Author Topic: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions  (Read 45174 times)

Offline unbeatable27

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Best reader for you in terms of future predictions
« on: March 02, 2014, 09:00:49 AM »
I am starting this topic to know who has been the most accurate reader for you in terms of future predictions, because there are many psychics out there who are amazingly accurate regarding past, present and how a person feels, but then those same psychics are terrible in future and not a single of those predictions come true.

For me, they are:

Mistress Voice Reader
White Light Angel

Offline melancholia

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Re: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 07:56:03 PM »
Kisha, when I go to her for general readings.  So far she's ultimately been right in all the predictions she's given me, though she won't always give a straight prediction - I went back and looked at one of my older Keen accounts that I'd THOUGHT I closed but apparently did not, and there was an old mail in there from her about my situation when I asked for specifics.  She predicted some of the behavior that I'm seeing now from the boyfriend, but said she couldn't predict an outcome because it would depend on me and that my feelings would be switching back and forth non-stop over the next 8 weeks (from the time of the prediction).  Well, she was right - his behavior matches what she said, and my feelings are all over the place; one day, I'm overwhelmed with positive feelings that everything will be fine and we'll end up happy and this will all blow over, and the next I'm wondering why I haven't dumped him for good yet.  It feels like I'm bipolar, or even like I have multiple personalities warring inside me over this.

That's...probably more personal and specific than I needed to get into, but the point is that if you knew me, you'd know that's not typical. I'm usually pretty black and white about what I want and don't want, so for her to be able to predict this kind of inner conflict is pretty good.

No idea about any others. London on CP used to be great for me about work-related outcomes, and outcomes in relationships that were directly related to work, but not with anything else.  The rest...they'd get little things here and there, but the outcomes never panned out. Ultimate predictions are still pending on the current situation, but for now the only one I can give credit to is Kisha for her older ultimate predictions (all negative, by the way, but turns out that it was probably for the best).

Offline Synergy

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Re: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2014, 08:35:51 PM »
Kisha - Pretty much 100% with regards to work.  She's the only one I call about professional matters.  All negative romantic predictions have panned out the way she has said.  She has not been good for me at all in making affirmative romance-related predictions or in predicting new love interests.  She is more specific when providing general readings.  She is NOT perfect, but I know she is gifted and will continue reading with her.

Ness21 - Every outcome except for one has worked out as she has described.  Good for me on timeframes as well.  I do not recommend her for frequent calls.  She is good for readings about once every 2-3 months. 

QueenofCups18 - Anne has been exceptional for me on random, specific predictions (mostly "minor", but a couple have been significant).  She made one prediction for me last year that happened EXACTLY as she described.  She is also really good at giving me details I can confirm.  She has made two correct outcome predictions for me; another one is still up in the air.  She has become my favorite because I really like her realistic approach, and I find her quite caring, even when she has to deliver bad news.  She's also really good at the "tough love" approach, which really works for me. 

In the past, LadyPersephone has made two accurate outcome predictions (negative in nature), which would include her amongst those with the best track record.  Like Ness, I would not recommend calling her frequently as the readings lose their value and tend to become more "counseling" type chats and less predictive.  She is one reader who has often used the exact words and phrases used by the people I ask about. 

For the HERE AND NOW, I have been most impressed with Hilary80.  She blew me away with the details she knew on her own.  Unfortunately, nothing she has predicted (good or bad) has really panned out the way she has said.  It's odd.  In the 3 times I've read with her, she also has not been all that consistent in her predictions.   I still really like her though and would consider reading with her again.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions (My experience)
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2014, 03:46:16 PM »
So i have read with the same readers that Synergy has read with and this is to prove that one psychic may be good for one and completely wrong for another so i will duplicate the readers and let you know

Kisha- She has never been able to get anything on my job and i have read with her for years, i guess she sees random things that will happen for me but not when it comes to work so i give her zero for that but truly gifted I would read with her again!!!

Ness21- Her time frame has not panned out for her so zero on that too.I won't read her at all.

QueenofCups18- I have read with her close to four years not consistently but lets say about 6 times and nothing i mean nothing she said has panned out for me.I am not sure if i would try again but am sure the outcome and experience would be the same.

LadyPersephone- I have read with her and she has actually been positive for me and the things she saw has now manifested. She told me it will take time but will happen. Although she has seen negative outcome on work she has been 100% right for me but my time frames are too long into the future. I would read with her again

Hilary80- She has said somethings that i know for sure are not true  and everything else i can validate. Am not sure if i would or not read with her again

*** Please note a reader would be good for one but not be for all so be cautious when picking your reader. See I trust and love Synergy but the same readers we both read have had different experiences***

Kisha - Pretty much 100% with regards to work.  She's the only one I call about professional matters.  All negative romantic predictions have panned out the way she has said.  She has not been good for me at all in making affirmative romance-related predictions or in predicting new love interests.  She is more specific when providing general readings.  She is NOT perfect, but I know she is gifted and will continue reading with her.

Ness21 - Every outcome except for one has worked out as she has described.  Good for me on timeframes as well.  I do not recommend her for frequent calls.  She is good for readings about once every 2-3 months. 

QueenofCups18 - Anne has been exceptional for me on random, specific predictions (mostly "minor", but a couple have been significant).  She made one prediction for me last year that happened EXACTLY as she described.  She is also really good at giving me details I can confirm.  She has made two correct outcome predictions for me; another one is still up in the air.  She has become my favorite because I really like her realistic approach, and I find her quite caring, even when she has to deliver bad news.  She's also really good at the "tough love" approach, which really works for me. 

In the past, LadyPersephone has made two accurate outcome predictions (negative in nature), which would include her amongst those with the best track record.  Like Ness, I would not recommend calling her frequently as the readings lose their value and tend to become more "counseling" type chats and less predictive.  She is one reader who has often used the exact words and phrases used by the people I ask about. 

For the HERE AND NOW, I have been most impressed with Hilary80.  She blew me away with the details she knew on her own.  Unfortunately, nothing she has predicted (good or bad) has really panned out the way she has said.  It's odd.  In the 3 times I've read with her, she also has not been all that consistent in her predictions.   I still really like her though and would consider reading with her again.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 03:48:50 PM by tellmewhy »

Offline unbeatable27

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Re: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2014, 10:27:01 PM »
I agree, Kisha didnt work for me too. In fact she gave completely opposite reading 2 months apart. The first time I read with her through keen she was all positive about my relationship and us being soul mates. 2 months or so later, I read with her through her website, and she told me my ex is with other person and she wont even talk to me anymore, maybe once.

Well, my ex stopped talking to this other guy who I thought she was in relationship with (I still have no confirmations what was between them) and about us talking, after my last reading with Kisha i have talked to my ex several time, though still on friendly terms. She also predicted that my ex will be making a trip to see this other person, in Jan/Feb. Needless to say, that did not happen.

Offline Zee

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Re: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2014, 11:58:57 PM »
What is Kisha's own site?

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: wow healer read this shit!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2014, 12:02:41 AM »
look at what i found
We the spiritualists are coming together to ban against this forum The Psychic Reviews. The members of this forum, which is small in group have defamed readers and spiritualist to the extreme. Causing defamation, slander and libel. They receive readings and then when the reader doesn't get "it all right for them" they go on their cult forum and destroy the readers business. This site was started by a single 42 year old man, never married, no children. He goes by the member name "Healer." Healer is a good name for him only due to he wants to now date his forum members. The forum is a cult. They are paid by a select few of readers to advertise for them and to slander their competition. Healer is taking donations from the blind sheeples that follow him because he "relates to their pain." Yea right!

I know first hand due to I registered for this forum and took screenshots of all their schemes. Many of these women in this forum are married and wanting extra marital affairs and blaming the readers when they can't lure their lover into their lives. It is pathetic! Names are going to be released of these women on the interwebz of all their scams and their lies. Their real life is going to be exposed due to how they defames numerous readers.

Stay away from this site! Do not drink their kool-aide. They are sick individuals and will stab you in the back when you don't go along with their devious plans!

Follow these blogs where it is just beginning the war against this forum. A psychic/spiritualist/advisor forum is being formed and all names of so called callers will be exposed. They are scammers, cheating not only to get freebies but also on their partners. They rip off continually by making up numerous member names to get freebies. We are onto you all and we are fed up and fighting back. Thank your leader HEALER!
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 12:04:12 AM by tellmewhy »

Offline BellaLife

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Re: wow healer read this shit!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2014, 02:38:16 AM »
This is old, and honestly I would ignore it.  Just probably some people who may have had things going on in their lives that was not good at the time for them, but hopefully things are better for them now.

I personally like this site and the people who are on are here. We may all have differences of opinions but that is healthy as far as I am concerned.

I do not personally know who created this board, but I am thankful that they did!

look at what i found
We the spiritualists are coming together to ban against this forum The Psychic Reviews. The members of this forum, which is small in group have defamed readers and spiritualist to the extreme. Causing defamation, slander and libel. They receive readings and then when the reader doesn't get "it all right for them" they go on their cult forum and destroy the readers business. This site was started by a single 42 year old man, never married, no children. He goes by the member name "Healer." Healer is a good name for him only due to he wants to now date his forum members. The forum is a cult. They are paid by a select few of readers to advertise for them and to slander their competition. Healer is taking donations from the blind sheeples that follow him because he "relates to their pain." Yea right!

I know first hand due to I registered for this forum and took screenshots of all their schemes. Many of these women in this forum are married and wanting extra marital affairs and blaming the readers when they can't lure their lover into their lives. It is pathetic! Names are going to be released of these women on the interwebz of all their scams and their lies. Their real life is going to be exposed due to how they defames numerous readers.

Stay away from this site! Do not drink their kool-aide. They are sick individuals and will stab you in the back when you don't go along with their devious plans!

Follow these blogs where it is just beginning the war against this forum. A psychic/spiritualist/advisor forum is being formed and all names of so called callers will be exposed. They are scammers, cheating not only to get freebies but also on their partners. They rip off continually by making up numerous member names to get freebies. We are onto you all and we are fed up and fighting back. Thank your leader HEALER!

Offline unbeatable27

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Re: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2014, 04:46:35 AM »
Reading so positive comments from Synergy and Somnus, I decided to give Kisha one more chance and read with her today. She was all positive this time as compared to the last negative reading, though she predicted we have few problems that we need to work on. Lets see how this turns out, as I have been given timeline until June 2014.

Her website is

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Aires Intution
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2014, 01:11:54 PM »
She did not work for me, she was very vague!

Reading so positive comments from Synergy and Somnus, I decided to give Kisha one more chance and read with her today. She was all positive this time as compared to the last negative reading, though she predicted we have few problems that we need to work on. Lets see how this turns out, as I have been given timeline until June 2014.

Her website is

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2014, 01:56:38 PM »
Since we are comparing notes, lol, I'll throw in my $.02!

Kisha - 99% wrong for me. The only thing she was accurate about was the "10" she got in our first reading in regards to my ex and I. At the time we had been split 10 months. She told me he and his gf would split in April '13, she told me he and I would hook up briefly but not to mistake it for reconciliation, she then told me not to call her about this again. I only read with her twice about my ex 7 months apart. She was 100% wrong about outcome, in fact he and his gf MOVED IN together in April '13, but overall I found her to be kinda mean or at the very least insensitive (not that I need to be coddled). I will not call her again. 

Queen Of Cups 18 - She has been the only reader to date to nail a certain fact about our split. I guess I can't really say for sure if she is wrong per se because she never really gave me timelines, but she sees them splitting and says it's very important that I stay out of it. She was correct regarding a short relationship I had last year. It didn't work out. I would read with her again.

Hilary80 - she was so wrong it was laughable! And about everything. Past, present, and undoubtably future. I ended the call and will never call her again.

Ness - I have never read with her. I tried. Exchanged a few emails on Keen and she was nice and said she would read with me once she wasn't sick anymore. I randomly tried again about 6 months later and she had blocked me. I see no reason to read with her on her site.

Just another example of how differently we all connect! :)

Offline Calypso 13

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Re: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2014, 02:14:06 PM »
I'll throw mine in too.

The most accurate for me was Northstar Julie. I swear she called every outcome. This was primarily when I was dating a lot and she was right for pretty much every guy.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Best reader for you in terms of future predictions
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2014, 03:44:09 PM »
I would Agree that Northstar Julie was accurate for me. she knew when the guy that i had met wanted to be left alone and encouraged me to date other people but not to give up on him. She saw the strong connection between the  two of us and she was right. She nailed communication dates as well. I read on her private site and would read with her again.

I'll throw mine in too.

The most accurate for me was Northstar Julie. I swear she called every outcome. This was primarily when I was dating a lot and she was right for pretty much every guy.

Offline Zee

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Re: wow healer read this shit!!!
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2014, 05:03:20 PM »
I knew just from reading what you posted, then going to that board it was from the Annie psychos. The things they make up are ludicrous and yes, it should be ignored.  No one can fix cray cray.

This is old, and honestly I would ignore it.  Just probably some people who may have had things going on in their lives that was not good at the time for them, but hopefully things are better for them now.

I personally like this site and the people who are on are here. We may all have differences of opinions but that is healthy as far as I am concerned.

I do not personally know who created this board, but I am thankful that they did!

look at what i found
We the spiritualists are coming together to ban against this forum The Psychic Reviews. The members of this forum, which is small in group have defamed readers and spiritualist to the extreme. Causing defamation, slander and libel. They receive readings and then when the reader doesn't get "it all right for them" they go on their cult forum and destroy the readers business. This site was started by a single 42 year old man, never married, no children. He goes by the member name "Healer." Healer is a good name for him only due to he wants to now date his forum members. The forum is a cult. They are paid by a select few of readers to advertise for them and to slander their competition. Healer is taking donations from the blind sheeples that follow him because he "relates to their pain." Yea right!

I know first hand due to I registered for this forum and took screenshots of all their schemes. Many of these women in this forum are married and wanting extra marital affairs and blaming the readers when they can't lure their lover into their lives. It is pathetic! Names are going to be released of these women on the interwebz of all their scams and their lies. Their real life is going to be exposed due to how they defames numerous readers.

Stay away from this site! Do not drink their kool-aide. They are sick individuals and will stab you in the back when you don't go along with their devious plans!

Follow these blogs where it is just beginning the war against this forum. A psychic/spiritualist/advisor forum is being formed and all names of so called callers will be exposed. They are scammers, cheating not only to get freebies but also on their partners. They rip off continually by making up numerous member names to get freebies. We are onto you all and we are fed up and fighting back. Thank your leader HEALER!

Offline BellaLife

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Re: wow healer read this shit!!!
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2014, 05:13:03 PM »
@Zee  good one....Cray Cray!

I knew just from reading what you posted, then going to that board it was from the Annie psychos. The things they make up are ludicrous and yes, it should be ignored.  No one can fix cray cray.

This is old, and honestly I would ignore it.  Just probably some people who may have had things going on in their lives that was not good at the time for them, but hopefully things are better for them now.

I personally like this site and the people who are on are here. We may all have differences of opinions but that is healthy as far as I am concerned.

I do not personally know who created this board, but I am thankful that they did!

look at what i found
We the spiritualists are coming together to ban against this forum The Psychic Reviews. The members of this forum, which is small in group have defamed readers and spiritualist to the extreme. Causing defamation, slander and libel. They receive readings and then when the reader doesn't get "it all right for them" they go on their cult forum and destroy the readers business. This site was started by a single 42 year old man, never married, no children. He goes by the member name "Healer." Healer is a good name for him only due to he wants to now date his forum members. The forum is a cult. They are paid by a select few of readers to advertise for them and to slander their competition. Healer is taking donations from the blind sheeples that follow him because he "relates to their pain." Yea right!

I know first hand due to I registered for this forum and took screenshots of all their schemes. Many of these women in this forum are married and wanting extra marital affairs and blaming the readers when they can't lure their lover into their lives. It is pathetic! Names are going to be released of these women on the interwebz of all their scams and their lies. Their real life is going to be exposed due to how they defames numerous readers.

Stay away from this site! Do not drink their kool-aide. They are sick individuals and will stab you in the back when you don't go along with their devious plans!

Follow these blogs where it is just beginning the war against this forum. A psychic/spiritualist/advisor forum is being formed and all names of so called callers will be exposed. They are scammers, cheating not only to get freebies but also on their partners. They rip off continually by making up numerous member names to get freebies. We are onto you all and we are fed up and fighting back. Thank your leader HEALER!