I got an email before where she said she only taking requests from people who are already waiting before she takes new ones but she said to set an appointment if you want. I emailed her last night and she said what she told Leogirl, that she had been reading for a while and the last readings were intense so she had to "recharge" before she read some more. I kind of nagged her to read for me anyway but she said she never reads unless she's sure she's 100%. I guess that's better than readers that are on 24/7 whether they can read or not. Like I'd rather wait for good reader that GAF about getting it right than a good reader that doesn't GAF as long they make that coin lol
I was number 11 last night and I'm 7 now. She said alot of the people in line got appointments when she emailed everyone but they won't be there when their turn comes up because they already got a reading so we'll probably get our turns tonight