Author Topic: Predictions that do NOT come true  (Read 7369 times)

tired of it all

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Predictions that do NOT come true
« on: March 29, 2016, 05:41:29 PM »
Anyone else, like me, have LOTS of readings over the years but rarely (if ever?!) have any predictions manifest?

I have been getting readings on Keen since 2007, minus a year or two when I closed my account and thought I was done with it, and have also read with several people off of Keen.  I've read with well over a hundred readers.  I've heard countless predictions about contact from ex's, meeting new guys, job offers, etc.  Pretty much none of them have ever manifested for me.

Some of the really vague or general predictions have come true...the kind that seem more like educated guesses based on what I've already told the reader.  :o  Like that a person would continue the same behavior as usual or would be in a bad mood.  I don't really count those.

I wrote in another thread about a prediction Ravenredwoman made that I would meet a man.  It was about half right half wrong.  She got a lot of the details right but kind of missed the obvious, that this was someone from my past who I wouldn't be interested in.

Last year when I was having problems with my supervisor, several readers told me it would work out ok...which again was about half right, half wrong.  Things did smooth out eventually but in the meantime I went through some intensely stressful calls and meetings which no one really picked up on accurately.  I followed one reader's advice to call HR and really, seriously regretted it.  The reader told me the woman I would speak with would be really compassionate but instead she was really condescending and rude and it was just a horrible experience speaking with her.  Another reader made predictions about how the company would change some policies to make things far, nope, hasn't happened.  The one thing someone really got right was that there would be no real consequences for what happened. 

A job offer I was hoping to get last year never panned out...which is not to say that it won't still happen eventually, because I knew it might take a long time for the company to sort things out so they could hire someone.  But what disgusts me is that every time I would ask a reader about it, they would say something like...oh, I see you hearing from them again within a couple of weeks.  And it didn't ring true with me but I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt.  Nope, never happened. 

And some predictions have turned the complete opposite of what the reader told me.  The worst was when one told me if I contacted my ex it would bring him around and get us talking again.  And I told her I had serious doubts about it but she insisted it was going to turn out okay, bring us closer, whatever.  Well he responded alright, not privately but publicly with a very mean, nasty comment.  It was the first time he had really spoken to me at all in months and it was so devastating and humiliating.  It changed me and I haven't been the same since that happened.

It actually went on for months like that with her telling me he's going to contact the end of the week, next holiday, end of the month, etc.  It never rang true for me and I'd actually argue with her but I got locked in this cycle where I'd still hope for it anyway.  It was so devastating each time it didn't happen, it just got worse and worse, and she knew exactly how it was affecting me.  But she still kept asking me to trust her anyway.  I feel like it broke my mind in two because nothing she said matched the reality I was seeing.  Nothing she predicted ever happened, not for me, not even for a family member I asked about. 

Since then, I've seen just how two-faced and conflicted my ex can be.  He is mentally ill and plays a lot of games where he expects people to see through his surface behavior to guess his real intentions.  So I can see how he might be hard for a psychic to read.  A couple have even picked up right away that he is bipolar, without my saying so, and told me that bipolar people are VERY difficult to read and that a lot of psychics get it wrong.  So I can see how they might pick up on some things accurately and completely miss something else.  They might see his deeper feelings but misread his intentions, or his capability for expressing those feelings.  But come on, how many failed predictions does it take for someone to realize they are getting it wrong? 

And even if that one person/situation is unusual and difficult to read...why doesn't anything else ever pan out for me? 

After doing a lot of reading on this forum, I see lots of stories about predictions that did not come true.  But I also see many reports about predictions that DID come true...maybe not with a happy, fairytale ending, but still...essentially what the reader told them would happen came to pass.  So it sounds like most people do have at least a few predictions come true for them.  Maybe it's a matter of finding the right reader?  Maybe some are more accurate than others, in general, or maybe some readers just connect better with certain clients. 

I wish I could find someone who is really accurate for me about practical, real-world events.  I've had readers be very accurate about certain things, like conversations and things people have said to me, down to the exact phrasing.  Some are really great at explaining how someone thinks or feels, but you can still wonder how accurate it is if the person doesn't show what they really think/feel.  Some are great remote viewers and pick up little details that are interesting and can be verified. 

So yeah I've seen reasons to believe that most of these readers have some real psychic ability.  Definitely not all, but most.  However, NO ONE gets the real world stuff right for me.  I mean the things that actually happen, in the physical world that is generally called "reality."

One reader especially was just stunningly accurate with spiritual information.  She picked up on things she couldn't possibly have guessed at.  She described something very unusual going on between me and my spirit guides.  She told me about a dream I had over 10 years prior to the reading.  Things like that, just mind blowing stuff.  But when it came to practical, down-to-earth stuff, it was a nightmare.  The breaking point came when I had a bad car accident, and I knew most likely my car was going to be considered a total loss but it was up in the air for about a week or so.  This reader went off on the craziest tangent ever telling me that the car wanted to be repaired and she felt for sure it wasn't going to be totaled.  In the end it was indeed a total loss, and it was just mind boggling that she kept insisting it wouldn't be.  And I figured out the car was really symbolic of this broken relationship with my ex and it also was most likely a total loss.  The reader blocked me after I told her she was wrong about the car and wrong about my ex too. 

Sorry this is so long.  I could just keep going on and on.  I just wonder if I'm actually unreadable in some way.  I just had a reader on fiverr cancel because she couldn't get a strong enough connection with me.  I wonder if other readers just aren't honest enough to admit it when they can't connect, especially when they are getting paid by the minute to keep you on the phone.  Or maybe for some reason, they actually don't realize they aren't connecting well with me.

tired of it all

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2016, 09:46:54 PM »
I thought to add this, in case it was not clear what I mean by real-world predictions coming true or not.  I mean predicting concrete, objective, verifiable events that are not subject to much interpretation.  Like when my car was deemed a total loss by my insurance company, it was totaled out, period, end of story, and the reader who said it was not going to be totaled was incorrect with her prediction. 

A more subjective prediction would be like if a reader says, you will like this person and get along well with them.  It may look that way to them when they see a vision of us meeting, but when it happens I may not actually feel that way about it.  Or I may feel that way for awhile but then something changes that the reader didn't see coming.  In those cases it's hard to say whether the reader is right or wrong, maybe it's a matter of different perceptions.  Even if I DO like the person and we get along well, I have to wonder if is it because I was suggestible to the prediction? 

Similarly if a reader tells me that a person feels a certain way towards me, for instance that they feel regret for the way they treated me, it may be totally plausible but how can I verify this?  The person might feel guilty, but may not ever express that, may deny it, may even repress it so much that they don't know that they feel it.  The same goes for attraction, or anger, or any other feeling.  It's too subjective to know if it is accurate.

A more concrete prediction would be this person will say "xyz" to you in your next conversation.  And then the person actually says it, word for word or close enough to it.  I've had a few of those come true. 

So in my view, a prediction like "he/she feels guilty" would be highly subjective, however "he/she is going to tell you that they feel guilty" would be more objective and factual. 

Or let's say you have a job interview and you want to know how it went.  Being told that it went well or they liked you is really subjective.  Saying yes you will get a job offer, or no you won't is a concrete prediction. 

I've had some predictions that were more or less accurate when they were subject to a fair amount of interpretation.  I could say those readers were reasonably accurate about those things.  However, those same readers have gotten more concrete, objective things wrong. 

I also notice a lot of readers will avoid giving much of anything concrete, whether it is past present or future, instead they will describe something in a hazy or slippery way that could have multiple interpretations and cannot ever be verified in a factual way. 

Offline bstalling

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2016, 05:55:22 AM »
I think its safe to say that most psychics can have you torturing yourself in this manner. The reality is that psychics (even the fairly good ones) can get it wrong..there is nothing more to it. They can be right about some out of this world stuff, but wrong about other things. Thats just it.

Now, if you want to continue getting readings, pick a handful that work for you and stick to them. Some psychics are good at some skills, but not others. For example, call an empath if you are curious about someones feelings, call a remote viewer if you need help finding your keys.

On another board I vist, people have had very good experiences with Yona Farrel...she seems to be the most ethical and consistent reader readily available. Give her a try. But also realize that she is not always 100 percent right. Its a gamble even with the quality, consistent readers.

wishing you well...

tired of it all

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2016, 03:57:47 AM »
Thank you both for responding.  I was starting to feel a little lonesome here.

I think it boils down to feeling insecure with our decisions. Trusting ourselves, depending on ourselves. I think the reason why we all call is because we're having trouble connecting to our higher power and our source of faith. I think we're also highly sensitive to criticism and yet very emotional aware of others. So it's going to take time, and a lot of gentleness...

Yes this is how it is for me.  I really second guess myself a lot.  And I am prone to having anxiety attacks where I feel like I just can't connect to anything.  Sometimes I really lose my bearings and can't hear my spirit guides at all for awhile.  I also go through times when I feel like I can't trust my own spirit guides so I don't really want to hear what they have to say. 

Sometimes I have called psychics and just asked, can you help me talk to my guides and pass on whatever messages they have for me?  I have gotten very mixed results with that, lol, I've found very few who can do it.  If anyone knows a good reader for that, I welcome any suggestions. 

I know they all have different talents.  I try to find out what they are good at and stick with that.  But some will keep offering the stuff they know they aren't good at, like predictions with timing.  It's almost like they feel the need to keep up and try to prove themselves at those things.  Others will say they are good at predictions, but as far as my experience goes, they are NOT. 

I actually really dislike it when a reader gives me timing, because I know there's very little chance the prediction will ever come true at all, and pinning a date on it just makes it feel that much worse when that date comes and goes. 

I feel like some of these readers are a bit delusional, because when I've said (for example) "There's really no way this can happen by Oct. 3, because [...]" they would just kind of laugh it off and say, you'll see, call me back when it happens.  And like we all know, if you DO talk to them again they just keep extending the timeframes, except maybe a few who are just too ethical to do that.  Very few will just admit it when they are wrong.  Based on my bad experiences, both with psychics AND with some of the mind boggling people I was calling them to ask about, I've come to see this as the most dangerous personality trait to watch out for: the inability to admit a mistake or apologize.  It's a classic trait of NPD. 


Offline PurpleRain

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2016, 06:13:24 AM »
When I ask about business, I find my readers to be much more accurate vs asking about love. But keep in mind when I ask about school or work life it's usually very concrete questions that are not subjected to interpretation. For example:

Will I get accepted Into xyz engineering school this fall or
Will I get approved for ABC

Asking about other peoples feelings and ultimately how they are going to respond is  much more complexed and not as easy to gauge.

I've also noticed that the more I read with an individual psychic the less accurate they become. Nevertheless, majority about 90% of love/relationship predictions do not come to pass.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 06:16:17 AM by PurpleRain »

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2016, 05:52:03 PM »
I asked about business WRT a person who was supposed to be doing some work for me, but kind of fell off the face of the earth. More than one psychic kept trying to put a romantic spin on it - and it was not romantic at all!

tired of it all

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2016, 08:54:49 PM »
I've had really mixed results from asking about my job.  Mostly they just seem to miss the obvious.  I just found out today about some changes in my job that none of the readers had ever picked up on. 

A couple of readers had encouraged me last year to speak up about things that were going on and ask for changes.  I've been watching for months to see what it would lead to.  It's not over yet but getting pretty obvious the positive changes the readers talked about are not likely to happen.  Which might turn out to be an understatement.  I am still peeved over the one who told me to contact HR, can't remember her name right off but I wish I had never taken that advice. 

tired of it all

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2016, 10:59:18 PM »
This week has been horrible, I got a triple whammy of being reminded again of predictions that have NOT come to pass.  Love, work, and my health too.  It's like the gift that keeps on giving. 


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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2016, 11:14:49 PM »
This week has been horrible, I got a triple whammy of being reminded again of predictions that have NOT come to pass.  Love, work, and my health too.  It's like the gift that keeps on giving. 
So sorry to hear that @tired. That's why i don't bother to get predictions anymore. I just base my course of action on the current energy. and even that's not worth it. We need to just live life and let things flow, as hard as that may be

tired of it all

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2016, 11:37:14 PM »
Some of these predictions, I did not ask for, they were just given to me during the course of a conversation.  Like when Judi told me that my periods would become more normal and I would stop having the intense pain I get sometimes.  My cycles are still nowhere near normal.  I will have one or two periods that are easier, and I'll think wow maybe she was right after all.  Then I have another one with really bad pain and it's like reality comes crashing down on me again.  I can't think of a better way to set someone up for constant, ongoing disappointment than to tell a woman with menstrual problems that it will stop happening.  And she told me that my guides said to stop using progesterone cream, which was the ONLY thing that was helping me, so if I think about using it I remember that and I just feel so much conflict with myself about it.  And she blocked me so I can't even talk with her again to clarify anything about it.  I just think it's wrong to leave someone with hanging with a bunch of fanciful predictions, and then expect them to just go on with life like they were never told those things. 

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2016, 12:03:08 AM »
Please don't take offense at this (I've spent many thousands on psychics in the past) - but I'd never take medical advice from them when it's something like hormones that can be tested. Get your hormones tested and even if you do research and don't listen to your doctor - it's better than listening to a random person on the other end of the phone.

Most of them specifically say they will not discuss anything medical.


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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2016, 12:31:05 AM »
Please don't take offense at this (I've spent many thousands on psychics in the past) - but I'd never take medical advice from them when it's something like hormones that can be tested. Get your hormones tested and even if you do research and don't listen to your doctor - it's better than listening to a random person on the other end of the phone.

Most of them specifically say they will not discuss anything medical.
I agree. I'm surprised Judi didn't say she doesn't answer medical related questions because she's gonna about sticking to her strong point which is being an empath.

tired of it all

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Re: Predictions that do NOT come true
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2016, 12:48:16 AM »
I'll say it again...I didn't even ask her.  It just came up.

