Author Topic: JUDIs Inner Light  (Read 370636 times)

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #105 on: June 27, 2016, 09:03:59 PM »
It's taking me a while to process the reading. She confirmed some things that I knew he was lying about. I'm pretty upset right now.

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #106 on: June 27, 2016, 09:47:03 PM »
I was wondering when Judi channels people if they can physically feel it?

Only if they are psychically sensitive themselves.  In that case they wouldn't necessarily know any specifics about what is happening but they might feel it if you are talking about them to someone (anyone not just a psychic) and/or if a psychic is scanning their energy.   Two of my exs are like that. 

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #107 on: June 27, 2016, 09:51:19 PM »
It's taking me a while to process the reading. She confirmed some things that I knew he was lying about. I'm pretty upset right now.

Sorry Sooshi  :(  Were there some positive things in the reading too?

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #108 on: June 27, 2016, 10:32:07 PM »
Yes, the positives were that he still loves me and misses me a lot and he's feeling a lot of guilt about the things he did. I don't want to put more too much info on the board as far as specifics because readers read the board and I don't want to contaminate my readings by providing specifics on my situation on here. She felt there was hope for the situation, but he's very resistant and stubborn.

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #109 on: June 28, 2016, 02:36:47 AM »
And it's been said before but I just wish it was coming from his mouth instead!

I know, me too.   


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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #110 on: June 28, 2016, 02:34:03 PM »
@leogirl, my reading her went really well.i asked her ex and Why he backed out on us living together and if he loves me. Everything she said was accurate and she talked just like him. Last night we my ex and I were talking and he said he still loves me and always will.i just wish he could stop fucking up

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #111 on: June 28, 2016, 04:55:25 PM »
And so sorry to hear you got blocked by her. But truthfully -if she did that to you she highly likely to do it again to another client.

Thank you.  Really I could understand at that point if she felt she wasn't the right reader for me.  It was pretty clear at that point that it was not working out.  But the way she did it just felt really cold.

Predictions with these with these types of psychics are so hard to come by on. And now I feel scared again about my guy PLUS what good does it matter on what he feels if his actions don't line up.

I know and I'm so sorry if it makes you or anyone else scared.  I just have alarm bells go off every time I see Judi's name come up.  I remember the first times I talked to her I felt the same way everyone else is saying.  I was wowed and I thought she was just amazing. 

It did help me to hear what my ex might have "said" through her.  I just wish she hadn't attached any predictions to it about what he would do.  I wish I hadn't followed her advice to contact him.  It just got me worked up hoping for a response and then totally disappointed.  I didn't even a peep out of him for more than a year after that, and even to this day still haven't had any direct communication from him, just indirect.   

I had already been through that with another reader, about 9 months earlier, who urged me to contact him, and told me would respond a certain way but instead he did the complete opposite and it was very nasty.  That was absolutely devastating.  So it took an incredible amount of nerve for me to try again when Judi suggested it. 

Also you can fire spirit guides? I've never heard of this. But I just googled it and tons of that stuff comes up- almost like a side note from divorced section of Doreen Virtue. I'll start a new section on that.

I got so disgusted I finally just told all of mine to go away.  I was very forceful about it, and I put the message out to the universe that I wanted new ones.  The old ones are still around, especially one, the others kind of pop in sometimes too so it's not like they go away forever.  But they have taken a step back and they don't try to influence me as much as they used to. 

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #112 on: July 01, 2016, 01:23:23 AM »
Well I have been comparing notes with someone who used to read with Judi too.  So I dragged out all my old notes from my readings with her.  It is actually worse than I remembered.  The stuff I thought sounded just like my ex speaking to me through her?  Not a bit like anything he would say...things I WANTED to hear but mostly very generic.  Nothing that really jumps out at me like oh yeah that sounds just like him.

Holy mother of god...this is just LOADS and loads of new agey after page of it...and I can't believe I had this many readings with her either, I had way more than I remembered.  I could have gotten the same stuff in a self-help book for a few bucks.  What a waste of money. 

Every once in awhile she would get something amazing...but then misinterpret it and attach all of this psychobabble to it.

I'm pretty amazed...ten days before I had the car accident she told me my ex was "handing me the car keys" and telling me to "go do what you want."  And then she said that the way things happened between us had taken me off my path in life and was "like a car wreck blocked your path." 

She had also told me about month earlier that I would have no more major setbacks happening in my life.  lol

But overall it's just pages and pages of sheer psychobabble...even the "empathic" stuff that had impressed me so much and made me feel like my ex was speaking through her...there's so much flowery language here that he would NEVER use.  I didn't even remember it sounding like this.

I have such a headache now...good lord, I hope for the sake of everyone who is calling her, that she is better at giving readings now. 

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #113 on: July 01, 2016, 03:06:05 AM »
I don't want to get into a lot of details publicly, but I just have to put this one thing out there...did she tell anyone else that their ex said he still remembers the smell of your hair???  Cause in my case that was total horseshit!  WRONG!  I forgot that she even said that to me!  I know I questioned her about it cause it made NO sense whatsoever.  I put in my notes that she said he was "adamant" about it. 

That alone should have told me not to call her anymore...but somehow it got glossed over so I thought it was just a little glitch in the reading or something.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #114 on: July 01, 2016, 01:47:12 PM »
That does seem like a hard thing to prove or disprove. How did you know it was wrong?

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #115 on: July 01, 2016, 08:11:54 PM »
I PMd Sooshi the reason and if anyone else wants to know just PM me.  Not a big secret just one of those things which turns out to be really great for testing a reader's accuracy!

My biggest caveat regarding Judi would be...don't rely on her for anything factual.

Feelings and empathic stuff...maybe...but be sure to write this stuff down or record it and go back to it later.  Does it really sound like what the person would say?  the words they would use and the way they would speak? 

I'd like to believe she was channeling my ex, because some of what she said really touched me...and it makes me very sad to think she was off.  But at the very least she definitely got her wires crossed on some things.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #116 on: July 14, 2016, 02:41:26 AM »
Ive read with Judi a few times now and she seems to be quite right on with the empath stuff, but how does she pan out for predictions in relationships? This last time I talked to her was the first time she gave me one. All the rest was channelling.

Offline Leogirl0808

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #117 on: July 14, 2016, 02:45:19 PM »
I'm surprised she gave out predictions. Were they realistic?

Offline bluebelle

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #118 on: July 14, 2016, 02:53:01 PM »
I'm surprised she gave out predictions. Were they realistic?

Me too..she often says she is not "psychic" and doesn't do predictions.  she was off for me on a few that she gave...but those were mostly contact predictions.

I honestly think we would all be much better off if we stop relying on psychics (well all together) but especially with predicting the future.  there are too many variables that come into play and they rarely manifest.

If you want to call to find out a person's feelings, etc...then maybe that's fine, but to call continuously, for every little issue or every time you feel down or insecure, is deadly both emotionally and financially. 

A lesson I learned the hard way.

Offline Sooshi

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Re: JUDIs Inner Light
« Reply #119 on: July 14, 2016, 04:17:33 PM »
I'm surprised she gave out predictions. Were they realistic?

They seemed quite plausible. She also said that she wished that she was good with time lines, and proceeded to add in an amount of time that would pass for when it would occur which seems out of character for her readings from what I read. I usually take these occurrences in one of two ways, its either going to be completely wrong, or sometimes, you get a day where the reader is on fire and gives you a reading that's above and beyond.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 04:56:16 PM by Sooshi »