Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent


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Hey Everyone...I think most of us found each other end of December early Jan...and the healer started this site end of Jan?  I just wanted to see how everyone is changing and improving...we all found each other at the same time almost like we needed to...SO I will go ahead and start...
When I found you all on the complaintsboard...I was still in love with my ex fiancee of 8 years..and hoping/praying he was coming back even though we were drifting further apart...I started dating an Adam guy in the begining of Jan that I totally had the hots for and we lasted a month, then I found out Mike, my ex had started dating a teenage girl  and it wrecked me through my soul.  In late Feb I met a new guy named Seth who I really really like and every day I am getting better!  I think I am on to a new begining, but I feel like a nicer, more understanding person, especially reading stories on here that were terribly heartbreaking.  I just spoke to my ex today about getting my name off the house.  Though it hurts, it doesn't hurt as much.  The psychics, for the most part were wrong, but they nabbed things at certain times that they could not have known, and for that I will always believe in psychic abilities.

ILovelola - I'm so happy you have met someone nice. Is your ex still with the young girlfriend?

ok - I'll go.

My ex and I broke up end of November. It was predicted that we would start to communicate in December and get back together by end of January. We did start to talk again in December, and in January, and we've been talking alittle ever since and I finally saw him for the first time in 5 month's a few weeks ago. But obviously we aren't "back together". New predictions are May for a semi-relationship. So for me, the timing has been off but some small and some big predictions have happened for me - not all of them - but enough to give me hope.

My current favorites: Jacqueline (CP), Amy (PS), William (CP) and the Ellen Hartwell crew. They have been amazing for me - timing has been hit and miss but some details and overall issues accurate. I don't call nearly as much as I did 4 month's ago but I haven't turned the corner yet with SM. I will update........


This post put me to tears lola...

First off let me start by thanking all of you on here who has been through it with me, listened to me complain and has really stuck by me throughout this hard time. As you all know my ex guy got a girl pregnant, I found out in jan and Ive been heartbroken and distraught ever since. I battle each day with this and I am getting better. So many changes. Having someone rip out your being and watch him have this bond with someone else is a difficult thing to deal with. Ive learned that I am stronger than Ive led myself to believe..smarter than I think and more loyal than I couldve ever imagined.

Seha predicted some face to face contacts that happened. Abrielle predicted some contacts that happened as well as Winter.

I have so many fav's and I actually feel like Ive become friends with some psychics as well. (I will post my favs soon)

Im so greatful for many of the people on this forum who has become really some great people in my life..and Im so greatful for them. (you know who you ladies are)

I think about what Ive been through these past few months and how Ive made this even has broken me into pieces but slowly but surely I keep putting those pieces back together. Im sure my destiny wont happen overnight but Im starting to think that happiness always has been inside of me. 

All I can say is that however this turns out I am going to survive this. I am amazing, beautiful, smart and have so much going for myself..even though this has broken my confidence I truly believe that I am that gift in his life...and sooner or later, whether it is too late or not..there is no doubt in my mind that he will see it, know it, and regret it. Just remember when you hurt the" right" person, you’ll be" wrong" all your life.

And find happiness when you stop looking for it in someone else...happiness has and always will start from within...people take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost...don't give up..eventually you will find it. God is always on time! My time will come, in the meantime though...Im glad I have some new people in my life to help me pass the time and go through the summer happy and feeling alive again. Im finding that light inside of me again. And Im smiling more.

My story has only started...tbc  8)

Cjean, you are doing amazing.  I think you are a very smart woman, I saw your pic, months ago, and you are beautiful. Regardless. It is crazy but most of us know that through real difficulties we learn and grow, and a lot of people will testify that they are stronger and they fell better where they are, after going through a challenge. You know what they say, we make plans and God laughs.
Even with me, not so long ago, I was convinced that life should revolve around a husband and a family. How wrong was I...
If those painful experiences weren't in my life, maybe I would never know who, I am? And I would have very little chance to do what I do now. I want to open my own business and just enjoy life.
Life is about enjoying to be yourself, and doing what makes you happy first of all. Relationships and and other people are really in the back of the picture.




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