Author Topic: TripleMoonGodess  (Read 7828 times)

Offline sunandmoon

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« on: November 10, 2014, 02:27:38 PM »
I'm getting some work done by someone who has seemed to fallen off the earth as far as I'm concerned. He's always read messages I've sent him, doesn't always respond immediately, but has always read them. I've sent him two messages now that have gone unread although he's been online. I'm concerned because I'd like to get the job done. I do have another option but it was kind of a win/win for both of us and I don't want to to appear that I've bailed on him.

I went to Keen looking for a remote viewer that was online and wouldn't break me financially. I found Diamond Cherokee Princess and TripleMoonGodess. They both gave different readings, using just names.

DCP tried multiple times to put a relationship spin on it, when I said it was work. TripleMoodGoodess says there's a distraction around him and he should resurface in 1-2 weeks. She said he's prone to do that, veer off in different directions.

This kind of fits what I know about him as well, though once we started to communicate via fb he's been better. She suggested I touch base in a week if I don't hear from him first. Still a little worried as I want to get the work done and there are things I need to do to move forward with it, but I need his input first, which leads me back to - read the damn messages man! lol Going to my next option will be uncomfortable as I will still have interaction with him and I'd really like to know for sure if he's still interested or not before doing that.

I should add that I read with Barbara over a month ago about the same person, though not about this specific job as it hadn't come up yet. She said our friendship could end in Nov or December by my doing. And that something happens where I don't trust him. Ending the friendship would be pretty drastic on my part (not that I would call us BFFs) as I've had friends do worse but I still talk to them. OTOH Barbara was insistent on someone around me with 2 kids between 45-47 or 50-51 and no one in my life fits those parameters, so I am still a bit skeptical.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 07:18:32 PM by sunandmoon »

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: TripleMoonGodess
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2014, 10:02:47 PM »
TMG didn't put a r/s spin on it at all, though she may have said he's a nice guy. Ya, when it comes right down to it, I could've come up with the same conclusion. It will be interesting to see how it really plays out.

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Re: TripleMoonGodess
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2015, 08:11:16 PM »
I talked to TMG today for 3 minutes (the lady just does not fluff things, she says something and she's DONE). This was about the same issue as above. I had seen and talked to the person in question in mid-November, yes he had gotten caught up with stuff that he was under a deadline for and had ironically read all the messages that popped up on his screen from me, but never went into the app to read them fully and respond. He then contacted me in early December to say he had gotten some things for our project and how was I doing on my end. I told him and we left it that he was to keep me posted as I was set on my end.

It's now Feb and he's been quiet as a church mouse. TMG said he got backed up and there was some kind of illness or problem with his family (I know a friend died unexpectedly in January, which is why I didn't contact him then as it just seemed insensitive to do so). She said he's now backed up and having a hard time getting things together in order to complete them. I may want to touch base with him which may push me back up the line (and that seemed to help last time).

I asked her if she saw anything else, and she said for me personally, an event was going to come up out of state for July/August. I should go to this as I will meet people who could be beneficial to me. That was pretty interesting, as in November or so, a friend offered me a place to stay at an event the end of July into August, all I'd have to do is get myself there. I did this same event in 2013 and that's why I was offered the place to stay for this year. I am sort of job hunting so who knows what may happen.

Bottom line is she told me to just contact him and go from there. I hung up with her and a few minutes later I got a FB message notification!!! I was so excited, thinking it was him. But it was someone else interested in something I am selling. I then opened up one of his fb pix and said DUDE!!! Get in touch with me about the project!!!  lol
« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 10:16:23 PM by sunandmoon »

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: TripleMoonGodess
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2015, 05:49:11 PM »
Sunandmoon - did her TMG's predictions manifest?

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: TripleMoonGodess
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2015, 12:25:08 AM »
Sunandmoon - did her TMG's predictions manifest?

I'd have to go back to my old laptop to look at my all my notes. But based on what I wrote here.....

The project - I chatted with my friend in the spring and July. In May he had quit his old job (were we used to work together) and started in a new industry. In July he said he had bought more stuff for my project, but that he was getting tired of waiting on his friend to finish his workshop (he was going to use it for the work) and that he was considering buying the bigger piece of equipment on his own because he had other jobs on hold as well as mine because of it. I have not heard from him since although I've reached out a couple more times. He has been super quiet on FB as well.

I did go to the event which was the last week of July to August 1, out of state. Because of that event, I picked up a volunteer position doing something I was interested in (specifically hoping it would lead to other things and at the least I'd put it on my resume). Unfortunately, the lady running the group decided she wanted to handle part of my position and had someone she knew personally who had volunteered her time for the other portion. GRRRRR!!! I'm still in the group but not in the capacity I had wanted to be (it's a very informal BOD). However, this lady has offered the 2 of us on the board use of her house at the same vacation spot, though costs are a little spotty (*if* it's not being used, housekeeping costs, etc).

I did manage to also sell a couple of my photographs, but didn't get the help promoting them that I had hoped from the lady I stayed with..... BUT because I had a bunch leftover, I finally got put some up on a site to sell..... hmmm though I did also offer to help another lady which may lead to something.. who knows... things move so slowly sometimes....

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: TripleMoonGodess
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2015, 12:46:51 PM »
I checked my notes - apparently she was my last reading back in Feb. I had read with her Nov 2014 as well.

In Nov 14 I called her about the same guy/same issue. I had told her someone was doing work for me but ceased to respond. Her reply was that he had a distraction around him, veers off in different directions, not the most reliable etc.

But honestly that's easy to infer by the question I had asked her.

The question I asked in Feb was again "someone who fell off the face of the earth"

And yes it's true that "he can't get things together to complete things" - he was waiting on his friends place to be ready otherwise he had to buy his own equipment.

BUT that can also be a lucky guess based on what I had asked her. She had also said he was short on money, which probably wasn't the case as it was his friends location and I had tried to give him money for what he needed to buy for me (which he didn't take, but he only spent about $80).

She didn't wow me, but her comment about the out of state trip was interesting.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: TripleMoonGodess
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2015, 09:32:43 PM »
Thanks for following up, sunandmoon, I appreciate it. Yeah, kinda seems like she doesn't really have the wow factor.

Offline artslove

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Re: TripleMoonGodess
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2020, 01:02:01 AM »
Bump. Any updates?

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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Re: TripleMoonGodess
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2020, 02:40:10 AM »
Bump. Any updates?

I read with her last year and she was deadass wrong.

I read with her back in January of last year and I asked if my ex and I would reconcile. She said he would be back around in July and that he would shut down one month later and “disappear”. She went on to explain that he comes back because he’s lonely and misses me but then realizes he isn’t ready for growth and would rather run away and hide instead of talk. I was wondering if that disappearing act would be temporary so I asked her if that meant no “full” reconciliation and she said yes. She also went on to mention he feels like he isn’t good enough for me.

The POI I asked about in that chat, well, he and I reconciled about 2-3 months after my chat (so in April of last year). We are still together for this day. We’ve had some bumps in the road but when July came around not once did he shut down and disappear. In fact we had one fight in July but HE was the one who came to me and wanted to talk it out (when I just needed a few days of space to breathe). So yeah for me she was dead wrong and I regret wasting 10 minutes with her.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 03:47:37 AM by _sydney_vicious_ »

Offline artslove

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Re: TripleMoonGodess
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2020, 02:55:26 AM »
Sydney, I am really glad things worked out in your favor. I’m sorry about your chat :( That probably was not the best thing to hear either at the time, but I’m glad you guys were able to work things out.

I am glad I chose not to speak with her. I’m just on a binge again (which sucks) and just wish there would be someone at least decently accurate to speak with. Then again, the predicted time frames I have received are all over the place. Ugh.

