I'm tempted to try Seha...all I read are good things...but I am so hesitant because of how much I have spent...of time lines not coming true (in regards to the big picture)...and of her telling me the same as all others. I know that sounds silly...but it is just frustrating...ugh!
I am just in the questioning phase...and Natalie leaving CP doesn't really help. I wish that Natalie or another reader (who is not bitter about CP) would come on here and tell us what the real deal is.
London tells me the same thing Healer...maybe we should start individual posts of our stories and we can be each other's psychics for free

Prettylittleliz: Yes...my "DreamTeam" (which someone said that on here and I found it so cute and loved it...so I hope who ever said it doesn't mind me using it) all say I scare him. He is working through his fears and insecurities and he will come around etc. A few (Winter, Jacqueline, and the horrible Miss Krystal) all saw another girl around him from his past and that is why he has backed away but it is nothing for me to worry about...he doesn't feel the same as her...and I think 2 out of 3 said that it is just communication nothing psychical etc...But they all see the big picture...they all say that he is going to come around etc. But 3 weeks with no communication just does not sit well with me...Everyone said if I reached out he would respond...but that would mean that I am doing all the work...I have contacted him enough...It can't be all me...I am not the one that hurt him...he hurt me.
I just wish we knew what was true with CP...too many have said the same things...how can they all be wrong?