Author Topic: WOW I HAD AN AWESOME READING!!  (Read 28388 times)

Offline ilovelola32

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« on: April 21, 2011, 06:17:04 AM »
Hey everyone!!   I know I never write on here...because for the most part I havent been using anyone...and when I do write on here its because something really awesome or i was awestruck happened....last time I wrote Uriela asked me who the man covered in tattoos ex....I stuck to one private reader who I really enjoyed...her name is Ashley...she knew that my "sm" wasn't coming back and I needed to move on....everyone else told me he would be I had a date in Feb with a guy I met online...I asked her advice to make sure he wasnt gonna be a crazy serial rapist/killer...she said "no, he is a nice guy, you will have a chill time but if you don't like him, let him go early because he is sensitive"and I didnt expect anything and told her so...she said "you might be suprised"... .oddly enough I completely and suprisingly fell in love with him and  thingshave been really goood.  So I was complaing about something off topic with her during a reading, my sister in law hates storms..she gets panic attacks and runs for the bathroom....and Ashley didn't skip a beat and said "it was because she was a pow during ww2" and I thought wow...I never think of past I asked a couple of questions.. randomly...if i know any lovers I had..who doesn't want to think of their past lives getting laid??!....and she called up a life  that a CP psychic had told me with my ex years ago...same time period same location...same life really...she also asked me if i had a gay friend named ryan or Brian...and I was best friend is gay named Ryan...and we have a soul connection...we love each other so much...I would die for him...and she was like yeah in a previous life you were two sstick around each other a lot in different some of my interesting the 1300s I was a thief.....which is hilarious unfort....I am a huge klepto in this life...esp when i am its a weird flaw I have that I don't tell anyone because I am so embarassed....she asked me names...and for the most part I knew them other best brother...and my was really awesome....some of it is very personal and amost hush hush to share...haha....I would recommend it for everyone..I will post more later

Offline cj

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« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2011, 06:38:25 AM »
I too have read with Ashley and she picks up on things really fast but she is super honest ..I like her

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2011, 06:41:16 AM »
Who is Ashley? On one of the sites? Because, you know, I needed another psychic to tell me the same thing of course :)

Offline AngelGuided

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« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2011, 11:42:09 AM »
She mentioned is was a private reader, so I am guessing it's someone local to her?


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« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2011, 12:52:17 PM »

Offline cj

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« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2011, 01:58:18 PM »
lol @ Pliz....your a psychic lush! lol :P

Offline ilovelola32

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« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2011, 02:50:04 PM »
Yeah she reads and her mostly have a fb relationship...she is cheap though..her name is Ashley and if anyone is interested...she is def worth trying....

Offline kiki155

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« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2011, 02:51:40 PM »
We are all psychic lushes.

Ilovelola - Where have you been hiding? I miss your cute little stories and comments.

Offline tippyrose1

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« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2011, 03:03:45 PM »
hi everyone...i have been reading the stories over and over...I am another cp junkie..been calling since last year..started with Angel, moved on to Jayzie..(only twice..ouch)...then on to Natalie..forever..and I am laughing over and over about the long term exclusive...then started reading with jacqueline...nothing ever came true...but then after so many of them....I found Alison..and I can not stop with her, I still read with her once a week.  I started calling cp because the love of my life (5 year relationship) ended with a phone call from him last June 2nd telling me.."sorry, we just don't click anymore"...well, to make a long story short, he had found someone else and shortly after..I'd say August, he moved her and her two kids in with him and his two kids..needless to say I was devestated...lost like 20 lbs in 2 months..cried non-stop...but since the day of the phone call...I never called him once..never texted...nothing..didn't call his friends..I did talk to his mom a few times and she was furious at him for leaving me and didn't even want to meet the new steps CP...but you guys..everyone except Leo said he'd come back..and it's been almost one year and I've never seen hide nor hare of him....nothing..and he's still witht he new woman..and recently I found a new guy.."M"..and it's only been a couple of months..but he's already backing off..and same thing..I am very cool with him..don't call first (maybe once a week) or text...but he is an odd bird...but the the charts when he is around..anyway..I am sooo excited to find your blog have no idea how helpful it's been..sad though see that these timeframes aren't working out and all of these readers and all of this money we've been spending...but I did try Amy last weekend..did the 30 mins for $30...she was very good..very positive..said me and this new guy "M" would/could make it...but honestly..this guy is showing all of the signs of really not wanting a relationship..and I'm crazy about him..but I go to bed with a knot in my stomach if he hasn't called and I I'm just not sure.  I would like to try Ellen Hartwell...and I would like to try this Ashley she from Hollywood Psychics?  Please do tell...I know it's bad...and wrong...but I'm just addicted to the "knowing"...and I love my Alison at CP...I feel that she's for real...what do you guys think?  sorry to be so long..just finally decided to post!

Offline aef2929 P

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« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2011, 04:05:41 PM »
I wish I could report good on Alison I tried her once because she was recommended in here and I wasted first 3 minutes of my call she had a printer problem?  I was like huh?  I called for a psychic reading I'm spending $15 so far waiting for your printer?  There was total silence during that time....

Then for her to be going back and forth with me....oh I don't see that until maybe May....oh wait there's something here in Feb....oh March....oh well April too.....ok we might as well go through all the months of the year....

I could have given myself this reading....oh maybe Feb...maybe March....etc....

She was nice but it was very frustrating....$50 later I got nothing....

Offline Libra

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« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2011, 04:09:16 PM »
Hey everyone, I have been reading posts, and listening to channelings of a lady that channels Angels and I came across one that says that for the spiritual world there is no future, there is only NOW, that may explain why so many psychics are great empath and will tell you what is going on NOW, but the future may be only assumed, I mean some of them may make good guesses based on knowing about your actions in present time, but really future is subject to your free will, plus the other person's free will. She also says that if you wait and believe that the other person is necessary to make your life better and complete, it is a limiting belief.

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2011, 04:37:22 PM »
I totally am!!!! It's like talking to a best friend, but not having to go thru the ENTIRE story all over again because most of these people just know.

Offline cj

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« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2011, 04:54:16 PM »
Lmaoooo @ aef...that was hilarious! Kiki- yes we are! Were literally dependent on them...pliz ure so is like talking to a best friend...we all miss lola! Typpyrose...oh no! Have they all told u ure ex would come back@? Who told u he wouldnt? Libra..u have to send me some links...i love ure articles etc.

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« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2011, 05:04:57 PM »
Thanks cjean, :-* Im always developing my spirituality, that really helps in the toughest times, the lady I was talking about is Jennifer Hoffman, at she makes so much sense for me. She believes that we are the ones responsible for our own lives, we can't blame others, or make them responsible for our misery. We are the ones in control. She is not a psychic, she is a channeler. She has also stuff on youtube!

Offline tippyrose1

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« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2011, 07:37:53 PM »
Hi cj,

Yes, the only person that told me that my ex would not come back was Leo...and so therefore I didn't like Leo..and I went on to try others..but he was right...but then I found Natalie..and I can not tell you how many days and nights Natalie got me thru with the long term exclusive thing..I am seriously fuming knowing that she was fired for being fake..I spent thousands...everytime I call a psychic at cp I spend at least 20-30 minutes...and this has been once, twice, three times a week since July of 2010.  After I spoke for months with Natalie..I finally tried Jacqueline...and I love her, I do...but every single thing she has told me has never come true...I called her for the first time the very beginning of August...I was literally shaking because I just knew she would tell me that my Gman would never return...quite the opposite...she said he felt so bad for doing me the way he did..he missed me, he would definately return...I am the one that told her that he has a new girl in his life..and they are living together...and I even knew that they were planning on moving to a new house..she told me that would never last..the new girl and her kids would be gone b4 their boxes were unpacked...she would go so far as to tell me within days she'd be gone..I would hang up the phone elated...couldn't wait...and it never happened...they are still together...I don't know how happy they are...but she was completely wrong...and Abrielle...I would talk to Abrielle every sunday night for months...and she even told me...70% he'll be back in october...80% in November and 90% in December..she saw us back togehter and happy and talking marriage my March of 2011.  Never happened....So one night in September I decided to call Alison...and Alison said she wasn't sure about Gene coming back..we were both stubborn and he felt he did nothing wrong and maybe we'd bump into each other around Feb of 2011...and I was thinking..OMG...I've been waiting for this man to come back since we talked for a while and then she said...Are you sure there isn't someone else around  you?  I was like...No..positively not...there will never be another man...never!  She said.."well I see energy around you"...I hung up thinking..great..another waste of money...the very next day I got an email from the only man I ever wanted other than my Gman...and wasn't that weird...I called Alison back to tell her and she said..i knew I saw a different energey around you...and then even though it didn't work out with this other person...I think she pegged it.  I really like this other guy...but come to find out he was still married..and now he has left the wife...(it was going back and forth for years and no children)..I still think maybe someday down the road we could reconnect...but not sure...but in the meantime..I met a different man...and different he is...I'm 45 a very young one guesses me at 45..which is why I attract and want younger men I guess...well, this new one is 35...but I met him over a year ago while he was doing some work on my house...I never forgot him and so after this other guy left me to figure out what he wanted....I called this new one and we hooked up the middle of February..great chemistry...but this guy is a loner...he is a biker, he is so james dean...he's never been married...but he's a mystery...I am a I know where he lives....he doesn't know I know this...but I also know that he's been living with a woman that is 30 years older than him for 12 years...I know..very weird..but Alison also picked up on that...she told me that she saw him around a much older woman...that it started out romantic but now is just like mother and's financial more than anything because they own the house and neither can afford to buy the other one out...she lives in the house and he lives in the back garage/house with his motorcycles and man stuff...and I don't feel there is anything going on between the two of them other than money stuff...I know he'd like to get out but can't at this point....but he doesn't even know that I know who he lives with...he will never open up to me and tell me things about himself...I have never in my life met anyone like this...he comes around a time or two a week...some days he calls some days he doesn't...he works all day and then he's one of those beer drinkers at night with the buddies...not going to bars...just hanging out at this ones house or that ones house...and I do fee like he's pulling away from me...I think he really likes me..but I started showing my feelings to him about how much I care and yep...he's backing off..I've only told him that I care very much for him and immediately he will say..."whoa..back off...slow down..we don't need to talk about that right now"...and it frustrates me because I'm starting to feel like a booty call...even though I usually want it more than he does...I just don't know...I've gotten myself so crazy about this guy and yet I really know nothing about him..I think he's telling me the truth and I dont think there is any other women involved...but I dont know for sure and that hurts..Alison says and Amy said..they see no other women. I know I need to break away and find a decent guy who will finally treat me right...but you know how hard that is when you are chemically wrapped up with someone..the chemistry is just amazing for me with him...but Alison and Amy told me that he will open up more to me...and that he cares deeply for me...and not to give up...but honestly I don't feel like it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that this guy just maybe isn't that in to me...cuz like one of you girls is love..when a man loves a woman, he'll stop at nothing...he doesn't need time...or games...or secrets...he wants to show her and be the man....What am I doing...and here I have $100.00 in my cp account and I am just dying to call Alison right now...I love her as a person...but I don't have that much money and this is killing me,,,yet I feel addicted to her words....Have any of you tried Mark? does one ever get in with Uli??  Thaks for listening.....oh yea and that vikki joy...I really don't like her...she told me that my new guy has already met his soulmate and he will return to her in a year and my ex...(the boyfriend of 5 years) will make a big grand entrance around May/June and try to get me back...I know that he will never come back...but it broke my heart to hear that my new guy has already met his SM...and when I asked her who it was...and then I said..."who...his babymama...cuz he's got a 6 year old little girl..nother story)..and I know the babymama and believe me...she wants no part of this guy...they've been broken up since the baby was born....but still...for you to tell a psychic how in love you are with someone and they say to you..."oh..don't bother..he's already met his soulmate" freaking mean!  Sorry...just still reeling from that one...Alison told me that she would never talk bad about another psychic...but that just isn't we all have many sm's in this lifetime and when one is out of the picture...the next steps in...even Abrielle told me that.