Author Topic: Readings that Came True  (Read 257037 times)

Offline lightme

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #270 on: September 20, 2011, 06:15:40 PM »
4everhopeful: think on the bright side, now you can really quit. don't look at his fb anymore. i never look at my guy's fb since the day he left. out of sight, out of mind, it will help you heal faster. you may not like to hear what i am going to say next, but i think when the baby/child is his, it is a different story. a man can go thru more shit and fire when the child is his, it is human nature. let's not be bitter about that. ( i don't believe 100% the child is not his just basing on Eve's words. )

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #271 on: September 20, 2011, 06:30:57 PM »
I hope things turn out fine for you. As far as you are not meant to be happy I would not say that. Find things that make you happy instead of focusing everything on him. I love my sm but I am not going to all my energy on him. I know that he loves me and I am going to let him show it and in the meantime focus on me.

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #272 on: September 20, 2011, 06:35:58 PM »
I agree with light - don't look at facebook etc anymore. Save it for someone who deserves you and your attention

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #273 on: September 20, 2011, 08:20:31 PM »
Awww 4ever that really sucks.  :(  But please don't say you won't ever be happy again because you will. I thought the same and it's just not true. We have to open our hearts and minds to new beginnings. Sometimes I think it takes something to jolt us in order to do so. Mine was when I went to offer my ex help and while he graciously declined it, he was a complete ass in other ways and it just clicked for me then and there. On top of being an ass, he has repeatedly mentioned a girl (married with kids) every time he has talked to me all summer. She actually stalks me and seeks me out at the events I work at. I was about to forgive him for being an ass and he mentioned her helping him with something and that was that for me. Don't care if they have anything between them other than friendship or not, just tired of the back and forth "she's crazy I'm not talking to her" and next minute they are best friends again and he still can't give me the time of day. She can have him - cuz it won't work out anyway.

They'll all be karma'd 4ever! One thing most of us have in common is a great connection to these ex's. We know them better than they know themselves. We see the writing on the wall, they still think the grass is greener.

But let karma get them and in the meantime be good to you.  :)

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #274 on: September 21, 2011, 12:08:42 AM »
I was talking with a psychic friend recently and we were trying to figure out what's better - to "know" or to not "know". I am a true believer in psychic ability and have had many interesting predictions happen. So with that in mind, sometimes I think knowing the outcome messes up our behavior as things progress.  For instance, I'm far more forgiving and tolerant that I would normally be. I also know I would have moved on by now or at least made a major effort to do so. Instead I sit, and rot, and wait. But I've learned a lot during this time including boundaries and that I won't settle for anything less then what I deserve. Life is short and we all deserve to be happy. Maybe if I became a real bitch and changed my personality things would be different at this point. But I can't change the person that I am and I refuse to. I'm proud of the person I am. But I can change the behaviors I am willing to except from others.........

So we all seem to struggle with the same problem. We know he/she is "it" and our future, but they have major lessons to learn that can be very hurtful to us. Many of them are "runners" meaning they run from the intense connection. But this doesn't mean we can't break away after we've done our part to make it work. We CAN use free will (like they do) to move on. It is hard and takes a long time but we can all do it. We can do anything we set our minds too.

Peaceful evening everyone

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #275 on: September 21, 2011, 02:46:49 AM »
Im not being bitter about anything Lightme. It just made me feel better to know that he never wanted more children and that now he will be raising another child. But thank you for pointing out that he will love that child and be tied to this woman forever. I dont think I would be human if I just said, "Oh guess what? They are going to have a baby and Im so happy for them". Because Im not. I wish she wasnt pregnant and I wish my predictions had panned out the way they were supposed to. But I shouldnt be surprised as my whole life hasnt turned out the way I planned or tried so hard for it to turn out. I have only done the best for others that I could ever do and now Im rewarded with being alone. Ive tried dating and I get nothing but rejection and the usual comments of "Oh youre a wonderful woman" but then they are gone to the next one and end up in a relationship with them instead of me. Kind of leaves you feeling like it will never happen. I thought I would get support but I guess not, only more people telling me Im a fool and a horrible person. Maybe I am. I just know that I did everything for that man and showed him more love than anyone else had ever shown him. Maybe thats where I made my mistake. And I wont make it again. Good luck to you all.

Offline lightme

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #276 on: September 21, 2011, 03:26:49 AM »
Hi 4ever, i understand that this must be so painful to you, i really do. what i meant was also don't believe totally in what that man said, even the reason to the breakup.

i read that many men would talk about commitment and give the woman the idea that they are thinking about marriage or long term. this is only a trap they set to make the woman fall for them to gratify their ego or to get into her pants. a lot of times they do this subconciously. that is why there is a saying don't believe in a man's words, look for action. but who could actually do that? 

if i had upset you i apologise. i just speak frankly, i don't want to sugar coat my words like some of the psychics.

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #277 on: September 21, 2011, 03:54:16 AM »
hi 4ever...i hope you are doing okay. if it makes you feel any better i would send Cjean (she might have changed her name on here to Cj) a message....she literally went through this same thing already. the person she loves and always asked about had a baby with someone else and it devastated her. i believe the only person to predict that for her was dawn (who seems to just get random things right...)
anyways, we all feel your me i still am looking for that light at the end of the tunnel.

You said..."Too bad other psychics didnt see this coming. Ive wasted enough money and time. "

Eve had also gotten something right for me when i talked to her back in april, but i sort of brushed it off. I called alot more psychics last year than i have this year but its true, they seem to miss BIG things... not one single psychic knew my cousin would have a miscarriage with her baby (although one got the pregnancy). Another thing.....I sometimes ask for any weird predictions or things to look out for...and this friday i was suppose to be in a wedding and it has been postponed because my friend who is the bride is having seizures and they dont know whats wrong. How come no one saw this? I really wish CP allowed customers to post negative feedback. we will never know how many things DONT happen, because they dont allow negative testimonies....i am very glad we have this forum to share with each other.... i wish i could tell everyone i have a great update but i dont. my sm still very much denies things (as in actual things he says and does) and runs from any sort of solid establishment for a relationship. he just cant do it....we cannot force things to happen or for people to change, but have to trust that things happen for a reason. i know i hate when people tell me this, but i do believe in fate and destiny and that what is meant to happen will happen no matter what we do.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #278 on: September 21, 2011, 11:02:23 AM »
Im really sorry if I was snappy with you Lightme. And yes, I know how men lie and say whatever. But the thing that really gets to me is that his daughter confirmed his fears and that he didnt want to raise another child, and she also told me that he told her he was falling in love with me. Surely she wouldnt lie about something like that, because this was just after the breakup and he didnt deny saying it to her. Oh well, its over and done with. But I still cant be happy for him and her. And I guess I just would love to know the reason that he has someone and living a great life while Im here alone. And its not because Ive closed others out. Ive dated a dozen men since him, but nothing works out. Im just not gonna worry about it anymore. But I do truly hope everyone elses predictions come true. I know many have, but some wont. If we still dont know whats going to happen in the long run, why do we even call psychics?

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #279 on: September 21, 2011, 03:18:51 PM »
Hi CSK, I haven't done a reply to any of these topics in a long time, but I read your story and I'm sorry that you're going through this situation. I wanted to respond about what you said about the psychics not predicting about your friends miscarrige and seizures of another friend. I know when I called CP in the past and spoke to a psychic. She stated that they're under rules that they can't discuss anything medical, which I can understand among other things I'm sure they're not allowed to disclose like a death. So if she and others seen the medical issues they were not allowed to disclose it. I hope this take care

Offline cocoapple

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #280 on: September 21, 2011, 04:28:15 PM »
Hey 4ever, i know how you feel....about putting yourself out there to love and only to have them walk away from you like that.  I feel the same way and believe have every right to be bitter.  Let your emotions play out and never mind what these psychics did or did not predict because it really all doesn't matter anymore.  Deal with what's in front of you.  Know that what YOU lost, is someone who doesn't love you like you deserve to be loved.  What HE lost, was someone who loves him and will never get that kind of love from you again.  If you do that's your win.  Why bother putting energy and emotion into someone who isn't worth to be with you anymore?  Cherish that good memories you guys once had.  Bury the past because he is never gonna be the same person who was once with you and keep walking and don't look back.  I went through this 5 yrs ago when i was dumped and badly hurt and thought i will never love and never will find another guy to love me again but life brought me my recent ex and god knows when i'll find love again but i do know for sure, that it will find you when you least expect it.  For me, it may take another 5 yrs to trust again but meanwhile, love your family, love your friends....they will be here for you always but boys come and go until the one you are meant to be with comes and stays.  I like to use the analogy of a train......there are many stops along the way to our final destination....some boards with you from the beginning, some gets on the train along the way and gets our life journey.....we'll meet lots and lots of people and we'll depart with many of them.....but just remember.....that with every ending.....comes a new beginning....and i do mean that for all of us who's going through crap right now in this forum.

Hugz to all~OO~!

Offline lightme

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #281 on: September 21, 2011, 05:03:07 PM »
i agree. if you believe in fate all the whys to the split don't matter anymore. many of us are in the same boat, they said one thing but didn't follow through. maybe they meant it at the point of time when they said it, but there are other variables too and even if there is no variable, feelings change. and some of us are not even given a reason. but after some time the reason doesn't matter anymore. if they want to live without us, we let them go.

as for why the psychics couldn't see certain events happening, firstly, oh boy i won't dare to expect them to be so powerful. secondly, maybe many things we are not supposed to know beforehand. we cannot play God. If God wants someone to be sick or to die, He has his reasons. who are we to interfere with it? personally i won't call the psychics to ask for extraordinary events, if i do this i will be conditioning myself to be paranoid and not at ease. i will choose God instead of psychics to deal with life events.

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #282 on: September 21, 2011, 05:08:46 PM »
I know what you mean. Psychics dont know evetything, they can point you in the direction you need to know but   God is the one that is all knowing and he will guide us in the right direction if we are open to listening

Offline vanyct

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #283 on: September 21, 2011, 05:32:47 PM »
I agree with lightme that there are some things that we are not supposed to know.  My understanding of how psychics work is that they communicate with a different realm (spiritual, metaphysical I think this all depends on personal beliefs) and when you ask for a reading, the psychic gets their information from that realm.  There are things that we as humans are not supposed to know and are therefore not communicated to the psychic because it would keep us from living our everyday lives.  I don’t think psychics necessarily tell us this, what they do is fill in the gaps with small details and that is why we probably get psychics that give us the same big picture but the details are different. 

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #284 on: September 21, 2011, 06:26:21 PM »
I was talking with a psychic friend recently and we were trying to figure out what's better - to "know" or to not "know". I am a true believer in psychic ability and have had many interesting predictions happen. So with that in mind, sometimes I think knowing the outcome messes up our behavior as things progress.  For instance, I'm far more forgiving and tolerant that I would normally be. I also know I would have moved on by now or at least made a major effort to do so. Instead I sit, and rot, and wait. But I've learned a lot during this time including boundaries and that I won't settle for anything less then what I deserve. Life is short and we all deserve to be happy. Maybe if I became a real bitch and changed my personality things would be different at this point. But I can't change the person that I am and I refuse to. I'm proud of the person I am. But I can change the behaviors I am willing to except from others.........

So we all seem to struggle with the same problem. We know he/she is "it" and our future, but they have major lessons to learn that can be very hurtful to us. Many of them are "runners" meaning they run from the intense connection. But this doesn't mean we can't break away after we've done our part to make it work. We CAN use free will (like they do) to move on. It is hard and takes a long time but we can all do it. We can do anything we set our minds too.

Peaceful evening everyone

This is AWESOME!!!! So true. I think I am saving this LOL

I would never tolerate this behavior from ANYONE! They'd have been cut of my life in a heartbeat, and within weeks. To take this for 18 months is unthinkable. Yet I did and you know what? I have no regrets. I know I had things to learn and growing to do. Maybe I needed to be otherwise occupied so this other guy could come sweep me off my feet. Who knows? But I am glad I made myself a better person through all this!