Author Topic: JUDIs Inner Light  (Read 337215 times)

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #600 on: September 02, 2017, 03:54:30 AM »
Time frames have been hit and miss. She was dead on for timing for me to get papers back once. She's been accurate about timing for mood shifts in POI and she can often pinpoint occasions without knowing it. Like she's made predictions for hearing from someone or seeing someone on such and such date and it turns out to be a person's birthday, as an example. But for trips and things for me, predictions on that have fallen through. I just use her to channel information from people I don't have direct access to mostly now. 

Offline Baypark1

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #601 on: September 02, 2017, 04:35:59 AM »
The second time I called her, she started talking right out of the gate about how my ex had been out once or twice for a drink with someone and nothing more, and that it wasn't a relationship and then a few minutes in, she paused and asked me what I was calling about. She had answered my question that I was going to ask without me asking it yet. My ex later confirmed this to be true. This is the same woman that Judi said thought the my ex was still in love with me, and my ex also confirmed for me that that was the reason she had dumped him. When she's connects, she really hones in on the situation with laser beam accuracy. I've had some really startling things come to light from her that have proven to be true.

I think she is gifted to.a certain extent and your experience validates that. What bothers me is when she isn't connecting, she rattles off bullcrap or maybe is reading our thoughts. I loved her and read with her quite a few times until the.last time she was just so.wrong I couldn't take it.  She could have easily said hey I'm not connecting, can you call back. 


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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #602 on: September 02, 2017, 04:50:15 AM »
The second time I called her, she started talking right out of the gate about how my ex had been out once or twice for a drink with someone and nothing more, and that it wasn't a relationship and then a few minutes in, she paused and asked me what I was calling about. She had answered my question that I was going to ask without me asking it yet. My ex later confirmed this to be true. This is the same woman that Judi said thought the my ex was still in love with me, and my ex also confirmed for me that that was the reason she had dumped him. When she's connects, she really hones in on the situation with laser beam accuracy. I've had some really startling things come to light from her that have proven to be true.

I think she is gifted to.a certain extent and your experience validates that. What bothers me is when she isn't connecting, she rattles off bullcrap or maybe is reading our thoughts. I loved her and read with her quite a few times until the.last time she was just so.wrong I couldn't take it.  She could have easily said hey I'm not connecting, can you call back.

its odd i felt like her last reading for with me was really like subpar like i either caught her on an off day or something idk. but then she kept insisting something about POI that i verified later to be true from him. so then im like maybe what she said was accurate idk. i feel like its half and half on her off days. she might say some accurate things and fill in the rest.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #603 on: September 02, 2017, 10:45:01 AM »
Let me get this straight, your friend called Judi, who explicitly states she doesn't read jobs (or health), just relationships in her ad, to ask about her boss... and then got pissed off when she read it like it was a romantic interest.  :-\

Uh yea but don't you think it's a bit strange that she channeled all BS from the guy instead of maybe simply saying she wasn't getting anything?

Offline mystery123

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #604 on: September 02, 2017, 11:25:47 AM »
Let me get this straight, your friend called Judi, who explicitly states she doesn't read jobs (or health), just relationships in her ad, to ask about her boss... and then got pissed off when she read it like it was a romantic interest.  :-\

Uh yea but don't you think it's a bit strange that she channeled all BS from the guy instead of maybe simply saying she wasn't getting anything?

Yea!! So weird that she would do that! Like Zadalia usually would say she is getting a static

Offline sawthelight

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #605 on: September 02, 2017, 11:50:26 AM »
Let me get this straight, your friend called Judi, who explicitly states she doesn't read jobs (or health), just relationships in her ad, to ask about her boss... and then got pissed off when she read it like it was a romantic interest.  :-\

Uh yea but don't you think it's a bit strange that she channeled all BS from the guy instead of maybe simply saying she wasn't getting anything?

Yea!! So weird that she would do that! Like Zadalia usually would say she is getting a static

Yep exactly. She literally "channeled" all nonsense. I use channel very loosely here

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #606 on: September 02, 2017, 11:18:59 PM »
When she channel your poi has anyone gotten stuff like I always act like I don't like you but i do just pretending I do like you a lot I just isn't looking for anything right now. I believe it because when I told my poi to block me if she don't like me she just said I don't like to block people.


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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #607 on: October 09, 2017, 06:46:49 PM »
Any updates on Judi?

Offline njlady

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #608 on: October 10, 2017, 02:50:14 PM »
Any updates on Judi?

I've had 3 readings with her in 8 months.  She's definitely not a scam.  I've gotten a lot of assistance from her.  If she is having an off day, end the call. 

1.  Don't ever go to an empath with your head full of a script of what you want to hear.   

2.  You need to be detached from the outcome.  Do cord cutting meditations even if it feels ridiculous.  If you have a death grip on your outcome, you will end up disappointed in the end  99.99% of the time. 

3.  Don't focus on time frames as if they are make or break for accuracy.  It's great when someone gets an exact hit, but don't count on it.  Someone isn't wrong if you get a call on Wednesday or Friday instead of Thursday.  In general, contact predictions are the worst thing ever.  Full of desperation.  Don't think people can't feel it, even if they haven't talked to you for months.  If you were hanging off a cliff, you would want to climb up and get off, not hang on forever.  You also wouldn't bitch if search and rescue showed up, no matter when it was.  If you are getting back together or whatever, it will happen whether or not he/she calls you on Thursday at 6:47 pm.  You are much more attractive when you aren't waiting around.

4.  Don't automatically assume a genuine reader is wrong.  One of the funniest "that reader was soooo wrong" when she was soooo right examples I ever saw was when a reader told someone her new boyfriend's car had horses on it.  The client posts that the reader is soooo wrong because her boyfriends car is a Porsche.  Uh, the Porsche medallion has had a stallion on it since 1931, so your boyfriend's car does in fact have at least 5 horses on it.  Listen to what they say.  Just because it's not exactly the way you envision it (giant airbrushed horses) doesn't mean they are wrong.  There are always things that don't pan out, but if you record your reading and listen to it a few months later, you can be surprised at what you missed the first time because you were so dead set on hearing what you wanted to hear.

5.  If you are full of fear and desperation, that is what you are going to keep on getting.  Judi is great because she reads heart and ego.  Not everyone acts on what they feel, and feelings can evolve, for better and for worse.  I had a situation that had no visible progress for about 2 1/2 months.  Recently, I felt something change.  I just knew it.  I called Judi and the first thing she said was "Somethings changed!".   

6.  Sometimes a reader picks up on someone else.  A long time ago I had a reader tell me my life was about to completely change.  I was going to be offered a job out of the blue by someone I was connected to through work, in Washington D.C., in a completely different line of work than I was in now.  I got exact details on the job, everything.  Nothing happened.  About six months later, I was at a party and I asked about someone I hadn't seen in a few months and a mutual friend said "Oh, you haven't heard? She got offered a job in Washington D.C. as a __________by our former boss, who was now a White House domestic policy advisor.  Or it is possible he was trying to decide which one of us to reach out to and decided on her.

Judi has given me a lot of insight into what people are thinking and feeling, and so far it's been pretty accurate.  That is very helpful when you are in a situation when you can't or shouldn't ask them.  I have no doubt she is genuine.  She's probably not perfect, but she is very good.  No reader is great for everyone and I'm sure that sooner or later I will have an off day with her, but that's ok.  I'll call another day.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #609 on: October 10, 2017, 03:29:41 PM »
6.  Sometimes a reader picks up on someone else.  A long time ago I had a reader tell me my life was about to completely change.  I was going to be offered a job out of the blue by someone I was connected to through work, in Washington D.C., in a completely different line of work than I was in now.  I got exact details on the job, everything.  Nothing happened.  About six months later, I was at a party and I asked about someone I hadn't seen in a few months and a mutual friend said "Oh, you haven't heard? She got offered a job in Washington D.C. as a __________by our former boss, who was now a White House domestic policy advisor.  Or it is possible he was trying to decide which one of us to reach out to and decided on her.

I'm not an empath expert, nor want to be one, but this example???
Okay, I guess we can logically say she was wrong considering she wasn't even speaking about you, so the prediction that was mentioned was not only inaccurate, it was someone else's energy in which the empath picked up on. She would have been dead on had she been reading for that other person. She was an acquaintance and the empath reads her as you? This concerns me a great deal when people/energies are mixed up, because the reader could be giving me predictions based on a character from a play for all I know, or a neighbor I've had run-ins with, or another student from class who I'm working with on a project.

I've personally never said a reader is perfect, that they don't make mistakes and we all know ad nauseam that none are 100%, but when they can't even zone in on the correct energy for the person who is calling, it makes me second guess everything I was told, based on wondering if it was my reading she was giving info for or someone else's.

Offline njlady

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #610 on: October 10, 2017, 04:47:10 PM »
6.  Sometimes a reader picks up on someone else.  A long time ago I had a reader tell me my life was about to completely change.  I was going to be offered a job out of the blue by someone I was connected to through work, in Washington D.C., in a completely different line of work than I was in now.  I got exact details on the job, everything.  Nothing happened.  About six months later, I was at a party and I asked about someone I hadn't seen in a few months and a mutual friend said "Oh, you haven't heard? She got offered a job in Washington D.C. as a __________by our former boss, who was now a White House domestic policy advisor.  Or it is possible he was trying to decide which one of us to reach out to and decided on her.

I'm not an empath expert, nor want to be one, but this example???
Okay, I guess we can logically say she was wrong considering she wasn't even speaking about you, so the prediction that was mentioned was not only inaccurate, it was someone else's energy in which the empath picked up on. She would have been dead on had she been reading for that other person. She was an acquaintance and the empath reads her as you? This concerns me a great deal when people/energies are mixed up, because the reader could be giving me predictions based on a character from a play for all I know, or a neighbor I've had run-ins with, or another student from class who I'm working with on a project.

I've personally never said a reader is perfect, that they don't make mistakes and we all know ad nauseam that none are 100%, but when they can't even zone in on the correct energy for the person who is calling, it makes me second guess everything I was told, based on wondering if it was my reading she was giving info for or someone else's.

Maybe I am missing something, but how was that not an example of an empath picking up on someone else or that he wasn't trying to decide between the two of us, just like I said.  Do you know for a fact that he wasn't, because I sure don't.  It totally could have been my energy on that day.  She got fired, I resigned when they wouldn't reconsider after a great review and a shitty raise. Maybe I didn't kiss his ass hard enough in my resignation letter and that tipped the scale in her favor.  Or he thought it over and felt I would leave over money again if I took the job.  I support myself completely.  Her family had some money.  She's prettier, I'm smarter.  She has more social graces, I can work a room better.  She was completely single, I was in a long term relationship.  There are a lot of things that you don't know anything about that could have made him go back and forth or even change his mind completely. 

He wasn't the only person in Washington, D.C. with a job.  If I really, really wanted a job in Washington, D.C., I could have made it happen for myself when that didn't pan out.  I didn't sit there like a dumbass after the chain of events didn't go as planned and bitch about the reader.  If working in D.C. was what I really wanted to do with my life, I would have called my ex boss and asked him to help me get my foot in somewhere.  I 98% would have taken the job if he offered it, but he didn't.  I didn't want it enough to make it happen.  If I did, I would have sought out another position in D.C.  I can make decisions on my own, especially for things I want.  I don't have to sit there and wait for shit to happen to me.

As I said, she gave me exact details about the job.  You don't suck and get exact details like that. 

She wasn't just an acquaintance.  We had remained friends even after we moved on from our jobs.  We both worked for him in the same capacity, 12 hr day after 12 hr day.  We knew each other quite well.

Sometimes my tv gets channel 31, sometimes it doesn't.  Other days, it goes in and out.   I don't second guess anything I've ever seen on channel 31 because of it.  If I don't like it, I change the channel.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #611 on: October 10, 2017, 05:00:43 PM »
I don’t see where you’re coming from with all the bolded and underlined animosity. How does an empath doing a reading for you, pick up on someone you know (call them whatever you want as far as the connection) and make a prediction for someone other than the caller, but then you rant about the empath still being right. I don’t need to know the entire situation and clearly don’t see how throwing in the changing of the tv channel has anything to do with what I’m saying. But ok. It’s your world hon, go ahead and live in it and make your shit happen.

Offline bstalling

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #612 on: October 10, 2017, 05:15:11 PM »
I think Hornetkick mades a valid point about the reliability of readers. How can they give you a real prediction, extrodinary details and it be about someone else? Me and a few friends have
had quite a few experiences where the reader was right and detailed, but it wasn't about us. It was about a neighbor, a partner and his relationship, or something that happened years later that wasn't related directly to us. I think even a poster on here said that Lisa Dianne was reading the story on a television show she was watching.

So yeah, the psychic/empath is real, and yeah they were right about that one thing---but it wasn't about you or what you called about. I think its fair to say that it is important that you don't count on these readers if you can help it.

If you are into astrology, I think you can agree that the nature of readings is very Neptunian. So real, but just out of reach a lot of the times.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #613 on: October 10, 2017, 05:38:25 PM »
I think in the case of Judi, she is not a total fraud in that she legitimately "gets" some stuff, but she makes up a lot of crap too.  So you are getting probably a 25% legitimate reading, and 75% BS. 

Offline Epic08

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #614 on: October 10, 2017, 05:48:02 PM »
Can anyone recommend a legit empath?