Author Topic: Persian medium  (Read 10716 times)

Offline Zenia

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Persian medium
« on: February 21, 2013, 01:01:18 PM »
I have watched her feedback for a while,and i must say she seem to hit for many people..althoug i was sceptical since i googled her and found her all over the web.
So i made a call.She was a pleasure to talk to and her method is unusual.Yes,i got the number 22 also ;)But it wasnt just the numbers,she had my situation down and gave credible details.In addition some very odd info.I cant verify if thats true,but it might very well be.
She mentioned something that happened 7 days ago with strong impact on my question,and when i checked back,i found that indeed something happened that day,that could have been a catalysator.

Of cource i can be too gullible about everything,but i will update if her predictions come to pass.I was given a timeframe,things will start next week.

Drawback with her now,is that she charges 13 dollar a min.. :-[

Offline oben

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 08:43:31 PM »
@ Zenia, for some reason I have a feeling that she writes her own feedback :) lol the reason why, for example look at the feedback on the mother who was told that her sun was dead, but persian medium said no and he ended up to be found alive, on her own site (or one of the numerous sites online) this feedback is listed as a letter from a mother, dated sometimes in 1980s. then the same feedback with identical wording shows up on her keen page as a recent feedback from grateful or thankful mom. then couple of days later the same mom is happy because she got a marriage proposal, and couple of days later she got a job offer...and it is 2013...
The other thing to me was that on different sites she has different names, Jacqueline and Fiona are two that I can remember on top of my head.
During my reading with her, she did not give me anything specific, very generic actually, "do not give up on him, he misses you, he will call you and you will meet him, your love life has number 22, work will be good, money will be good..." and her timelines are till mid May so I guess we will see :) lol
Also the other interesting thing is the fact that her price changes constantly, I have seen 6.66 to 24.44!!!
Also, the other interesting thing is that it is not possible to get a reading with her on her own site, paypal says this person is not able to receive payments or something like that
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 09:02:54 PM by obenimdunyam »

Offline Zenia

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2013, 08:33:35 AM »
i agree with you;this does smell like a made up feedback... :-[
Not good at all...
I feared something wasnt right with her..

But regarding the price move,she is not alone doing that.I have another reader Tricia, who changes just as much,and she is a serious reader as far as i can tell,and an oldtimer at Keen.(Called her for years)

And then there was some special info Fiona gave me,that takes a strong creative imagine to make up,and in a way it did fit in,so it may very well be true.I will just have to wait and see what happens with her timeline.Things ARE looking up in this matter,so who knows..But maybe if it will happen it was just a lucky guess from her side.

I will keep watching her,and my friend might try her,so we will see.If she is a fraud,someone will notice over time,and blow  her.

Offline Awesomeness

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2013, 12:47:43 PM »
Sorry for the side track, but can you guys explain the 22 thing? I am literally stalked by that number. I hear it and see it in the oddest of ways in addition to clocks, GPS miles to go or arrival time, etc.

I have read the angel number meaning that pops up real fast on google. Can't think of the site now. But it's very broad in its meaning on there.

Offline Zenia

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2013, 04:01:09 PM »
Sorry for the side track, but can you guys explain the 22 thing? I am literally stalked by that number. I hear it and see it in the oddest of ways in addition to clocks, GPS miles to go or arrival time, etc.

I have read the angel number meaning that pops up real fast on google. Can't think of the site now. But it's very broad in its meaning on there.
It is known as a spiritually strong number,but i am not good with numerology..Not sure about the way she uses the numbers and place them in the pentagram.They interconnect with each other,and gives a prediction.But i was told 22 is fulfillment of all hopes and aspirations.Not bad ;)

I still cant get her reading out of my head.Is there anyway the caller"GratefulMam"could have talked to Fiona a long time ago,and just decided to mention the old prediction in a feedback this year?Like she didnt get that reading now,but referred to it?It is possible to scroll back and read all of GraterfulMams feedback.I must admit;they are too good to be true tho...

If she lowers her rate again,i will give her another test,and ask about something else,that can be verified..

Offline oben

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2013, 01:29:58 AM »
@Zenia, i think yes it is absolutely possible that gratefulmom found her so many years later, just couple of things, on her website she mentioned that this happened in 1987. And she mentioned that this is translation of a letter this mom sent her. If this mom found her many years later, I think it is a little weird that she used the same feedback verbatim...on the other hand, if this happened in 1987, at that time if this young lady had a son who went to war, most probably the son was at least 18, and she was at least 35, and now 25 years later, she got a marriage proposal and job offer? Good job at minimum age or 60 years young ;) but as u said everything is possible, to me she did not give any ing super specific which would have amazed me, it was a very general kind of reading as I said, but her predictions and timelines are there for both of us, so we will see :)

Offline Zenia

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2013, 07:48:11 AM »
@Zenia, i think yes it is absolutely possible that gratefulmom found her so many years later, just couple of things, on her website she mentioned that this happened in 1987. And she mentioned that this is translation of a letter this mom sent her. If this mom found her many years later, I think it is a little weird that she used the same feedback verbatim...on the other hand, if this happened in 1987, at that time if this young lady had a son who went to war, most probably the son was at least 18, and she was at least 35, and now 25 years later, she got a marriage proposal and job offer? Good job at minimum age or 60 years young ;) but as u said everything is possible, to me she did not give any ing super specific which would have amazed me, it was a very general kind of reading as I said, but her predictions and timelines are there for both of us, so we will see :)
Thank you Obe!Good reflection! :)
If that was back in 1987,Fiona is far older that the impression i got of her.She had a very young voice..Hmm..Well,as you say;we have our predictions,so lets wait and see ;)

Offline Awesomeness

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2013, 02:21:33 PM »
Sorry for the side track, but can you guys explain the 22 thing? I am literally stalked by that number. I hear it and see it in the oddest of ways in addition to clocks, GPS miles to go or arrival time, etc.

I have read the angel number meaning that pops up real fast on google. Can't think of the site now. But it's very broad in its meaning on there.
It is known as a spiritually strong number,but i am not good with numerology..Not sure about the way she uses the numbers and place them in the pentagram.They interconnect with each other,and gives a prediction.But i was told 22 is fulfillment of all hopes and aspirations.Not bad ;)

I still cant get her reading out of my head.Is there anyway the caller"GratefulMam"could have talked to Fiona a long time ago,and just decided to mention the old prediction in a feedback this year?Like she didnt get that reading now,but referred to it?It is possible to scroll back and read all of GraterfulMams feedback.I must admit;they are too good to be true tho...

If she lowers her rate again,i will give her another test,and ask about something else,that can be verified..

Thank you!!

Offline Zenia

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2013, 04:09:27 PM »
Some updates on the "persian" again :)As i told you,something about her readings caught me,even though her prize is insane.
While she promised a lot for me,money,amazing success,love and so on,only one part of this has manifested.
But this is the most important part.

Reading 1-Told me the one i have in mind,would contact again,and things move forward,reunion,messages and so on.Timeframe:28th Feb to 14th april.Correct.Contact 2 times within this timeframe.Last time today.

Reading 2-(1 month ago)Told me he would surprice me with something.Accurate.It happened.

Reading 3(yesterday)Told me messages and communication,and a very special developement before mid May.
This has yet to be manifested,but i was surpriced by our second meeting today.I ran into him accidentally and the meeting was indeed positive.
However,i know theres a long road ahead.But i have to give her credit for correct predictions.

She keeps raising her rate.And its waaaaay beyond what i normally would have accepted as reasonable to pay.Her feedback is stunning.It cant all be false.Fraud?Maybe,but she sure hits on something.Guesswork?I cant tell.
But if she guesses this good,it might be worth paying for ;)

Offline oben

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2013, 09:08:38 PM »
Hey Zenia,
I am glad you had something manifesting :) as we all know, I am the queen of not manifesting anything lol :) three more days that I can rule her out as well lol

Offline Zenia

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2013, 12:19:34 AM »
Hey Zenia,
I am glad you had something manifesting :) as we all know, I am the queen of not manifesting anything lol :) three more days that I can rule her out as well lol
So sorry to hear that...Clearly she isnt right always.. :-\

Offline whskers

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2018, 03:48:37 AM »
This is really not a review.. but her profile pics gives me anxiety. Sigh.

Offline Angelina11

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Re: Persian medium
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2018, 04:19:59 PM »
Some updates on the "persian" again :)As i told you,something about her readings caught me,even though her prize is insane.
While she promised a lot for me,money,amazing success,love and so on,only one part of this has manifested.
But this is the most important part.

Reading 1-Told me the one i have in mind,would contact again,and things move forward,reunion,messages and so on.Timeframe:28th Feb to 14th april.Correct.Contact 2 times within this timeframe.Last time today.

Reading 2-(1 month ago)Told me he would surprice me with something.Accurate.It happened.

Reading 3(yesterday)Told me messages and communication,and a very special developement before mid May.
This has yet to be manifested,but i was surpriced by our second meeting today.I ran into him accidentally and the meeting was indeed positive.
However,i know theres a long road ahead.But i have to give her credit for correct predictions.

She keeps raising her rate.And its waaaaay beyond what i normally would have accepted as reasonable to pay.Her feedback is stunning.It cant all be false.Fraud?Maybe,but she sure hits on something.Guesswork?I cant tell.
But if she guesses this good,it might be worth paying for ;)

I used to believe in her (for more than half a year, and spent a few thousands on her)until I found out that she could not even read then present moment anywhere near correctly.After watching her reading for other people on YouTube I believe she is a great motivational counselor, but definitely not a psychic.  I suspect your Disappointment in her psychic ability, will not let you wait for too long. I can be wrong of course, it's just my opinion.