Author Topic: keen/Magical Sandra  (Read 17265 times)

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2012, 05:21:38 PM »
I read with MagicalSandra twice over the last 1.5 years.

The first reading she mentioned meeting a man. This was early summer of 2011. I ended up meeting him and he turned out to be HORRIBLE. Terrible. I have written about him before, but he is definitely NOT the man I will be spending my life with.

The second reading was 4 months ago. I called about an ex. She said very nice things about him but said I could and should do better. However, she missed a third party and I had to ask about her for clarification. After that her reading turned more negative. She ultimately told me this man and I would reconcile/reconnect, but now the song she was singing in the beginning regarding her perception of him was different. She did not provide any timing or real predictions. I wouldn't say I wouldn't read with her again - I just wasn't very impressed.

Offline scorpiogirl

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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2012, 05:48:15 PM »
I think with sticking to regular "old" callers they can kind of get to know the story of the person or people involved. It makes it easier to "predict" possible future behaviour.

I can do this with my friends who need advice about things simply because I get to know the story. I'm not psychic but I don't have to be to know how things will pan out if I've been there every step of the way. And I can look at the facts objectively.

This is just my guess.

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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2012, 06:02:14 PM »
I think in Sandra's case, it's more about balance in her life.  I don't think she needs to work at all. She's not in the 'trying to build up a business' stage of life.  She's involved with other things and knows how much time she wants to dedicate to this way of helping people.  Reading people can be draining also.  I totally understand it in her case.  My Dad had a side business in addition to his full time job and as he got older and closer to retirement, he quit taking on new customers that were constantly being referred to him.  He stuck to his old regulars and eventually phased the side job out totally.  I think that is where Sandra is with her reading. 

Offline pinklipstick

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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2012, 12:34:58 AM »
No its because she is afraid of being bashed by someone she does not know!!!!!
be wary, she plays the "i am your momma" thing to lure you in! I never read with her, but someone I know has, she was not able to read her and didn't get her present situation right at all.

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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2012, 12:42:00 AM »
I read with her numerous times last year. She was right in her predictions and she has always been very warm and caring. During my last call, which I recorded, I must have cried for 10 minutes straight and she was extremely loving and supportive. As painful as it is to hear the call again, she was wonderful.  As I said, she has been right with me and pulled out details that I later verified to be true.


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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2012, 02:11:24 AM »
I wonder how I am percieved then, because I rarely leave feedback at all!  I fact, I have only left feedback on a handful of readings (and believe me, I have had more than I would like to admit) because I was asked.  I know that feedback is important to them, for rating purposes and promotion, but frankly, I find it difficult to leave feedback after a reading.  What can I say when I am asking about something that is to occur in the future?  How can I really provide anything of substance to another client?  I certainly, personally, breeze right past the feeedback written by others that is a thumbnail sketch of the information they received in their reading.  It's of no value to me what debbijo heard during her reading.  Of course the advisors I have consulted are professional, kind and compassionate.  Not that I expect it, but my experience with all of them is that this is how they all have been for the most part.  Perhaps some are more direct with their messages, and that could be construed as being a little harsh in delivery, but when I am paying by the minute, I'd prefer that the advisor get the information to me quickly without all the honey and sweet stuff.  So of what value is it that I mention it?  Although, when pressed to leave a comment, that's really the only thing I can mention, because predictions are pending.

It might be wise for Keen to permit individuals to go back to ANY readings they've had in the past to report on predictions that have manifested. But I sense there is a specific time in which to do that. Or they could develop a rating system for their advisors that describes their delivery and that be ammended to their profile.  Psychic Source does that.  Then the feedback wouldn't require that we regurgitate the specific character traits of the psychic, and would be more oriented to results. In my opinion, that would make feedback really mean more than it does now. 
No its because she is afraid of being bashed by someone she does not know!!!!!
be wary, she plays the "i am your momma" thing to lure you in! I never read with her, but someone I know has, she was not able to read her and didn't get her present situation right at all.

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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2012, 09:33:14 PM »
Both her and cookie told me something common but with a total different outcome. Both saw some issues that the person of interest is experiencing (can not confirm but it was interesting that they both said the same exact thing). Per cookie the person o interest will try to reach out but per magical Sandra will not. But cookie did not see a relationship and reconciliation just saw attempts being made. Both told me I have to be very careful in case the person of interest comes back because he is a jerk and very unhealthy and I definitely deserve mug better. But I have to say I really like the issue they saw going on with him. I really hope they are right ;0)-


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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2016, 12:45:03 AM »
Read with her a few days ago. She was horribly negative and opinionated. Very judgmental. Also gave me the same story she has told others in this forum that the man I'll end up with will have a dog lol.. And he would call me every night and I wouldn't have to call psychics to ask about him. She's horrible and that's putting it nicely

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2016, 02:45:02 PM »
Just to add, I agree, Magical Sandra is Fake, I add money to a total of 10 mins and she couldn't give me a general reading, she asked for my date of birth, the entire time she kept saying ask me a question so I asked a question on something I would know the answer soon within weeks and she was dead wrong, I asked her about a possible Roommate and she said the girl was very responsible, pays her bill on time , and we will be great friends and also that she will take the place, hahahahah funny enough is that the girl wanted to live for free, are kidding me? she did not want to take the place  this chick told me she wanted to help pay gas and Electric , she was also not responsible, all she wanted to do was to go out even if she had no money, she would spend all her money on expensive drinks, restaurants and stupid things even when she was living somewhere else because I kicked her out, eventually she moved back to her home town;so lets say magical Sandra is a scam. She guess my relationship too and was dead wrong on that so read if you have money to throw out.

A friend called her years later and she repeated and old convo they had, she keeps notes for a fact

« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 02:57:57 PM by tellmewhy »


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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2016, 05:43:47 PM »
Yeah she is, she is not good at all gave me the same reading she gave everyone else that I would meet an aries who likes animals.She sucks!!

tired of it all

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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2016, 06:11:45 PM »
This is another one I never read with, I gotta go check out her feedback.  lol

*edit*   What?!  She hardly has any negatives, just this one:

I am very sad. Now that I called to say he was going on vacation with his family he was supposed to be leaving, she doesn't see him getting divorced! With her feedback I really believed in her. Instead I was lied to. =(

Keen REALLY needs to change their feedback system because I bet a lot of those positives would get changed to negatives.  :o
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 06:20:50 PM by tired of it all »

tired of it all

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Re: keen/Magical Sandra
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2016, 09:14:12 PM »
On the one hand, I give the women a crumb of respect for creating her business her way. Obviously she goes to an extreme to avoid bad feedback. I would guess the reason why people leave glowing feedback for her is because they know, if they left anything less, they'd be blocked. Maybe the better, more frequent the feedback, the quicker she takes your call...

She's managed to avoid bad feedback while creating a screening process that attracts the addicts and keeps out anyone who would call out of curiosity. And she knows how to finesse the addicts enough to allow her to make a good living doing readings.

But yeah, there's something disgusting about her having little to no talent as a psychic and, instead, having no problem encouraging dependency by protraying herself as the callers caring friend.

Ugh...yes it is very disgusting.

Well this is why I feel sooooo wary whenever I see almost nothing but positive, glowing feedback on a reader.  And the more enthusiastic people sound about it, the more it puts me off.  It's suspicious.