Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

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I read with a few a while back and they were very wrong and fairytale-ish

I have Faith is brilliant. You ask her a question? will I get this job? She gets it right. Ever question I've asked her she was bang on.  Allie predicted me meeting my poi three months before I met him got his initial correct. I wouldn't bother with the others.

i tried this site with Allie and christine and Lisa.I love that you can listen back
Allie-tarot accurate saw that i was making new changes and i am..starting a new job;)saw issues correctly but told me to let go..
Christine,-ohh she read it so the point i cried..haha gave me a timeline
Lisa-said no its over move on but new man in my life in a few weeks-months


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