always in vain.

So save your pocket. Use logic and see what reality has to tell for you about your relationship. If it was meant to be, you would be happy and not wondering what the hell haappened. If someone really loved you, he would go all out to spend time with you and make you happy no matter how tired both of you guys are.

I know once you set your heart on someone, it is very hard to let go and I know it is painful, do youself a favour, go out chill out meet new people and see if you can meet the person of your dreams who probably is worth more of your time effort and money.

All the best!
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 04:22:52 AM by fm »

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2011, 04:26:50 AM »
we're all trying to fig out the same thing...can everyone be wrong????

Offline fm

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2011, 04:43:19 AM »
hey CJ, it may be true that some are correct some has gifts, maybe only a handful. But who are these Ps anyway, do they know you, do they know your story? They talked to hundreds of people a month, probably saying the same things. We do not know. Who are they to tell you what will happen when they do not know either of you guys? And the companies who earn money from exploiting emotions the greatest weakpoint of human beings?

Clinging on and being attached to someone who does not care is the most miserable of it all. If reality points to everything else and NOT of you will be happy in a relationship, when I saw my counsellor she made me see how the way things are (and not MY wishful fantasy thoughts), she was neutral and made me deduce how things are, but of course initially, I was in absolutely denial hoping that we would ever talk again although there was absolutely NO COMMUNICATIONS! I was prepared to wait for months, years etc, I could not work, I would not sleep and eat. It was very bad.  what is the point of holding on to it if everyday is in misery wondering what the hell would happen next?

Offline BriannaJazmine

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2011, 05:02:36 AM »
Hi fm, how are ya?

Wow, you and I sound EXACTLY alike. The longer he doesn't contact me, the more I get the urge to contact PS again! Honestly, I don't know how much money I've spent in the last month, but it probably has to be past the $600 range.

It's been 3 weeks since he and I last spoke, and NO I haven't attempted to contact him first. In a way, I want to just contact him myself and see what the outcome is. If it's a negative outcome, at least I'll know that I did all I can, rather than sitting around wondering forever & ever.

But I don't know about the whole contacting him first thing.

I'm starting to doubt a word that comes out of those advisors' mouths. My logic is telling me, if something is meant to be then it'll be. Also, if a guy truly wants you then nothing can keep him away, or if he's truly interested in you then nothing will keep him from getting in contact with you. That's my old way of thinking.

Very confused, and frustrated at this point. Might have to follow your advice..



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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2011, 11:48:36 AM »
Hey FM!! Nice to see you  :)  :)  :)

I would agree that there are only a handful of truly gifted psychics on many of the psychic networks. And to make it more complicated, you may not connect with all of them. So if you are lucky to find a few who you connect with, it is a really nice "addition" to you life. But you can't live by the predictions.

Brianna - Have you had any predictions come through from the psychics you've listed? Only read with psychics who have had a prediction manifest for you. Unfortunately figuring out who you connect with takes time and money. What works for you might not work for me. I love Ricky and enjoyed talking to him the 2 times I read with him and he NAILED my situation during the 1st reading. But unfortunately, his predictions didn't really pan out.  So although I love to chat with him, he isn't the psychic for me. But clearly he works for A LOT of people and I would recommend him because he really nailed my situation, and a lot of psychics's haven't.

So I wish you luck. Figuring out when to let go is a personal and hard decision. Maybe you should ask a psychic - what happens if I contact him first. Does it push the connection timeline out or speed things up. But remember - you can only ask someone who you truly connect with and trust or you might be getting opinion vs psychic insight. We don't pay for opinion.....we have plenty of friends who can tell us we are waisting out time. lol

Best of luck
Big hugs
I know, it sucks

Offline BriannaJazmine

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2011, 12:51:36 PM »
Hi positivethoughts :)

Unfortunately, none of the advisors I've spoken to have made predictions that came true for me. Not a single prediction. So, I'm not sure who I actually connected with. I've never spoken to Deidre woods, and I've heard great things about her. I've seen videos of her on YouTube doing live readings, and I thought she was great. But then again I don't think I even want to waste my time anymore. I saw Paige's live reading as well, which is what inspired me to call her, and none of her predictions came to pass. I'm done calling..


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2011, 02:04:56 PM »
Well if u ever decide to call again - throw in a work question or something

Offline BriannaJazmine

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2011, 02:40:15 PM »
I'll definitely keep that in mind! :-)


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2011, 02:43:13 PM »
This was my experience with Psychic Source.  Back in 3/2011 of this year I had a very stressful period in my life.  I was involved in a serious career matter and used Psychic Source's various advisers.  I have come to realize that to me a good psychic is a person that can accurately predict the future outcome of a matter.  I don't think a good psychic is a person who can accurately describe my present situation or my past, who cares about that.  I already know that stuff.

First I started with Madeline.  Being new at the whole psychic online thing Madeline blew me off my feet because all I did was give her my name and birth date and she was off.  She accurately described the main thing going on in my life, the career issue.  I was blown away.  I continued reading with her and the more money I spent the less accurate she got.  Even the first reading described my present situation and she threw in her prediction for the future.  So I continued using her.  In time she gave less predictions and her service turned more into counseling.  I shouldn't have called her so often.  But my career issue was still uncertain.

As the career issue came to light and a decision was made Madeline's prediction was wrong about the final outcome.  So I called her again to get more future information.  In the end she told me I wouldn't take the matter further when I told her point blank I would.  Then she gave the bleak prediction as to that future career matter.  I called Psychic Source to get a refund.  BTW, Madeline also gave me information about meeting someone/ relationship.  Who knows, this has not come to light either.

But since the career issue was still pressing forward, but was not the final court or final, final decision, I called Lily and Therese.  Lily was so fast in her prediction and her timeline was off.  She said I would win, hear good news in April.  In April I found out I lost.  She also gave me very specific information regarding a love interest.  I have yet to meet him. 

Now to be fair the career matter is still currently up in the air, but the matter will be completely resolved in the upcoming weeks.  The case can go no further.

I also called Therese around the same time I called Lily.  At this point the matter was still in the same court but I had not exhausted all my options in that court, yet.  This conversation was the longest.  Called her about the same stuff.  The career thing, also will I meet someone.  She too said I would be winning and gave me more details.  I won't bother going into it now.  She also gave me information about meeting 2 men.  One thing is she said the whole career matter would be over in July and I would win and then these 2 men will come in quickly.

I called Therese at a time when the career issue was still lingering in one court after I lost.  I called Lily before I lost in this same court.  Now this career issue is at a different court, at present.  Therese's time line is off, I don't know yet if her prediction is wrong but it isn't fitting in since at the time I called her things were still in limbo with that court.  But a little while after talking to her I lost in that court once again.  So I can't say for sure, as another court is involved now, but her timelines are wrong.  She did admit that her timelines aren't always accurate.  She said I would win, I didn't.  Plus the court thing got over about 3 months before her timeline. 

After completely losing the case in this particular court I was devastated, lost, confused, stressed, etc., etc.  I called Ricky.  It was a very short conversation.  I started with my name and birth date.  Then went into asking my question.  The reading probably took 5 minutes.  Because this career issue is still going on, it isn't dead yet I can't say for certain whether Ricky is right.  But it appears his timeline is off by a couple months. 

If I am wrong, because in the end time isn't important to me, if the outcome of the prediction is my winning I will let you know.

But Ricky had the most recent information from me about the current career situation.  Told him I lost at the last court.  Told him I was going to take the matter to the final step.  The final step was not even being thought of at the time I talked to Lily and Therese because the matter was still locked in the lower court.  When I asked Ricky about taking the matter to the court of last resort he too said I would win.  Told him how much of a long shot it was, like a less than 1% chance of that happening.  He was sure of himself.  It was like clear as day to him.  Then he went to his calendar and told me it would happen 2nd week of September.  Also told me a few other things.  The weird thing is some of what he said makes sense to me right now.  But his timeline is also way off.  This matter will come to a close within the next 3 weeks.

So I am hesitant to say that these advisers are right.  I really had the most faith in Ricky.  I did tell him I didn't mind hearing bad news because then I can prepare for it.  Ricky didn't change his story and he understood that and didn't seem to be pitching a pie in the sky thing and he really didn't.  Some of what he said is currently true, but as for whether the big prediction will pan doesn't look that way since if Ricky were right it would be happening almost 3 months before it is supposed to.

Now in all fairness to Therese, she was only going on the information I presented to her at the time.  But her reading was long and it only lasted for so long because I did the 30 minutes for $30.

In all fairness to Ricky I felt like he wasn't trying to milk for money.  He was fast and to the point.  I honestly felt like he knew much more and I didn't have to tell him much of anything.  His information was most closely related to my situation and I have to admit he did not sugar coat because he told me there would be an acceptance but also told me the downside to it as well.  I do believe he is genuine, but I wonder if his prediction is accurate because with some readers they are better at predicting short term things and that is what his reviews seem to show.  Whereas my prediction was about at least 3 months away, but his timeline would make it 6 months away.

I had an open and clear mind with all these readers and did not go in with preconceived notions or with thinking in my mind it had to be a certain answer.  I was very open minded and prepared for the truth.  I also think one should go to a psychic with direct and clear questions rather than a round about "general" reading, especially when these advisers are so expensive. 

One thing I know for sure is that I am sick of reading reviews and posts from people who say a psychic is accurate when a psychic is only describing the present or past situation.  I was like that at first too, when I gave reviews on Psychic Source.  To me a good psychic can predict the future outcome of a question(s).  Also timelines aren't so important but when a timeline is directly related to the outcome of a question, when the timeline is wrong it appears the whole prediction is wrong.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 04:09:06 PM by sofie »


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2011, 03:58:24 PM »
BTW, I also had chat sessions which did not involve my career issue but rather whether I would meet a man and whether this one man I was thinking of was the right one for me.  Chatted with Jenna and Narnia.  I can't remember much of these except Jenna also sent me a a free email that the man in question was not it, Narnia said the same.  They were right, he wasn't it.  Jenna said I would meet a man w/ the letter M and Narnia said she saw a man in May.  Nothing of the sort has panned out.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 07:45:14 PM by sofie »

Offline Kareena

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2011, 07:46:53 PM »
Sofie I understand your pain on the misleading stuff.

For legal issues psychic Ron on CP was accurate, he has now crossed over. I would suggest Jayzie also for insights into legal issues especially if it is a complicated one, she can tell you if there is something underhanded going on. And as for final outcome on one issue Christian was very accurate for me.


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2011, 08:06:43 PM »
Thanks much, Kareena for your kind advice!  I wish I could start a post or a post could be started in regards to The Most Gifted Psychics and whether anyone has used them.  The thing about CA Psychics that freaks me out is they have SO many psychics.  I know they say they do all these tests with their psychics and only 2 out of 100 qualify for a job with them but why do they have more than 200 some psychics on board with them?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 08:10:23 PM by sofie »

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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2011, 10:54:39 PM »
Sofie I read that CP has 2.5 million customers, mostly in US, Canada and many in India. Go figure.

I forgot to mention Ciarra, she is good at unraveling the dynamics between the opposing parties. She can give you the big picture and Jayzie can rip apart the cover and expose for you what is going on underneath, so you can take defensive action.

CP are more discerning than the other online companies but by no means do they test them for just accuracy. They also look for those who can keep you on line the longest, I know with Kelly I could not shake her off. Is that woman judgmental or what? And Gina Rose told me stuff what was available free online astrological stuff.  She said I could have been a healer etc etc. What is the big deal with that unless she told me that I am a healer or have the potential to be a artist or a composer now that would be good finding out something about yours hidden talent that you did not know about.  I do not need to pay $10/minute to know astrology stuff.


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Re: My Psychic Source Experience
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2011, 11:45:36 PM »
Wow! I would say the best one at the 10 dollar rate and 7.50 rate is Jacqueline. Shes been accurate for me I am in her que right now :) I am going to have a reading with Jacqueline tomorrow morning :) I like her because she doesnt just keep you own the phone she gives you loads of info :)