I am sorry to hear that Ginger. Did you actually give your boss your letter of resignation?
I have come to believe that we are told what we need to hear even if its mixed and different advice from different psychics. I know that sometimes I call and call and call and my head is spinning. Who is right? Who is wrong? Really, I know the answer. Sometimes in my heart I know it's time to just WALK AWAY or my heart knows I HAVE TO WAIT. It's almost as though I get conflicting answers because I am being told by God to stop calling psychics already and just live my life without having to know the future. AS a twist of faith would have it, one psychic warned me that this was happening and I had to stop calling psychics!! It's laughable.
I love this forum. I love the stories. I do notice one thing in common in most of the story lines , so to speak. We are all over our heads in readings and do not know what to believe. Some are right some are wrong. The right ones turn out wrong.
There is a lot of blaming of psychics , tricking us, lying to us, forcing us to call them . Using tricks to keep us hooked in. Perhaps that it true some of the time , but most of the time ( just my opinion) its just us calling them too much. Last I looked, there was no mafia hit man out side my door forcing me to phone a psychic.
If you don't want alcohol don't go into a bar and complain they serve drinks
Maybe we get wrong information so we can stand on our two feet. You would never guess that I just got myself a reading , would you? Lol. Yes, and now I have renewed hope!