Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True


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lol @ Pliz....your a psychic lush! lol :P

Yeah she reads and her mostly have a fb relationship...she is cheap though..her name is Ashley and if anyone is interested...she is def worth trying....

We are all psychic lushes.

Ilovelola - Where have you been hiding? I miss your cute little stories and comments.

hi everyone...i have been reading the stories over and over...I am another cp junkie..been calling since last year..started with Angel, moved on to Jayzie..(only twice..ouch)...then on to Natalie..forever..and I am laughing over and over about the long term exclusive...then started reading with jacqueline...nothing ever came true...but then after so many of them....I found Alison..and I can not stop with her, I still read with her once a week.  I started calling cp because the love of my life (5 year relationship) ended with a phone call from him last June 2nd telling me.."sorry, we just don't click anymore"...well, to make a long story short, he had found someone else and shortly after..I'd say August, he moved her and her two kids in with him and his two kids..needless to say I was devestated...lost like 20 lbs in 2 months..cried non-stop...but since the day of the phone call...I never called him once..never texted...nothing..didn't call his friends..I did talk to his mom a few times and she was furious at him for leaving me and didn't even want to meet the new steps CP...but you guys..everyone except Leo said he'd come back..and it's been almost one year and I've never seen hide nor hare of him....nothing..and he's still witht he new woman..and recently I found a new guy.."M"..and it's only been a couple of months..but he's already backing off..and same thing..I am very cool with him..don't call first (maybe once a week) or text...but he is an odd bird...but the the charts when he is around..anyway..I am sooo excited to find your blog have no idea how helpful it's been..sad though see that these timeframes aren't working out and all of these readers and all of this money we've been spending...but I did try Amy last weekend..did the 30 mins for $30...she was very good..very positive..said me and this new guy "M" would/could make it...but honestly..this guy is showing all of the signs of really not wanting a relationship..and I'm crazy about him..but I go to bed with a knot in my stomach if he hasn't called and I I'm just not sure.  I would like to try Ellen Hartwell...and I would like to try this Ashley she from Hollywood Psychics?  Please do tell...I know it's bad...and wrong...but I'm just addicted to the "knowing"...and I love my Alison at CP...I feel that she's for real...what do you guys think?  sorry to be so long..just finally decided to post!

aef2929 P:
I wish I could report good on Alison I tried her once because she was recommended in here and I wasted first 3 minutes of my call she had a printer problem?  I was like huh?  I called for a psychic reading I'm spending $15 so far waiting for your printer?  There was total silence during that time....

Then for her to be going back and forth with me....oh I don't see that until maybe May....oh wait there's something here in Feb....oh March....oh well April too.....ok we might as well go through all the months of the year....

I could have given myself this reading....oh maybe Feb...maybe March....etc....

She was nice but it was very frustrating....$50 later I got nothing....


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