Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services


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Oh my gosh, was there a storm last night ? I missed all the fun crap. Holly molly

Why dont we vote for 3 three selected members excluding me who have been here for a long time to have a free reading with tarottis for free and let them post freely and honestly on the board.
I vote

this would end th bo crap and tarotti can redeem herself.

I always miss all the fun crap!!  ;D ;)

it's not necessarily the fact they were advertising for themselves. it's not bad, but poor taste IMO.
what was a little annoying is how they posted on multiple threads replying back to other posts as an advertisement. just seemed strange. fine, make a post or 2. but no sense in replying back to multiple threads like you have something to say or add to the conversation when you don't.

also, the tone this person has just taken and the extremely long posts shows how much time they have on their hands and how much negativity lies within them.

LOL any other updates about this reader? Who had a reading and wants to share?


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