Author Topic: Nina  (Read 31999 times)

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Re: Nina
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2011, 07:45:07 PM » Here is a link to what it is! Or it gives you an idea of what it is. I am feeling so much better :)

Offline Kareena

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Re: Nina
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2011, 07:48:29 PM »
did Nina read him like he was your love interest when he wasn't?

That is true, he wasn't my love interest, at one time I was very confused because this guy was in my dreams very lucid more like soul travel and there is definitely past life connection, but I felt no connection at all when I met him a year later more like camaraderie but he is also very good at faking so I wouldn't say she is hundred percent wrong. He was in a very bad place in life, so he can be excused for pulling whatever stunts to survive. Like Nina said to someone here he didn't mean to be a player.

My call to her was definitely not about him or even a relationship issue for that matter. I am not hung up on predictions that would be too boring for me. I like unpredictability and chance in life. Actually Chance is just a name for laws that we have not discovered yet because nothing is by chance in reality.


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Re: Nina
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2011, 06:44:29 PM »
i thought miss krystal had attitude too!

nina has been amazing reading me and my situation ..... and i just love her so much for some reason...

i read with uli too...only once because her que is so hard...

they both gave the same timeline 1st quarter of 2012 Jan/Feb/March 2012 ...

Nina used twin flame for me ....she said what she means is true life soul mate by TF (bc i didnt know what twin flame meant?)

But most every psychic i have read with so far (besides maybe 2 and i have had sooo many readings) have said similar things but they use the term Karmic life partner instead....

Offline haileyn

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Re: Nina
« Reply #33 on: December 19, 2011, 04:03:03 AM »
i thought miss krystal had attitude too!

nina has been amazing reading me and my situation ..... and i just love her so much for some reason...

i read with uli too...only once because her que is so hard...

they both gave the same timeline 1st quarter of 2012 Jan/Feb/March 2012 ...

Nina used twin flame for me ....she said what she means is true life soul mate by TF (bc i didnt know what twin flame meant?)

But most every psychic i have read with so far (besides maybe 2 and i have had sooo many readings) have said similar things but they use the term Karmic life partner instead....

So has Nina's predictions for you been good?


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Re: Nina
« Reply #34 on: December 19, 2011, 04:05:05 AM »
Some were good...but i have to still see if they come true...her predictions are for February...but she predicted the same as Uli so we shall see...

how about you?

Offline haileyn

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Re: Nina
« Reply #35 on: December 19, 2011, 08:10:00 AM »
Some were good...but i have to still see if they come true...her predictions are for February...but she predicted the same as Uli so we shall see...

how about you?

I've read with her for about 3 years now, her overall predictions usually come around, in fact I did reach her bottom line (guy did finally want to be with me) but he also did a 180 on me in which she's convinced wasn't supposed to happen so she gave me a time line of really any day now. I won't hold my breath or anything but out of everyone I do like her the best, since I've read with her so often over the years she knows everything about me from my schooling to my family to both exes so it's easier to get straight to the point.

She did give me my very first negative reading though, it was regarding my sister and her ex. She actually doesn't see him coming back for her, but for some reason I can't help but wonder had it been my sister who called in herself would Nina have said they were meant to be together. I know she always tells me she wouldn't steer me in the wrong direction if this wasn't the guy but I'm starting to feel like I'm hanging on to nothing. At the same time she doesn't keep me on the phone for very long, we always finish around 5 mins so it's not really about the money I feel.

Did you feel like she got the details of your situation correct?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 08:15:23 AM by haileyn »


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Re: Nina
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2011, 04:01:20 PM »
yea, nina got the details of my situation in the first call and i said absolutely nothing for about 15 to 20 minutes...she read the energy like no psychic ever has...and i like that she doesnt' make me worry over silly stuff or confuse me....alot of psychics have gotten the past and the present right but when i get off the phone with them they leave me more confused than ever....

Offline Synergy

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Re: Nina
« Reply #37 on: December 19, 2011, 05:22:15 PM »

I read with Nina once, and she saw a reconciliation for me and my ex in early 2012, with improvements starting in October 2011.  October improvements did not occur, and I doubt we'll get back together since I'm really trying to move on with the new man in my life.  I liked her because just as you guys have said, she can definitely read the present correctly, but I don't know if I'm really counting on her predictions.  She did see that we'd end up moving in together and eventually getting married.  My ex has no interest in my children, so I'm skeptical. 

I hope she's right for everyone else!  I'm at a place where I'm really disillusioned with all these readers, and I'm mad at myself for having spent so much money on what I think was false hope.  I'm glad that I have found a couple of readers who I connect well with and have made accurate predictions, but I still wish I had never made that first call to a psychic.  :( 

Offline Tango

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Re: Nina
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2011, 08:47:29 PM »
I have spoken to Nina 3 or 4 times, and every time, she always says that I am not wasting time in waiting for my ex. She also said that I should hear from him within 4 weeks, around Thanksgiving, because she said that she saw things happening sooner for me and pushed my timelines closer! She said she doesn't normally see that happening. It turned out to be wrong. She sees the first 4  months of the year as being especially good for me and by April, my ex will really come forward with his feelings.

I really like speaking with her, and she had so much about the past and present bang on that I hoped her predictions for the future would happen. Unfortunately, they didn't. I'd like to call her back and tell her that her predictions did not come to pass though and ask why.

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Re: Nina
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2011, 09:51:33 PM »
I have some money at CP still and she's the only one who I would spend it on. I haven't confronted her about her predictions, so maybe she will say something that resonates with me this time.

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Re: Nina
« Reply #40 on: December 20, 2011, 01:23:46 AM »
I've found that Nina is a really good empath.  I remember one time I broke up with an ex and I had called her in July of that year and she described everything that was going on with him without me saying a word.  Even small details like he's obligated to his brother, etc.  She was an excellent empath.  I asked her for a date of reconciliation and she said April of the next year.  I nearly died.  I'm a really impatient person and Abrielle had just given me a date for September (which was FOREVER for me as well).  I was so sad because it was so far away.  Well, it turned out that Abrielle was right with the date and Nina was right with what was going on at the time.  I just don't think you can get all of the pieces of a puzzle from one psychic...  At least I haven't been able to.  Don't put faith into everything one psychic says.  That's what I've learned.  It's best to use them for the present and then YOU can make your predictions better than anybody based on the knowledge you already possess and the information they've given you about the present.


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Re: Nina
« Reply #41 on: December 20, 2011, 01:28:55 AM »
i totally agree guesswho...i think it is the knowledge that you gain about the situation that is really the most priceless to me...and psychics aren't perfect..but if they genuinely have a gift and share it to the best of their ability i appreciate that...

Offline Tango

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Re: Nina
« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2011, 01:34:24 AM »
You are both right guesswho and Seven11. The most important thing is gaining knowledge about the situation and not putting faith into everything a psychic says. It's just so hard to do when you are wishing for something so badly. I've been waiting for a few years for this person, so whenever a prediction doesn't come to pass, I wonder if the "big picture outcome" that the psychics have predicted isn't going to happen either.

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Re: Nina
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2011, 01:43:21 AM »
Hi Tango.  I feel that there are a lot of psychics that do see the final outcome, but their timing is awful.  It's important to try and have faith.  When I broke up with my ex I just had a feeling that we would be back together, irrespective of what psychics told me.  They day you don't feel inside that you'll be together, that your gut tells you it's not right, then let go.  I just believe in having faith in your own intuition and let psychics help guide you.  Believe me, after you get a bad reading you can go CRAZY, but just have faith.  Things always work out, even when we think they never will.  Nothing is impossible. :) 

Off topic, but a lot of times exes DO come back.  It may be because they were just thinking of you, ran into you, want to see if you're still interested, but even the ones I couldn't stand always popped up back somehow, even if it was YEARS later.

Offline haileyn

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Re: Nina
« Reply #44 on: December 20, 2011, 01:48:02 AM »
Hi Tango.  I feel that there are a lot of psychics that do see the final outcome, but their timing is awful.  It's important to try and have faith.  When I broke up with my ex I just had a feeling that we would be back together, irrespective of what psychics told me.  They day you don't feel inside that you'll be together, that your gut tells you it's not right, then let go.  I just believe in having faith in your own intuition and let psychics help guide you.  Believe me, after you get a bad reading you can go CRAZY, but just have faith.  Things always work out, even when we think they never will.  Nothing is impossible. :) 

Off topic, but a lot of times exes DO come back.  It may be because they were just thinking of you, ran into you, want to see if you're still interested, but even the ones I couldn't stand always popped up back somehow, even if it was YEARS later.

Yes, I agree with the last part. I've had every single ex come back at one point or another. In fact back in July I had my first ex bf resurface after 3 yrs trying to have coffee with me, you know what he forgot? I'm allergic.

