Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Tellmewhy say's, "I don't want people to feel that they can't be open. We don't want Tarotti to use psychological games to make people to feel they cannot post here. I feel if she was really good, people would have posted on her freely but I guess not."
She's essentially asking 'my' clients to post a review of their reading after one forum member states that she had a reading with me but preferred to discuss it privately in chat. I never mentioned names and stating that I spent 2 and 3 hours on the phone with the client from here was perfectly acceptable and appropriate.
I said an ex is not returning. I never mentioned a name and that's hardly the type of private, personal issue that would or should be held against me as a grievous offence. You're contentious now and challenging and the bottom line is: I invested 15 hours of my time with 6 of your board members and you've said absolutely nothing on any level that's remotely appreciative, kind, thankful, or courteous. You're just angry.
Also, this board is entitled PSYCHIC REVIEWS. PSYCHIC --- it's about psychics. You have psychics and clients on this board. You discuss various psychic companies, ON THIS BOARD. And it's shocking and astonishing to you and clearly disconcerting that a psychic shows up. You're treating me like I'm a peeping Tom who found his way in the girls locker room.
"And why are you here posting and talking about your website and your work and what you do..." IT'S PSYCHIC REVIEWS. I signed up. I'm a psychic with a psychic company and I found this board in a Google search for psychic forums. How is that inappropriate or strange to you. Of course I'm going share my site and talk about what I do and what we offer. You have scores of women here looking for a good psychic at an affordable price and it's troubling to you that I say, "Well I'm a psychic and I'm more affordable than any other psychic network and feel free to give us a try."
Remember too that you're reviewing and I worked for them. I'm not entitled like the rest of you to share my experience with them? How does that make sense? I shared the way in which they take horrific advantage of people and rob them and lie to them and you don't need me to validate that, just Google "asknow reviews" and you can see for yourself. I would think that it would have been interesting to hear from an ex employee of asknow and get the real scoop of exactly the way in which they operate. I'm not here offering some 13 dollar a minute fairy-tale, preying on the desperate. CLEARLY.
There is nothing left of center or OFF lol IN ANY CAPACITY about anything I've said. Nothing. Now you're just outright insulting and contentious and insolent. That's just an unfounded and uncalled for remark. You're not being forthright about what it is that has you so fired up and you're just trying to challenge me and be as difficult as possible because you don't want to discuss the real reason you feel so incensed and bothered and that's okay. Psychics aren't the only ones who make up stories. Clients who didn't hear what they hoped to hear are very capable of the same thing.
"If I sought to educate myself (on should be in) the art of readings?"
You must have received a reading from me that you weren't happy with due to the results because you're visibly irritated and aggravated with me without any genuine, valid foundation. You're mad and either you were the client or the client told you they're mad.
"Advertising for myself?"
On a psychic review board, where scores of people are looking for a psychic that's fair, affordable and good at what they do - Are you serious? It's a forum for people to discuss psychic issues and companies and their experiences and everything surrounding psychics.
I should revise my company name and offer online psychotherapy with a dash of psychic predictions because clearly people seeking psychics and spending thousands of dollars to go from psychic to psychic to psychic are addicts and they're addicted to two things: A man they can't have and an outcome they want to hear. They complain that the psychic said he would call or return and they'd reconcile but it didn't happen so they get angry, come here and vent. Then they get a psychic who tells them they won' reconcile and they get mad, feel short-changed, slighted, and come here.
There is a no win situation with an addict. They hate the drug but they need it to fill a void they can't seem to fill any other way but refuse any other course of action, treatment, therapy or outcome. They're unhappy with the direction of the affairs of their life but unwilling to accept any other options, offers or opportunities.
I won't argue or debate this with any of you. "Don't confuse me with the facts as I've already made up my mind."
You ladies just carry on and continue your journey into love and take all those self-destructive behaviors with you and cling to those unhealthy patterns that haven't worked yet and cry on each other's shoulders while you complain about whatever it is you take pleasure in complaining about while seeking out the cheapest psychic on the net who can solve all of your love problems without you having to make any changes in your dysfunctional lives. Perhaps you will find one who can whip up a spell and wiggle her nose and make all of your dreams come true and best of all, the jackass you're in love with who currently wouldn't care if 5 trains ran you down at once, miraculously returns with champagne, roses and an engagement ring.
Good luck with that. I work with those who aren't just looking for some second-rate, two-bit gypsy at the local truck stop. You want quality? Of course but I want a quality clientele who have the ability to listen, the desire to change their ways, lose the inherent patterns and discard the ideas and dysfunctional thought process that landed them in the problematic situation to start with. You go get the psychic who enables you, like the alcoholic looking for the co-dependent, enabling wife.
I came here to offer you the favor and not vice-versa.
divine wishes:
no, sorry I'm not one of the four who you told that their ex won't return. I'm just an objective person who feels like you might be leveraging a psychic REVIEWS forum in your favor -- that is all that I find disconcerting.
"I came here to offer you the favor and not vice-versa" ... free advertising seems like a really big favor. ;)
new with edit: I am not basing my posts off of your readings with others. I am simply reading your posts and statements. baseless accusations about the source of my "anger" is just that -- baseless, especially since I'm not angry, just "disconcerted".
LOL...sounds like this "reader" is angry! Wowwee we haven't seen THIS before lmfao.
I hope everyone reads every single word on that post and spend your money wisely. Clearly this poster is advertising and then taunting the members of this forum for sharing their experiences.
This has to rank up there with "Nicole" aka topaz!
--- Quote from: divinewishes on September 04, 2014, 02:35:43 AM ---no, sorry I'm not one of the four who you told that their ex won't return. I'm just an objective person who feels like you might be leveraging a psychic REVIEWS forum in your favor -- that is all that I find disconcerting.
"I came here to offer you the favor and not vice-versa" ... free advertising seems like a really big favor. ;)
--- End quote ---
Bark angel:
I'll probably regret inserting my opinion here, but here goes anyway.
I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with a psychic coming to a psychic review forum and announcing their business. Why are they made to feel as if they've crashed a party? Why don't they have every right in being here? What's wrong with advertising? By the sound of the last half a dozen posts from the former members here, it sounds as if there is something awful about advertising one's services! Don't we all advertise our services in whatever way works for us? Since when is that disconcerting? I think this questioning of Tarotti is unfounded.
And finally, even if some older members here find something distasteful in a professional advertising their business (which I can't see how it could be distasteful) there is a vast distinction between this psychic advertising her business on this forum and the situation that some claim was going on with Nicki.
One is being forthright and open - the other, it is rumored, was masquerading as a client. BIG DIFFERENCE!!
I personally don't see what all the fuss is about. Nothing wrong with addressing your target marketplace. It's done everyday and in every business in this country. Or, at least, I should say, it's done by every smart business owner across this country.
--- Quote from: kickingthehabit on September 04, 2014, 02:55:47 AM ---
LOL...sounds like this "reader" is angry! Wowwee we haven't seen THIS before lmfao.
I hope everyone reads every single word on that post and spend your money wisely. Clearly this poster is advertising and then taunting the members of this forum for sharing their experiences.
This has to rank up there with "Nicole" aka topaz!
--- Quote from: divinewishes on September 04, 2014, 02:35:43 AM ---no, sorry I'm not one of the four who you told that their ex won't return. I'm just an objective person who feels like you might be leveraging a psychic REVIEWS forum in your favor -- that is all that I find disconcerting.
"I came here to offer you the favor and not vice-versa" ... free advertising seems like a really big favor. ;)
--- End quote ---
--- End quote ---
Firstly, We are not all desperate pathetic women sitting at the edge of their beds waiting for the jackass to come back. Don't put us all in the same category. A lot of us are intelligent women who actually seeks readings for 'entertainment purposes' and takes it with a grain of salt. You do not need to attack us by saying we are all 'co-dependent looking wife'.
Second, It is THIS reaction from you that i 'predicted' (not a psychic by the way, i'm just a cause and effect kinda a girl) which is why i didn't share OUR reading on this forum even though i should feel 'safe' to do so. And no, i'm not a disgruntle client with an ex not returning and causing a ruskus. I simply want to share with those who are interested privately. That's my choice.
Lastly, 2-3hrs of reading isn't a selling angle. We here are busy working professionals who doesn't have all the time in the world to listen to you on the phone talking about things we can read up commonly on relationship forums or from our girlfriends and mothers 'about that boy who isn't good for you and therefore you shouldn't date'. WE ALL KNOW THAT. OR hear about how your services are superior than other networks. We here provide reviews, not bashing and i think this is when Administrator should step in and take a look at this. You do not need to keep bashing We get it. Most of us on this board doesn't even use it cuz we did in the past and the feedback speaks for itself and if you take a look, no one's really updated that part of the thread since a long time ago. You don't need to keep bringing it up in every post. We all can google ourselves and we all noticed that you have copy and pasted the same argument response on complaintsboard, etc.
I think you have good intention here and is driven by the fact that you have seen first hand how your previous employer has ruined lives. Your approach however, is too aggressive and harsh and quite frankly, condescending. That's right, i'm using psychotherapy on YOU. Like i said, we have smart people on here. Perhaps you are gifted and the real deal. However, your behaviour and approach is what turning people off on this forum and for myself who has had a reading with you, is having a hard time being convinced by you.
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