Bluebelle, it seems like we both like the same readers! You must have great fashion sense lol. I agree Lisa Dianne is almost struggling, she just goes with what she knows. I almost want to say Lisa, you can do better than that. I've said this before the lady is gifted, I was messaging with someone on this forum and they said Lisa's prediction on a career change came 6 years later just the way Lisa saw it. Weird. She has been 70% accurate, she likes to predict some big things and I usually say um Lisa can you hear yourself but she tells me what she sees and the guides they help her big time.
Lady Jenna- starts off general, knows what she is talking about but her deliever is weak. If I wrote an assessment on readers that would be something that I would say about her. She can be short with her answers and then you have to say what else do feel or see for more depth of an answer from her. She was pretty good overall, eventually when she warmed up she was on fire.
Sapphire 21- This woman is a darling. Hands down the best empath. Can get into all the dirty details of your relationship/ or the man m question. I was just like you Blubelle pretty much gave up on her because she just would not accept one appointment so I just added myself on her callback and she accepted it, I thought ohhhhh she's not going to like how I snuck in but she was an absolute darling. I'm going to request an appointment soon.
Alphafemale- another gifted lady. She asks her angels for answers... Answers that make sense!!!!! Realistic answers. What I love about her is she helps you to ask the next question that was related to the first one so now your reading is flowing. Her assessment from me would be flawless! Lol. She nails everything, her timelines are BANG ON. No fluff with her also, she is quite compassionate in her deliever I with not so mic news.
Bodymindspirit- her style is like Alphafemale. She is super sweet. Another one that is realistic, what she says does pan out but her timelines are not very accurate but who cares she gets the predictions that's all that matters!!!
Sincerity- the most I've spent on a reader but I have no regrets. She was banggggggg on the current situation, her review for the future predictions are on it's way. Thomasj has had good luck with her so far I pray she can nail all the good outcomes for all of us. Sincerity is pretty impressive, I mean my first reading I was shocked I had to pull over!!!!!
Advisor Suzan- Meh, not bad not good either. Nothing too special, if you can't get a hold of the above try her. She's s good filler. I do think she is good but not like the ones above.
Have a great day guys:))))