You guys are all so awesome.
My readings were 1 week apart.
The change was - 1st reading he spent the entire time saying what a great guy SM is, how happy he will make me, how we were meant to be together, etc etc etc, how I just need to get through April. May is going to be so much better, commitment 2nd week of May, I'll see SM 2 more times in April, communication will remain open, what a great guy SM is, how he is worth everything I've put up with, etc etc etc.. long term, marriage, the whole thing.
Yesterday, he sounded tired and said I will see SM once @ the end of April (fine with that - who cares) but what upset me was that he started saying how I'll never be a priority to SM, that he won't fulfill me, that he goes out on work functions and he doesn't date anyone but he has a great time and leaves me sitting home alone (I have no idea where that came from??), that he doesn't see a b/f, g/f situation until sometime in JUNE, that I should consider coming up with a date in my head to end things, that he will always use work as an excuse to not be able to fulfill me, he isn't interested in other women but work is his wife, etc.
Then I asked - what about engagement. Last reading you gave me info around that. So he paused for awhile then he said, I'm surprised but I'm seeing late September for engagement, marriage next year. Then he went into a speech about if I want to continue on like this, things will get better and move quickly but that as a woman I shouldn't put up with this. That I deserve more and better, but if I hang in there it will get better. He was all over the place. Almost like flip-flop during reading but negative during the entire thing.
Amy, Jacqueline, everyone has always said what a great guy he is. He is a great guy. But he got my head spinning. So, I have a friend that I read with who said he was reading my FEARS.

And yes, what he said are my fears and I went into the reading with him upset to begin with.
I don't know. But I was up until 3AM upset over it. My mistake was that I should have questioned his flip flops during the reading so he would have looked deeper, and I shouldn't have called again in the 1st place. I already had my reading from him. I've been anxious over this again and fell into old behavior. I felt like we were getting so close when I saw him, and then when I didn't hear from him for a week I went into panic mode and started dialing. I have a reading from William (end of February) and it says - there will be silence in April from April 8-18th. Last time I heard from him was April 8th. Amy also mentioned a small pullback in April. I knew it was coming.
I know Libra - I'm done calling. lol