Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
pennies on the dollar is a lie and if it was really that bad then why would they be doing it? sounds like someone wanted you to feel sorry for them.
here's keen's payment policy that anyone can google and find:
as for TAROTTI, i would not use this person or business, whatever it is. coming on the site and every post being an advertisement for yourself sounds like you are begging for business. this is a psychic review site, not a platform to advertise for yourself.
Truth, I guess it is for the sites that regulates it's members but I don't believe It is .20 for $ 13.00 any psychic will have to be stupid to agree.
--- Quote from: Truth on September 03, 2014, 03:42:07 PM ---pennies on the dollar is a lie and if it was really that bad then why would they be doing it? sounds like someone wanted you to feel sorry for them.
here's keen's payment policy that anyone can google and find:
as for TAROTTI, i would not use this person or business, whatever it is. coming on the site and every post being an advertisement for yourself sounds like you are begging for business. this is a psychic review site, not a platform to advertise for yourself.
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You know what, Truth you are right! Unless any of the board members states that TAROTTI is good, we should all hold off on any advertised psychic unless they are well known or recomended by the old members.We want quality read not quantity.
I have read with her. You can PM me for details.
Good news is there is pm message for us. I don't want people to feel that they can't be open. We don't want Tarotti to use psychological games to make people to feel they cannot post here. I feel if she was really good, people would have posted on her freely but I guess not.:)
--- Quote from: cocoapple on September 03, 2014, 05:20:05 PM ---I have read with her. You can PM me for details.
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