Author Topic: JUDIs Inner Light  (Read 370418 times)

tired of it all

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #135 on: July 20, 2016, 07:45:34 PM »
There seems to be different layers of a person that she talks to, the guides, the ego and the heart. The ego often blocks what the heart wants and the guides mostly just stand around and watch.  :-\

Yep...and the guides simply cannot interfere unless the person asks for help or is receptive (even if unknowingly) to their influence.  Otherwise it would violate that person's free will.  People have to make their own choices and learn for themselves. 

If a person continues to be stubborn and stays stuck in their own ego, their own higher self can step in at some point to turn things around - but no one else can - and ultimately life tends to bring people down to their knees anyway when they are that stubborn, because they screw their own selves over.  It can take a long time before they get it though.

tired of it all

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #136 on: July 20, 2016, 08:16:39 PM »
And logically it doesnt make sense...IF her empath stuff is right, why wouldn't someone respond to someone they've been thinking about all the time? I like that she doesn't sugar coat but it doesnt make sense to me. She said that if I reach out to him all that will do is boost his so why did you channel that he loves me?

Did you ask her the part about boosting his ego the only explanation she gave?  Seems to me like there has to be a deeper or more thorough explanation than that why someone would act contrary to their own feelings.  But people do it all the time, and there could be any number of reasons. 

Sometimes I've had to really question the reader to get them to dig deeper...otherwise they give these generic answers like saying he is immature or just wanting an ego boost.

tired of it all

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #137 on: July 20, 2016, 09:22:05 PM »
Oh I see Maddie, and I know sometimes it can be hard to get those clarifications during a reading, before you run out of time.  Or like for me sometimes it just doesn't occur to me until later on that something doesn't make sense.

Something to remember about channeling, whether they are channeling a person or someone who has passed or something more like a spirit guide - most of what they convey still gets filtered through the channel's own knowledge and experience.  It would be hard for them to pass on a message word for word if it was alien to their own experience.

Like to give a wild example...if you were asking someone to channel instructions from a computer technician how to repair a PC, they probably wouldn't be able to do it - unless they have experience repairing computers themselves - but otherwise it would be hard for them to conceptualize the knowledge and put it into words for you.

Empaths can be really good at verbalizing feelings - because that's their natural medium - and sometimes they can do it EVEN when the person they are reading is not good at verbalizing their own feelings.  But they may not pick up so accurately on other things that are not so feeling-oriented, like practical or logistical problems in that person's life. 

And the reader also may not understand feelings that are related to situations they have never been in or have no concept of - they could FEEL those feelings but not fully understand what is going on or be able to verbalize it. 

For me Judi just wasn't good with practical matters or actual events.  And after going through my old notes I could see how she might have been picking up on my ex's feelings, and maybe getting a phrase right here and there, but she wasn't getting more concrete things like life circumstances her "channeling" on those things was way off.  I can give some examples via PM if it helps you or anyone else. 

She was really confident that he would respond back to me when I wrote to him - and I wasn't confident at all because I had already been through that before - but when I questioned it she said there was like a 90% probability he would respond.  She would give out percentages like that on predictions and usually they were off. 

I am tempted to say if she gives anyone a probability percentage, it is more likely the opposite of what she says, but then that doesn't help if it's 50/50. 

Offline Zenia

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #138 on: July 21, 2016, 12:17:34 PM »
I have talked to Judi a lot now,and here and there there are logical contradictions like the one you mentioned here.But it can be a matter of interpretation and matters  that are in the grey area.OR;we cant trust everything that is channelled.I think that is important to remember.I sift out what i hear him"saying",and make my own conclutions.What to find reasonable to believe,and what dosent make sense.

btw,i feel my first readings with here were amazing,but not totally convinced now.Anyone else that feels like the connection to the subject fades for each reading?
Or can it be the subjects state of mind at that particular time of channelling?

A bit yes, or they become repetitive.
Is it the subject that becomes repetitive,or Judis ability to channell something new in them?Lately i found it may be that is ego is more in the forefront.When she channelled his heart there was no doubt in my mind.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #139 on: July 22, 2016, 02:18:28 PM »
I have talked to Judi a lot now,and here and there there are logical contradictions like the one you mentioned here.But it can be a matter of interpretation and matters  that are in the grey area.OR;we cant trust everything that is channelled.I think that is important to remember.I sift out what i hear him"saying",and make my own conclutions.What to find reasonable to believe,and what dosent make sense.

btw,i feel my first readings with here were amazing,but not totally convinced now.Anyone else that feels like the connection to the subject fades for each reading?
Or can it be the subjects state of mind at that particular time of channelling?

A bit yes, or they become repetitive.
Is it the subject that becomes repetitive,or Judis ability to channell something new in them?Lately i found it may be that is ego is more in the forefront.When she channelled his heart there was no doubt in my mind.

Anything is possible....ego def can change what they channel. 

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #140 on: July 24, 2016, 07:48:43 AM »
Has anyone had Judi channel someone that is no longer with us, or children before they were born ? Or does she only connect with people that are here in the here and now?


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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #141 on: July 24, 2016, 01:05:55 PM »
that would be sooooo cool if she is able to connect with children before they are born.

Offline Tori81

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #142 on: July 28, 2016, 09:43:15 PM »
Within the past two months, I have read with more people than I am willing to admit and I have to say that as far as empaths are concerned, she is simply amazingly. She provided a lot of insight on my ex and it all made sense. She also gave some helpful advice. I would suggest that you record your call if you normally take notes because when she taps into the person you are asking about, she goes fast! Without providing any details, she nailed him and our situation.

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #143 on: July 29, 2016, 05:47:00 PM »
I wanted to call her today but my paypal account isn't playing nice. I have a balance in there, but its still asking for CC to use my paypal. ugh.

Offline Leogirl0808

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #144 on: August 23, 2016, 09:13:30 PM »
Has anyone read with her recently? Or had verification from the reading?

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #145 on: August 24, 2016, 01:30:27 AM »
I read with her. she babled on and on. Didn't understand anything she said. so not worth it.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #146 on: August 25, 2016, 04:50:45 AM »
I've read with her quite a few times and I am still utterly amazed by her every time. I read with her today and got some insights that were quite helpful, though it really pays to put thought into what you're going to ask and how prior to calling. Today instead of asking how my POI feels, I asked her to tell me what someone else, that I cannot talk to, thinks about my POI and it was very enlightening. She was also right about timing for a certain thing to happen. She said within 7 days and it happened exactly 7 days later. You can pm me for more details if you'd like.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2016, 04:52:22 AM by Sooshi »

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #147 on: September 08, 2016, 03:05:27 AM »
Do you have predictions you're waiting on?


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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #148 on: September 08, 2016, 04:28:08 AM »
Sigh... I've been waiting on this guy- thru nobodies fault but my own delusion. I can't help but think if I would have given myself fully into getting over him- Would I be over him by now :/

I totally know what you mean. Have felt this way too about past POIs


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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #149 on: September 08, 2016, 10:18:06 AM »
Though I like Judi , I won't call her again reading with her makes me feel better but then I end up feeling bad because my ex is not acting on his feelings or his thoughts . So for me personally I don't want to know what he is thinking anymore .

When I spoke to Judi last she said my ex was feeling panicky and doesn't wanyt me to be upset with me she said due to how he is feeling he will contact end of August of course it did not happen.

