Author Topic: Good Morning/Thoughts  (Read 3075 times)

Offline Jjj

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Good Morning/Thoughts
« on: July 10, 2016, 02:08:00 PM »
Good Morning Everyone (:
I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on this whole website... (ALL THIS IS MY OPINION. NOT SHAMMING ANYONE. ALL RESPECT)

I have been on this site since spring of this year. And i have learned quite a bit from here. I have spoken to some good people here, and heard their stories of thier experience with psychics from all over. And i learned most of all how you can have multiple people in similar situations and they all come out different. Thats because everyone is different. I respect everyone and thier journey that they are on. I wish bad on no one here. I hope that everyone here gets the outcome that they want, no matter if its a Job, Relationship, Family, Ect.

Now me personally i have read with alot of psychics. And i have gotten good readings and bad readings. I have had predictions happen and not happen. But i feel that its also a part of this journey called life. As crazy as psychics have made me with some getting it right then other getting it wrong and then getting TOO MANY DAMN TIMELINES lol.
None of those psychics put a gun to my head and made me call them. I did it all on my own. And sometimes i regret it because i think of all the money i could have saved... hell even some time that i will never get back.

Psychic readings should always be taken with a grain of salt. Expecially timelines! In my OPINION only God/Universe decides when you get something or when is the right time for people to come into your life or back into it. They say god/universe will keep people at bay until you go through what you need to go through. Then they shall deliver them to you. I do believe that there are certain events in life that are "Pre-Destined" but how you get there and when you get there is all free will. And sometimes that is the best part! 

I wouldn't say dont ever read with psychics because there are some amazing psychics out there who can see things and even help guide you. But dont take everything they said to heart. Because they are human just like us. They are not 100% right all the time. I wish i seen this form before so that way i could have done more research on psychics. But its apart of the journey.

I hope and pray nothing but the best for everyone. Regardless of what happens always have faith for yourself. Because no matter who is in or life or not you still have to live for YOU!

Offline Jjj

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Re: Good Morning/Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2016, 03:35:05 PM »
Thanks maddie (:
I figured i give my opinion on things. And hope to encourage others. Old members and new members.

tired of it all

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Re: Good Morning/Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2016, 11:21:27 PM »
Thank you for the kind thoughts and wishes Jjj.  I hope the same for you and everyone else here, that outcomes work out for the best of everyone involved.