Author Topic: Cocoapple! Freshly joined!  (Read 5100 times)

Offline cocoapple

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Cocoapple! Freshly joined!
« on: May 01, 2011, 06:51:43 AM »
Hi all!

Some of your handles i recognized from and when i first got the urges to trend in the danger world of online psychics....again (this is my second addiction....last one was about 5 years ago...), this time i googled the psychic's name first and read some REAL reviews and made my way to this forum!  I'm very grateful that i found you guys because the feedbacks they have (asknow, california psychic, keen...) i feel as though i don't trust them.  They could easily be modified before it goes up on the board so it's nice to read your stories here and see which works for who etc.  To make my long story short......i have put my 'issues' in point forms....

-just finished college, no job but actively looking
-dating my S.O for 6 months, been good friends since start of college program and surprisingly we both found out we each had a crush on each other a couple months into the beginning of the school year....but then we were both not ready, him just gotten out of a long term relationship and i, swore of men cuz i think they are all scumbags and was ready to take on the world on my own
-insecurity started when we both were looking for jobs, not sure where we would end up etc.
-started calling psychics again, mostly on CP regarding S.O and where the relationship will head etc.
-recently had a fight .... it wasn't suppose to be a fight but he got defensive and angry that i was made over 'little' things
-fight was before he moved away (school is done so lease is up on his apartment, moved all his stuff) and immediately following after the move is his week long camping trip with his boys
-and so....i'm left here.....with issues not resolved and am afraid he will just disappear after the camping trip....
-and so i call more psychics....

I hope i can get through this with you guys here....while providing you guys also, reviews from my long long list....

That is all!

Happy to be here folks!


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Re: Cocoapple! Freshly joined!
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2011, 03:37:15 AM »
Hi cocoapple it sounds like you have had it rough and it has been nice talking to you on this forum! *Hugs* to ya

