I know what you guys mean, I spoke to her last week and it was brutal!! She kept on giving me bits and piece of a message and then would ask "Does that make sense". I thought how can anything make sense when it isn't delievered into a full sentence, I can speak and understand English perfectly fine lady. Anyways, she is sweet and ethical kind of reminds me of good old Lisa Dianne, gets a few things on the ball to still have you on the phone but then the call starts to crumble and you're too busy staring into the BIG question mark that is hanging in front of your face.
Do keep in mind I have read with her last year when she was the "not so popular" kid on the block and boy was she good,meaning she spoke in sentences and even key words made sense. She isn't all that horrible I think she is very good at the present but cracks in her predictions that seems to be a reoccurring theme on Keen- oops. I like the fact that she does write an email to sum up her points and wants you to feel that she has helped you out tremendously... Well more so her Angels:)
I'm not againest anyone wanting to read with her but I think there is a very big hype for the amount she charges and with all that small talk with the Angels going on. I want you to give me as much as possible since you are charging a few too many dollars.