Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Uli
Uli Readings
--- Quote from: Libra on April 27, 2011, 03:19:59 AM ---Me, PT and you greengrlx are from NJ!!!
--- End quote ---
Awesome!!!! Hello fellow Jersians LOL ;D
Guy, I have been in Uli's queue since Monday - and I have been 1 for the entire day, and the person in front of me was on the phone with her for TWO AND A HALF HOURS. Haha, the universe is being very challenging re: this.
Question for those of you who have read with her before - does she log on when she isn't schedule? I am still #1, but she isn't on the schedule AT ALL for the next week.
Thanks for the information if you have it. She is one popular lady.
PLLiz - I do see her log on when not scheduled but you never know when. Good luck and can't wait to hear. I've never read with her
Oh PLLiz....isn't your stomach just in knots when ur waiting for that person in front of you to finish...Two and a half's like a thousand dollars...must be nice. Well I hope ur reading is gonna be great for you. I still want to know what her other website is...good luck. Xo tippy.
I was seriously shocked once I saw ANOTHER 2 hours added to the call. I don't think I have enough life going on to share for 3 hours, but to each his own. I hope the call helped whomever needed it. I am going to have to call and get an extension on my time waiting in queue. Hopefully she logs in and didn't like, leave for vacation or something. I can't not keep adding myself in when everyone who has read with her says such amazing things to say.
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