Author Topic: Readings that Came True  (Read 246838 times)

Offline GLK73

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #135 on: April 10, 2011, 10:38:57 PM »
And another thing - don't they realize that if they mislead you, you won't call them again ever?  I think I stopped calling Jacqueline awhile back - because even though I liked her - she seemed like she always would say what I wanted to hear.  But then I did go back because her timing of communication (i.e., when I'll get a text) was so on.  But I read that some people on here really sing her praises with knowing what's going on - people's feelings, etc...  I don't know.

Offline Shoe Gal

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #136 on: April 11, 2011, 08:29:02 PM »
I know we all get frustrated when our patience is truly being tried.  I just want to add that while I'm not advocating for the readers whose queues are always full (i.e., Red, Gina Rose and often Nina), it does make you think....if they were feeding bs to the readers or if their predictions weren't happening (in the least bit) why would people drop loads of money (esp for Gina Rose & Red who are $10/min) to keep reading with them?  I have to believe that there may be increments of what they are telling that come to fruition.  Besides, many of us have stated on here that what we were told came to pass. For example, GLK, look at our posting on "Just had a reading with Maryanne".  She was "tested" by one of us and she came through with flying colors :) and she pegged the rocky road, etc with another one of us, so I have to believe that she (at least) is not going to necessarily give you the "happily ever after" that we want to hear. Another option, GLK, is to see that if another reader (perhaps a local one) who's not on CP or Psychic Source, etc validates what you're reading from CP.  I've had 2 local readers recently and they validated - not necessarily timeframes, but outcomes, feelings, predicaments, etc. so I would suggest that if you'd like to gauge.
I think a lot goes into a successful reading:
(1) connection between you and your reader (I think this is the most important)
(2) how long they've been reading (if they've been "channeling" for hours and you're towards the end of the shift, the connection may not be as strong - I don't want to accuse but I do feel that we've experienced this)
(3) if they use tools (such as tarot esp), how well-versed he/she is in the spread used/interpreted, deck and layout
(4) timing/energy/free will (this "Bermuda Triangle" can wreak havoc so you have to understand and accept this as part of your reading).
My personal belief is that if there wasn't some truth to what they are sharing, they wouldn't be in such high demand.  Another thing, the readers that I've had good experiences with and whom I've felt a connection with, is not because "they told me what I want to hear", it's because they gained my trust through sharing specific details and it resonnated with me.  Just my two-cents worth :)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 09:24:27 PM by Shoe Gal »

Offline Libra

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #137 on: April 11, 2011, 09:18:15 PM »
So you are saying that "by spring" may mean by the time spring ends?

Offline Shoe Gal

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #138 on: April 11, 2011, 09:26:44 PM »
Yes, but also keep in mind that while the outcome may be there, free-will may alter the timeframe.  You must continue to manifest positive thoughts and keep repeating them for the universe to "hear" your calling.

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #139 on: April 11, 2011, 09:36:49 PM »
I think that fear may block a lot of the outcomes. By fearing or wanting something too much we are blocking the energy to come our way. I saw a spiritual teacher years ago who told me that if we want something first we must "feel OK not having it".

Offline Shoe Gal

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #140 on: April 11, 2011, 09:51:04 PM »
Libra - please don't feel that I'm in any way poo-pooing what your spiritual advisor taught you.  I have done a lot of reading and research with the law of attraction, calling on angels and workings of higher self.  I kept being told how intuitive I was and my readings on my past life/lives indicated I was quite a healer so I've brought that into this life (they tell me).  I decided to use that to better understand how to aid in my own circumstances.
I worked with a local medium here who is phenomenal and she turned me onto the workings of Abraham Hicks.  Abraham is the spirit guide to Esther Hicks (and her husband, Jerry Hicks).  The Hicks have written several books and for anyone interested in learning more about spirituality, law of attraction, law of abundance, etc - I highly recommend these books as they're very reasonably priced and a fantastic read (couldn't put it down when started!) so this is where I'm coming from.
It's not enough, Libra, to just verbally state your desires to the universe, you must feel them and once you are in harmony with the positive feeling of your desire and what you are stating (or putting out) to the universe, then you are calling on higher powers to work on your behalf.  This will not work when you are coming from a place of fear or doubt - you must whole heartedly BELIEVE in what you are asking for, imagining it, feeling it, believing it to be yours and allow it to manifest in your life.
I understand that this is not for everyone, but if you have even a faint interest, I would encourage you to get the book, The Law of Attraction" by Abraham Hicks.

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #141 on: April 11, 2011, 09:55:44 PM »
I already have the book, I read it half way only, it is very good I must admit. I have been working on my RN degree. Now that I am done, I will resume my spiritual studies. I must say that being spiritual is very fulfilling so, we will see what is next.

Offline Shoe Gal

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #142 on: April 11, 2011, 10:10:49 PM »
Congrats on the RN degree!

Offline Libra

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #143 on: April 11, 2011, 10:54:44 PM »
Thanks. Yeah people I am graduating as a RN next week! The studying took the life force out of me. I need tons of rest.

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #144 on: April 11, 2011, 11:42:04 PM »
I should take a class with "feeling ok not having it"

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #145 on: April 11, 2011, 11:44:44 PM »
See my only prob with that shoegal many things that we WANT may not necessarily be what we NEED...God has a reason for why he does things and why it happens in that timeframe...pushing it to happen faster may let the candle burn out before its meant to.

I also honestly think that we dont have all the answers now bc then we wont have to face stuff and learn things.

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #146 on: April 11, 2011, 11:45:27 PM »
yay Libra...nurses are excellent next to teachers of course  :P


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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #147 on: April 12, 2011, 01:43:26 AM »
I have something to add.  I think Prince Williame and Kate are soulmates. They broke up for a long time and had their issues and now look, they're getting married. I wonder if she uses a psychic. LOL. My point is that sometimes there isn't a thing we can do to make things move more quickly. There is a lesson to learn / healing / things to accomplish for one or both, and until that is done, no amount of anything is going to help. BUT perhaps we need to learn to have faith in the Universe and that is OUR lesson. 'Walk the walk' that we have faith that this is all going to work out for the best. Easier said then done unfortunately.

BTW - girlfriend is looking WAY to skinny. Almost bony. I just saw a recent picture of her in People. Their last public appearance before the wedding. 

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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #148 on: April 12, 2011, 01:46:11 AM »
planning weddings Im sure is stressful


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Re: Readings that Came True
« Reply #149 on: April 12, 2011, 01:48:41 AM »
Especially with a staff of 1,000. I'm stressed and I don't look like that. HA