Author Topic: JUDIs Inner Light  (Read 370640 times)


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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #180 on: September 19, 2016, 09:23:49 AM »
Same here.

Yup. She was way specific w/ me in a way you can't say is a script w/o knowing the people

Offline Baypark1

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #181 on: September 19, 2016, 09:07:10 PM »
I just read with her and she blew me away.  She was literally inside his head speaking for him.  All I asked was tell me about M and she went off.  Everything she said was right about how he is feeling considering what I do know of him, how he feels about his past and the nightmare he went through with his ex.  She even said a few things exactly as he had said it to me.  She specifically told me she was not a psychic and gave me no time frames of her own, but when she was channeling him, she gave a time frame.  I'm totally OK with no predictions because most of them are bullcrap anyway and don't manifest.  So I'd rather know how a person feels and go from there.  I think this lady is freaking awesome.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #182 on: September 19, 2016, 09:26:31 PM »
Glad you had a great reading with her. She's been so awesome for me. Completely nailed my ex and what a jerk he's being. I have predictions from her pending after Halloween. 

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #183 on: September 19, 2016, 11:02:01 PM »
She's been utterly amazing for me. Do you think she was picking up the wrong person around you ?

I'm w/ you. Idk what went down with anyone else but she's been on point for me from the gate and its not stuff you get from a script.
Yeah I'm surprised. Judi picks up on specific idioms people use and everything.

I must say this - I too believe Judis Reads from a script! - a whole bunch of sentences she has in saved in MS WORD file that no one can confirm lol

How can anyone ever confirm what a person is thinking at that very moment she was channeling?
We may confirm things that were said to us (past tense) - but do we really think at the time she is channeling the SO is thinking about us?
She typically tells us how the guy is feeling at that time right?

Now, If she channeled something like the guy was on a date with another girl or at a game or taking a shit, it would be more believable lol but really I can't believe the guy who we are calling about is actually thinking about us that very moment she channels - but I may be wrong here...

Look, like I said the guy may be sleep, thinking about money or yes, taking a shit for all we know lol.

How do I know she reads from a script? I've listened to my friends recordings from good ol JUDIS!!
And guess what? its the SAME or SiMILIAR stuff babble/script.
BTW - She doesnt just use one script. As she is "chanting" your SO's name she is looking for her scripts to read from.
But hey, maybe its just luck that our SOs use similar phrases or thought patterns LOL

I've also listened to people who read from scripts vs talking in "conversation" on the phone before - it is completely different.
But hey I'm not an expert, I'm just chiming in  ;D

Here is the deal with good old JUDIS...she reads in SENTENCES - this is why it sounds like a script.
No one I mean no one thinks in "sentences" all of the time.
Judis reads in complete sentences - meaning you can anticipate or hear the "period" at the end.

If someone were to read my thoughts, it would be a whole bunch of babble and random incomplete sentences, random phrases.
Think about how you think about it a complete sentence? (especially if it is an emotional thought?). Nope. its more like "omg i wish he would call...i don't understand why I'm not hearing from the sex was so good and i can believe that he forgot to call me the other day"
Yeah, random.

Now think about if you were to "read" a book - you can "hear" the period by taking a brief pause from one sentence to the next.
A "thought" in someones mind rarely ever has a "period" pause

Tell me please who thinks like this example below - this is how JUDIS Reads lol:

"Tom is a great person (period). He is very sexy to me (period). I just wish he knew how much I really felt about him (period)."

No one thinks like that, and that is how JUDIS reads and I'm sure she has probably said the same thing to one of us and we didn't even know it.
Whats funnier - is when she stops "channeling" (reading) - she comes back to you in a more conversational tone LOL

Just my opinion ;D - If any of you record your readings, go back and listen to them as it sounds like she is reading from a book.
You won't really recognize this during the reading.

Either way I'm happy that most of you found comfort in her - but to me she is definitely a FRAUD. She even tells us she isn't Psychic.
And yes psychics see the past, present and future - not just the future.

Just another piece of info - if anyone has read with Aliza from CP - she too reads from a script. Cheers!

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #184 on: September 19, 2016, 11:25:33 PM »
HAHAHA Bitter?
WOW Far from it !!- I'm just stating my opinion :D
I've never read with this woman, like i said I've listened to recordings from others - and all have said the same.

I was actually hoping I would help some folks to not waste their money :-\
I've posted a list of readers that worked for me where predictions have actually panned out!
But LE SIGH...take it for what you will ;)

Most of us call for predictions don't we? FUTURE STUFF!

I mean we can get an earful of what someone is thinking or doing at that time (nothing wrong with that at all) - but heck the fact that we are doing that means that the person clearly isn't with us or constantly around us like we would like lol - we can't really confirm that stuff but we can confirm if a future prediction panned or not.

But again, Im just stating fact - JUDIS doesn't predict anything she isn't psychic she only channels and she tells everyone that.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 11:28:09 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Grounded

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #185 on: September 20, 2016, 12:02:27 AM »
"Either way I'm happy that most of you found comfort in her - but to me she is definitely a FRAUD. She even tells us she isn't Psychic.
And yes psychics see the past, present and future - not just the future."

You call her a "fraud" all bold and sure and use her honesty to prove it. Mkay.

Idc if anyone here likes a reader or not bc we all know by now some of us have top shelf experiences w/ the same ones other ppl here kick around like they beat their baby. But not a one of us in here can say anyone is "definitely a fraud" on opinion as if its fact.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 12:35:16 AM by Grounded »


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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #186 on: September 20, 2016, 12:46:06 AM »
Well said @Grounded!  :D

"Either way I'm happy that most of you found comfort in her - but to me she is definitely a FRAUD. She even tells us she isn't Psychic.
And yes psychics see the past, present and future - not just the future."

You call her a "fraud" all bold and sure and use her honesty to prove it. Mkay.

Idc if anyone here likes a reader or not bc we all know by now some of us have top shelf experiences w/ the same ones other ppl here kick around like they beat their baby. But not a one of us in here can say anyone is "definitely a fraud" on opinion as if its fact.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #187 on: September 20, 2016, 12:48:19 AM »
I don't believe Judi reads from scripts.  All I said was "tell me about M".  She had NO idea if we were in a relationship, broken up, friends etc.  Everything she said pertained to us as we are not in a relationship yet.  We dabbled but he's pulled back.  She knew nothing of that.  There is NO way she used a script on me.  She didn't ask me one question until I started asking questions after she channeled the ego then the heart.   As a matter of fact, what she said has confirmed what other readers have said he's going through.  I've read other places besides Keen and unless they all have a forum and share  our notes with each other, then I'd have to say this lady and some of the others have been right. 

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #188 on: September 20, 2016, 01:03:56 AM »
thx @redvelvet  :) I don't like messing w/ drama on here but sometimes...damn Gina

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #189 on: September 20, 2016, 01:14:27 AM »
"Either way I'm happy that most of you found comfort in her - but to me she is definitely a FRAUD. She even tells us she isn't Psychic.
And yes psychics see the past, present and future - not just the future."

You call her a "fraud" all bold and sure and use her honesty to prove it. Mkay.

Idc if anyone here likes a reader or not bc we all know by now some of us have top shelf experiences w/ the same ones other ppl here kick around like they beat their baby. But not a one of us in here can say anyone is "definitely a fraud" on opinion as if its fact.

Good Lawd  :D
Um...How many times have psychics have been labeled as a fraud on this forum without having the complete truth or fact that they are :o?
Search "fraud" in the forum and I'm sure some folks opinions may have come off as fact...em kay?

But the point is...
Yes - she said she is not a psychic, which IS the truth we got that

The fact is that the readings I listened to were all SIMILAR or the exact SAME, which is "fraudulent" - which is why I called her a fraud. If someone gives me the same exact or similiar reading they gave some one else - that is fraudulent.

The "channelling" or whatever she is doing she is reading - something.
I didn't say she definitely read from a script - but it sounds like she is reading from a script by the way she reads.

But its whatever - I've just provided my experience with listening to her.
Never read with the lady, but what I heard was a hot ass mess of bs from a few of my friends readings - and that part is my opinion.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #190 on: September 20, 2016, 01:50:34 AM »
Judi says she's not psychic but channeling is a psychic phenomena and she has channeled people I know and used their exact choices of words. I don't know where she is from, but she has a slight southern drawl to her so I assume somewhere in the southern united states. It would really odd for her to use the idioms she pulled out of thin air  considering I am from another country and they don't use the same vernacular. As for predictions, she doesn't like to make them, but she did give me timing on receiving paperwork and it came exactly 7 days later like she predicted.  She's even picked up on a fib that my toddler was telling people. I have received some really specific stuff from her.

Offline Grounded

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #191 on: September 20, 2016, 02:44:26 AM »
"Either way I'm happy that most of you found comfort in her - but to me she is definitely a FRAUD. She even tells us she isn't Psychic.
And yes psychics see the past, present and future - not just the future."

You call her a "fraud" all bold and sure and use her honesty to prove it. Mkay.

Idc if anyone here likes a reader or not bc we all know by now some of us have top shelf experiences w/ the same ones other ppl here kick around like they beat their baby. But not a one of us in here can say anyone is "definitely a fraud" on opinion as if its fact.

Good Lawd  :D
Um...How many times have psychics have been labeled as a fraud on this forum without having the complete truth or fact that they are :o?
Search "fraud" in the forum and I'm sure some folks opinions may have come off as fact...em kay?

But the point is...
Yes - she said she is not a psychic, which IS the truth we got that

The fact is that the readings I listened to were all SIMILAR or the exact SAME, which is "fraudulent" - which is why I called her a fraud. If someone gives me the same exact or similiar reading they gave some one else - that is fraudulent.

The "channelling" or whatever she is doing she is reading - something.
I didn't say she definitely read from a script - but it sounds like she is reading from a script by the way she reads.

But its whatever - I've just provided my experience with listening to her.
Never read with the lady, but what I heard was a hot ass mess of bs from a few of my friends readings - and that part is my opinion.

A grip of ppl saying the same thing= fact. It "sounds like she's reading from a script" + my opinion = truth. Mkay x2 lol

Offline Leogirl0808

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #192 on: September 22, 2016, 05:35:59 PM »
I have to team up with Grounded. I beginning to feel that she keeps notes from the last conversation. I think she starts with reading that the POI is in love with the caller and from there it feeds into other garbage. I also think that maybe she reads the thoughts on another person your POI maybe interested in. I say that because I got confirmation that he had written bunch of text messages to his ex saying the things that Judis had channel. Hmm? Could she have got the wrong girl. Perhaps?!?

Offline bluebelle

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #193 on: September 22, 2016, 06:02:22 PM »
I have to team up with Grounded. I beginning to feel that she keeps notes from the last conversation. I think she starts with reading that the POI is in love with the caller and from there it feeds into other garbage. I also think that maybe she reads the thoughts on another person your POI maybe interested in. I say that because I got confirmation that he had written bunch of text messages to his ex saying the things that Judis had channel. Hmm? Could she have got the wrong girl. Perhaps?!?

UGH anything is possible, how awful is that???? channeling the wrong person???

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #194 on: September 22, 2016, 07:35:18 PM »
How did you find out what he was texting to the other girl?