Author Topic: Uli Readings  (Read 143082 times)

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #150 on: December 07, 2021, 02:49:48 AM »
I don't think she has a personal site anymore. I've never read with her personally but i have listened to a friend's reading with her and she definitely has a gift. For me, I hate CP and she's too expensive and too in demand but she has a gift.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #151 on: November 10, 2023, 09:01:52 PM »
Bumping the thread here.  I got onto CP for the first time in years and managed to get into Uli's que. Somehow ended up getting the call from her an hour later.

Beginning of the reading was general.  She said a few things that didn't make any sense and weren't applicable to me.  Switched gears and asked her about the particular topic/person I was calling about.  She didnt really say anything helpful or very insightful about my POI.  She did however use a handful of adjectives to describe POI that were eerily specific and which caught me off guard.  Maybe it was just a coincidence though bc the rest of the reading seemed to be a flop.

A little disappointed. 

Offline KawalaKutie

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #152 on: November 11, 2023, 08:51:26 AM »
Bumping the thread here.  I got onto CP for the first time in years and managed to get into Uli's que. Somehow ended up getting the call from her an hour later.

Beginning of the reading was general.  She said a few things that didn't make any sense and weren't applicable to me.  Switched gears and asked her about the particular topic/person I was calling about.  She didnt really say anything helpful or very insightful about my POI.  She did however use a handful of adjectives to describe POI that were eerily specific and which caught me off guard.  Maybe it was just a coincidence though bc the rest of the reading seemed to be a flop.

A little disappointed.

Hello, could it be that she was having one of her off days? Have you also previously read with her as well, did she work then?

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #153 on: November 12, 2023, 06:35:57 PM »
This was my first time reading with her.  I am not totally discounting her because she did use a few adjectives that were uniquely specific to the person I called about. Words I used in actual conversation with my POI. Not earth shattering but it did raise my eyebrows.  In the last few seconds she also mentioned that I had been thinking about getting back into meditating and encouraged me to act on it - true.  All of the above could very easily work their way into any reading however so I am not convinced either way. The bulk of the reading was either very general or did not make any sense.

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #154 on: December 26, 2023, 08:11:31 PM »
Listened to my friend's reading with Uli and just wanted to ask if she is good? /Also does she throw out places like Cookie does which end up being cold reads.  Cookie would say something like place with a C like California,  Chicago etc and basically guess a bunch of places. In my friend's reading, Uli mentioned Asia. Just curious is this an ism she has which is like Cookie?  I do not want to try to get a reading with her again of this is how she now does readings. (I read with her before and nothing panned out but she was good for current)

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #155 on: August 29, 2024, 02:39:26 AM »
I really loved my reading with Uli. She has been the only psychic to ever explain her readings. She explained to me how she receives the messages and how it’s up to the psychic to interpret what she sees. It made so much sense for my reading. I called her about my POI I was in no contact with and none of the reading made sense to me. I reconnected with my POI after months, and when he explained the details of the last few months, all the details Uli saw were accurate. She also accurately predicted we would spend his birthday together bc she saw a celebration and knew it was for him. It’s just a matter of hearing the visions and connecting the dots to your own situation. I also did this when another energy came into the reading and I was able to determine it was my friends mom that just passed, she had come through in several readings at that time, but I had no clue her name until I was reminded of it by my friend.I know when we call we want clarity, but sometimes we have to do our part in connecting the dots with the messages we receive.

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #156 on: August 29, 2024, 03:51:02 AM »
Hi beans

Uli was wrong for me in the outcome. Basic generic reading some hits on currect final outcome wrong. Also, I m bit skeptical on your posts 🤔 you seem to write posts on how cp psychic is amazing are you paid by cp psichics to write reviews. they are horrible, they make you buy most credit right away not minute to minute amd you end up spending a lot just to find out they were all wrong eventually.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #157 on: August 29, 2024, 04:19:44 AM »
Apple eyes - believe me, I’ve had many many bad readings on CP, and other platforms like Keen and Psychic Source as well. I’ve tried store front psychics as well. I’ve unfortunately had the most positive hits on CP that I deleted all my other accounts except for this one. I don’t even want to admit the thousands I’ve spent just for a few good readings. I’ve had several negative readings on this site, including Demi, Stevie, Kinter, Abrielle, Abby, Ladonna, Blu and the list goes on and on. I’ve had my own bad experiences with their pay structure and even wrote a horrible horrible review on trust pilot about CP in general. However, what keeps me going back are the psychics that have nailed an exact date prediction (Luciana, kikiyo, Donna, and Pilar),from the moment my prediction came to fruition on that exact date, it completely sucked me in and I cannot break free of this addiction. The more predictions that come to fruition like little ones I received from Uli it just gets worse and worse. So no, I’m not paid by CP psychics I’m just a sucker who has had some positive hits with an addiction 🤷‍♀️

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #158 on: August 29, 2024, 04:30:46 AM »
Hi beans ...ok I get it in this case. I have spend 1000s of dollars myself and I have read with them all the names you listed amd none worked for me besides few minor predictions which I look back amd think it's not worth it. hope you can get help and not spend more $$ I don't go to cp anymore I find they make you buy whole credit just to connect with psychics that's not psychic at all. My predictions ate pending still so can't validate predictions. I have yet to find anyone amazing in all platform keen ps and in cp.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #159 on: August 29, 2024, 04:48:00 AM »
Apple eyes- honestly I think most of the predictions are just their best guess based on the energy, anyway. It’s almost a good thing you’ve only had little hits here and there…. I know we want the big predictions to pass but when they do it draws you in more to keep finding out more and then wind up spending thousands… or at least that’s how it is in my case 🤦‍♀️. I don’t understand how so many people get contact predictions that come to pass bc no reader has ever been able to predict this for me. I think my exact date prediction was just a huge life changing event and the readers were able to pick up on that clear message from spirit. I get little hits here and there but the rest I’m just sitting here twiddling my thumbs like ok when are the rest of these little things going to happen?! I’m running out of psychics to try on there and I ran out of psychics on keen and psychic source so I think my addiction will end soon 😆
« Last Edit: August 29, 2024, 04:55:51 AM by Beans9224 »

Offline flora0250

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #160 on: December 22, 2024, 02:23:00 AM »
Don’t want to go into details but I had a kind of “hit” for Uli - it wasn’t a prediction exactly (yet to my knowledge although the prediction may have happened and I don’t know it yet) - but it was a validation. I know that sounds whacked so let me see if I can give an example.

She predicted such and such would happen and said it would be regarding the woman with ... lets just say for example ... the woman who drives a red convertible. Basically saying the woman who drives the red convertible won’t be someone your POI is with for long - it will fade out. Well I had no idea what car this woman drives. But sure enough while I’m trying to be social media detective I found out she drives a red convertible.

It’s something pretty close to that as an example. I don’t know about the prediction but I definitely got a validation about a characteristic about someone / something that I didn’t really know before that i didn’t expect to see and did. Okay maybe better analogy would be like I thought maybe she drove a convertible but I wasn’t really sure?!? And anyway something I saw made me go ohhhhh so that’s why Uli was referring to this woman in that way.

So - hoping maybe the prediction will happen.

Quoting myself from 2019. The man she talked about that wouldn’t be with that woman for long was my prior POI who ended up marrying and is still married to that woman.

Offline jackY

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #161 on: December 22, 2024, 03:13:06 AM »
OUCH. That had to be rough.

Don’t want to go into details but I had a kind of “hit” for Uli - it wasn’t a prediction exactly (yet to my knowledge although the prediction may have happened and I don’t know it yet) - but it was a validation. I know that sounds whacked so let me see if I can give an example.

She predicted such and such would happen and said it would be regarding the woman with ... lets just say for example ... the woman who drives a red convertible. Basically saying the woman who drives the red convertible won’t be someone your POI is with for long - it will fade out. Well I had no idea what car this woman drives. But sure enough while I’m trying to be social media detective I found out she drives a red convertible.

It’s something pretty close to that as an example. I don’t know about the prediction but I definitely got a validation about a characteristic about someone / something that I didn’t really know before that i didn’t expect to see and did. Okay maybe better analogy would be like I thought maybe she drove a convertible but I wasn’t really sure?!? And anyway something I saw made me go ohhhhh so that’s why Uli was referring to this woman in that way.

So - hoping maybe the prediction will happen.

Quoting myself from 2019. The man she talked about that wouldn’t be with that woman for long was my prior POI who ended up marrying and is still married to that woman.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #162 on: December 22, 2024, 05:33:06 AM »

Yes - definitely. But also was coming back to look at predictions for her overall. Because this time, I’ve read with her now 3 times. The first two she was so right on. The first conversation I didn’t really have much to go on for validations but I just kind of took what she said made note of things and then realized later she was right about her predictions.

The second recent call she got a TON of validations right / remote viewing / present info type stuff. And told me that my current POI things would move slow with but she thought I would stick it out with him even though there was someone new coming in as an option. And she was really positive overall about my POI and us being in touch again and things moving forward.

Well now I just had a reading with her that was SO all over the place and really just felt like a cold read. Because it started by asking me leading questions - I don’t want to say the details but I answered her because you know I overall trust the woman. But none of what she was spitting out really made sense or I could validate. Finally she was like okay did you have a question? So I asked about my POI and her reading was completely different. Saying that she didn’t see any reconnection at first. But then when I pointed out her other reading she basically back tracked saying well you might hear from him in a few months but you’ll have someone new that’s better for you.

(BTW I swear if one more reader feeds me that I’m going to lose it.)

I told her okay. Great. Well if some Mr amazing shows up and the universe puts him in my path I’m all open to it. And basically she was like yeah well I mean it’s up to you what you want to do but I don’t think this guy is the best match for you.


So that’s what made me go back and look up her reviews again and here I find my own review where she made this really definitive prediction that was completely off in the other direction.

So I love her but I would say she’s a definite hit or miss with me. And there’s no way to be sure which will be which so it’s really more frustrating than helpful.

But I may continue to call her for a read on the present / remote view kind of thing because at least on the other calls she was right about that. And she did make some predictions that did happen on the other calls. But the flip flopping this time and the completely wrong prediction from 2019…. Sigh. I gotta honor those to be what happened also so I can’t really put her on my “I can take her predictions to the bank” list. I was hoping I could but nope.

OUCH. That had to be rough.

Don’t want to go into details but I had a kind of “hit” for Uli - it wasn’t a prediction exactly (yet to my knowledge although the prediction may have happened and I don’t know it yet) - but it was a validation. I know that sounds whacked so let me see if I can give an example.

She predicted such and such would happen and said it would be regarding the woman with ... lets just say for example ... the woman who drives a red convertible. Basically saying the woman who drives the red convertible won’t be someone your POI is with for long - it will fade out. Well I had no idea what car this woman drives. But sure enough while I’m trying to be social media detective I found out she drives a red convertible.

It’s something pretty close to that as an example. I don’t know about the prediction but I definitely got a validation about a characteristic about someone / something that I didn’t really know before that i didn’t expect to see and did. Okay maybe better analogy would be like I thought maybe she drove a convertible but I wasn’t really sure?!? And anyway something I saw made me go ohhhhh so that’s why Uli was referring to this woman in that way.

So - hoping maybe the prediction will happen.

Quoting myself from 2019. The man she talked about that wouldn’t be with that woman for long was my prior POI who ended up marrying and is still married to that woman.

Offline Beans9224

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #163 on: December 22, 2024, 05:55:28 PM »

Yes - definitely. But also was coming back to look at predictions for her overall. Because this time, I’ve read with her now 3 times. The first two she was so right on. The first conversation I didn’t really have much to go on for validations but I just kind of took what she said made note of things and then realized later she was right about her predictions.

The second recent call she got a TON of validations right / remote viewing / present info type stuff. And told me that my current POI things would move slow with but she thought I would stick it out with him even though there was someone new coming in as an option. And she was really positive overall about my POI and us being in touch again and things moving forward.

Well now I just had a reading with her that was SO all over the place and really just felt like a cold read. Because it started by asking me leading questions - I don’t want to say the details but I answered her because you know I overall trust the woman. But none of what she was spitting out really made sense or I could validate. Finally she was like okay did you have a question? So I asked about my POI and her reading was completely different. Saying that she didn’t see any reconnection at first. But then when I pointed out her other reading she basically back tracked saying well you might hear from him in a few months but you’ll have someone new that’s better for you.

(BTW I swear if one more reader feeds me that I’m going to lose it.)

I told her okay. Great. Well if some Mr amazing shows up and the universe puts him in my path I’m all open to it. And basically she was like yeah well I mean it’s up to you what you want to do but I don’t think this guy is the best match for you.


So that’s what made me go back and look up her reviews again and here I find my own review where she made this really definitive prediction that was completely off in the other direction.

So I love her but I would say she’s a definite hit or miss with me. And there’s no way to be sure which will be which so it’s really more frustrating than helpful.

But I may continue to call her for a read on the present / remote view kind of thing because at least on the other calls she was right about that. And she did make some predictions that did happen on the other calls. But the flip flopping this time and the completely wrong prediction from 2019…. Sigh. I gotta honor those to be what happened also so I can’t really put her on my “I can take her predictions to the bank” list. I was hoping I could but nope.

OUCH. That had to be rough.

Don’t want to go into details but I had a kind of “hit” for Uli - it wasn’t a prediction exactly (yet to my knowledge although the prediction may have happened and I don’t know it yet) - but it was a validation. I know that sounds whacked so let me see if I can give an example.

She predicted such and such would happen and said it would be regarding the woman with ... lets just say for example ... the woman who drives a red convertible. Basically saying the woman who drives the red convertible won’t be someone your POI is with for long - it will fade out. Well I had no idea what car this woman drives. But sure enough while I’m trying to be social media detective I found out she drives a red convertible.

It’s something pretty close to that as an example. I don’t know about the prediction but I definitely got a validation about a characteristic about someone / something that I didn’t really know before that i didn’t expect to see and did. Okay maybe better analogy would be like I thought maybe she drove a convertible but I wasn’t really sure?!? And anyway something I saw made me go ohhhhh so that’s why Uli was referring to this woman in that way.

So - hoping maybe the prediction will happen.

Quoting myself from 2019. The man she talked about that wouldn’t be with that woman for long was my prior POI who ended up marrying and is still married to that woman.

That’s rough, sorry to hear! I feel Uli is really great with remote viewing the present, her details were extraordinary, and pretty good with very short term predictions. I never got any outcomes from her though. What I like about her is she is an ethical reader and is honest if she doesn’t see something and is mindful of the amount of money you are paying for the reading.

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Re: Uli Readings
« Reply #164 on: December 31, 2024, 01:40:19 AM »
I read with her 2 weeks ago - I got NO info!