Author Topic: My end tally  (Read 3814 times)

Offline cocoapple

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My end tally
« on: July 17, 2014, 02:46:07 AM »
So, after all my predictions about my relationship department has failed.... here's the final tally of my career predictions.  i had a meeting with the two top people of my company in regards to my salary adjustment that i've requested since last Sept. and all this time they've told me either i can't due to year end, or wait till mid year because people get adjustments easier.  I called in to asked the following readers if i would get a raise or not due to this meeting;

Gaylene: said the meeting would be about my health issues and recent number of sick days took.  I will not get the raise until end of December.

Kisha: said my career will have a positive change in the number '7', i read with her in regards to the issued last wednesday,  today would be the seventh day.

Tallulah (CP): said today is my most lucky day.  big changes in career from now until August 12 leading to something to expand. Also, apparently, since today is my super lucky day, my ex will contact me after 3 wks of silence.

These are the only three readers i go to now...and the real conclusion..... *drum roll please*

Management gave me the fancy talk that a lot of ppl are looking for adjustments and she was surprise by the number of people being so underpaid and i'm at the priority list yet the CEO said no and didn't give a reason for her so she 'fought' so hard for us to get one at the end of the year that will be effective in January of 2015. No retropay. and those two had NO idea i'm in a management roll for a large account and looked at me as if i made this $hit up.  Cut me off when i asked if i should tell them how much i aim for....and said there's a experience level chart that people are scored on... and no, not a peep from ex.  and January is 5 months away so no, kisha's interpretation of '7' is wrong and off the balls. Not a mention of any sickness so Gaylene is a goner.  And today was certainly NOT lucky .....and as soon as i step out the office it rain cats and dogs and i went to an appointment that i thought was today but it's actually next wed... so i left work early and wasted an afternoon to travel for nothing.

In conclusion?  One of my girlfriends took me out for a mani and pedi and had Red Lobster to cheer me up.  So next time any of you people want a reading, think of your friends and family and take them out and treat them to ice-cream or food and thank them for being there to cheer you up on one of the darkest days of your life. Cuz money spent on them, is way better than on empty psychic readings.

Over and out!

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: My end tally
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 07:58:39 AM »

