Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Yona Farell

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Has anyone read with Yona?

She's good. I haven't tried her but she is next on my list. There is s thread on her.

tired of it all:
I don't know how you can say she is good if you haven't read with her.

Read the thread on her... People have said she is and like I said she is on my list to read with next.

I read with Yona in Feb 2016 and I wanted to see if others read with her.She said that my ex will contact me right away and when  he does he would come off arrogant and not apologize.Well after my reading with her my ex contacted me 3 weeks later aplogizing for the breakup.I believe she got certain things right for him but she wasn't really reading the situation well.Like she didnt pick up that my ex and I were in a relationship/partnership she thought that he never offered me a partnership.She said that I will be going out more and there will be two guys in my future.Well, I still don't go out much and the new guy doesnt sound like one of the two guys that she described.I wonder how she is able to connect with a lot of people /have great accuracy as well like I wonder how sheis able to do that


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