Author Topic: 99.8% W R O N G  (Read 52409 times)

Offline Nottakingthebait

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99.8% W R O N G
« on: February 28, 2014, 12:08:26 AM »
I have struggled for the past few days with what to post, please be patient with me because this is going to be long.

DISCLAIMER, PLEASE NOTE: The statements written are my experience for a service that I chose to call and use.  My experience with these advisors may not be the same as yours, these are my opinions based on information give by the advisor.  The intention is not to (including but not limited to) defame, slander, or hurt any advisor mentioned in my review.

I have not had a reading in a year, many of you know my back story and the reasons why I have not had readings.  I came to forum at the inception and did not participate, I left for a while and then came back a year later.  I didn't want to believe that even though small predictions were manifesting nothing large was happening for anyone.  A year later some of the original members were still here writing reviews, and a lot of new members joined the forum.  Here we are 2014, three years later and some of the original members are still here, check-in from time to time, but rarely post anymore.  The reality of why the forum members do not post about the final outcome finally hit me today, and it was a very tearful day for me.  Many members were active with their story, then they just never came back.  I spent a few hours today reminding myself of some of the heartbreaking stories that were shared here in 2011, the outcomes were never posted because the predictions did not manifest.

Recently I went through a relationship issue, something I have not called a reader about...I should have known from my past experience with readers, I should have learned my lesson then but I guess I needed a Band-Aid.  I will not go into specific details surrounding this but I the outcome is right in front of me and 99.8% are wrong.  I have heard how guilty he feels, how he misses me, he does not know how to approach me, he is not enjoying his life, and anything else you can imagine.  I knew better than to believe this, if someone feels this way they will make sure you know.  I found out that he is seeing someone, so of course I called the ones that I "trust" back to fill them in on this because most did not see it coming.  I heard it is a fling, money motivated, business strategy, not emotional connection, will not last...blah, blah, blah.  The logical side of me knew this was not right, after all I have known this man for several years...but what is logical about a psychic reading? Nothing.
Yesterday I found out that not only is he seeing her in a committed relationship but they are on vacation visiting her Mom and Stepfather.  Does this sound like a fling? I think not.  There are other details that I  have shared with some of you but I prefer to keep them off forum.

I have a very long list of who I read with but Im going to touch on a few now and the rest later, all of this makes me sick.  I ended up in the hospital again because of the stress and disappointment...yet again.  None of this is worth it, these readings are dangerous and more than not they are usually wrong.

Msdream228: This was the biggest bunch of BS I have ever had anyone tell me, she didn't get anything on her own.  I question all of you who have read with her on keen because of the wonderful things she got for you.  My situation should have been a easy read for a gifted reader, not so with her.  I was told how much he misses me, he is depressed, he has composed emails and text but was to afraid to send them.  She did NOT pick up his relationship or other important details that I can not put here, that she should have if she was gifted.  She told me he and I would be married by the end of the year LOL.

Mistress Voice Reader:  Did not pick up the relationship he is in, I told her...she said he is not emotionally connected to her and that they would have a fight around valentines  Contact predictions did not happen.  I called her back and she changed her story to they are moving fast together because that is how the girl operates...are you kidding me right now?!!

Diosa:  I don't know what the hell happened with this reading but she told me I could have contact March/April or May/June or July...but it could be September.  I asked her why she left out August lol.  This was terrible

Ann Queen of Cups18: None of her contact predictions happened, but she did get a few things correct along the way. Her outcome was very positive, but nothing happened.

Ladypersephone:  She got the girl on her own, but Im not sure if it is because I called her several times and told her that nothing happened...maybe she assumed? I don't know.  She did get some details but her positive outcome did not happen and as I have said he is in another relationship.

Aries Intuition:  Is/was the most accurate, she is not perfect but she did see some of the important things that no one else saw.  Kisha did not see the other girl as significant and still stands by that, but I know differently.  Kisha has pushed timelines further and further with each call, the outcome has changed since I filled her in.  BUT she has been very accurate with general readings for me, she gets things right that are going on around me or people involving me.  Kisha is not good with specific people questions, if the person you want to know about is going to be around it will show up in the general read.  Kisha is not perfect, but I figured her reading style out and the general readings are accurate.  I would read with her again, she is one of two that I would read with.

Yona Farrell:  Accurately predicted what was going to happen before it happened.  I was shocked when it did happen, but she still sees further down the road a reconciliation...not happening. The first reading  she saw things better around March, this last reading the time is now July August.  Yona got most of the details surrounding the situation accurate, this last reading was off the charts good....she is the ONLY one who picked up a medical procedure that I will be having.  She offered some very crazy predictions and if they happen I will update...but what she suggested is not how I roll.  She read my career with excellence.  Yona is one of the two I would read with again.

Carmellady64: Very accurate with details, some stuff was crazy accurate.  Predictions were for the end of this month, when I called her back last week time had moved to March. 

Hilary80:  Accurate details, but some things she said wouldn't happen did.  I will give her credit the details that she got were not good guesses they were specific and details that I know to be true.  She didn't hold back and gave me the cold hard truth about what an a##hole this guy is.  I would consider reading with her again

Stephanies Guided Tarot: Wrong all the way around, I liked her and she did get some details correct but not enough to say I would read with her again.

Cookie:  I should have learned with her after I bought her a Mercedes and a house lol, she is a good remote viewer but you don't know how the information she is giving relates to you or anything you need to know.  She sold me an ocean in the desert last time, and this time was no different.  I called her back to tell her that I found out what is going on, her response to me was people change their mind.  I was so pissed and hurt, and this is not the first time she has done something like this to me.

Mystikka:  She was right for me before and I don't know about this time. She was kind of general with details.

Lady Jenna: I can say she got the whole situation on her own, right down to how things went down.  She for sure got details that I know to be true.  I don't believe in predictions anymore so her positive ones I am ignoring.

AdvisorM71:  I don't know I deleted her notes and a bunch more because I was so pissed.  I know she gave a positive outcome and that is not the case

Ask Peg:  She got the other girl but felt he is trapped lol, what the hell no one is ever trapped.  contact predictions did not happen

Spiritminded: Realistic but I don't remember I deleted her notes too.

Mystic Raven11:  I asked my question and got two different answers and then she said "anything else?" And then just went off in left field lol.  Prediciton things will turn around at the end of the year lol whatever

Barbar4846:  Accurately gave me the girls birth sign, he childs birth sign and details that are relevant.  Nothing she predicts happens but if you want the details she gives them, and she gave them to me before I knew anything was going on.

Carmencam:  Two different readings, first one positive on keen...then I called her private number and the reading took a nose dive a complete 180.  She told me I will meet my husband and know I just met him??? WTF, I don't want a husband.

Pat58:  She got some small details, but totally wrong wrong wrong and she lies!

There were so many more and one day I will review them all, but this upsets me and I just cant do it right now.

I don't know why I felt this time would be different, and I don't know why I felt out of 1200 members that my predictions would come true...the outcomes  do NOT happen and I know this.

I could have save myself a lot of money over the past few months!  The reality is what you see...if he blocks you, he doesn't want to hear from you, if he is with someone else he has moved on, if he doesn't call he isn't concerned.

Accept what is, this is reality.  Emotions and Feelings lie to you, don't believe them!  Believe actions or the lack thereof.

Pretty much everyone sold me the reconciliation fantasy, it didn't happen.  I, like synergy, am moving on from this and I know I have learned my lesson this time.

Offline chrys

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2014, 02:29:10 AM »
Love ya Kicking

Offline BellaLife

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2014, 02:44:06 AM »
@KTH....I am sorry you are going through this, you deserve much better.  I feel for you as I too have been down this road many times.  In time your heart will heal......wishing you the very best..... :)

I have struggled for the past few days with what to post, please be patient with me because this is going to be long.

DISCLAIMER, PLEASE NOTE: The statements written are my experience for a service that I chose to call and use.  My experience with these advisors may not be the same as yours, these are my opinions based on information give by the advisor.  The intention is not to (including but not limited to) defame, slander, or hurt any advisor mentioned in my review.

I have not had a reading in a year, many of you know my back story and the reasons why I have not had readings.  I came to forum at the inception and did not participate, I left for a while and then came back a year later.  I didn't want to believe that even though small predictions were manifesting nothing large was happening for anyone.  A year later some of the original members were still here writing reviews, and a lot of new members joined the forum.  Here we are 2014, three years later and some of the original members are still here, check-in from time to time, but rarely post anymore.  The reality of why the forum members do not post about the final outcome finally hit me today, and it was a very tearful day for me.  Many members were active with their story, then they just never came back.  I spent a few hours today reminding myself of some of the heartbreaking stories that were shared here in 2011, the outcomes were never posted because the predictions did not manifest.

Recently I went through a relationship issue, something I have not called a reader about...I should have known from my past experience with readers, I should have learned my lesson then but I guess I needed a Band-Aid.  I will not go into specific details surrounding this but I the outcome is right in front of me and 99.8% are wrong.  I have heard how guilty he feels, how he misses me, he does not know how to approach me, he is not enjoying his life, and anything else you can imagine.  I knew better than to believe this, if someone feels this way they will make sure you know.  I found out that he is seeing someone, so of course I called the ones that I "trust" back to fill them in on this because most did not see it coming.  I heard it is a fling, money motivated, business strategy, not emotional connection, will not last...blah, blah, blah.  The logical side of me knew this was not right, after all I have known this man for several years...but what is logical about a psychic reading? Nothing.
Yesterday I found out that not only is he seeing her in a committed relationship but they are on vacation visiting her Mom and Stepfather.  Does this sound like a fling? I think not.  There are other details that I  have shared with some of you but I prefer to keep them off forum.

I have a very long list of who I read with but Im going to touch on a few now and the rest later, all of this makes me sick.  I ended up in the hospital again because of the stress and disappointment...yet again.  None of this is worth it, these readings are dangerous and more than not they are usually wrong.

Msdream228: This was the biggest bunch of BS I have ever had anyone tell me, she didn't get anything on her own.  I question all of you who have read with her on keen because of the wonderful things she got for you.  My situation should have been a easy read for a gifted reader, not so with her.  I was told how much he misses me, he is depressed, he has composed emails and text but was to afraid to send them.  She did NOT pick up his relationship or other important details that I can not put here, that she should have if she was gifted.  She told me he and I would be married by the end of the year LOL.

Mistress Voice Reader:  Did not pick up the relationship he is in, I told her...she said he is not emotionally connected to her and that they would have a fight around valentines  Contact predictions did not happen.  I called her back and she changed her story to they are moving fast together because that is how the girl operates...are you kidding me right now?!!

Diosa:  I don't know what the hell happened with this reading but she told me I could have contact March/April or May/June or July...but it could be September.  I asked her why she left out August lol.  This was terrible

Ann Queen of Cups18: None of her contact predictions happened, but she did get a few things correct along the way. Her outcome was very positive, but nothing happened.

Ladypersephone:  She got the girl on her own, but Im not sure if it is because I called her several times and told her that nothing happened...maybe she assumed? I don't know.  She did get some details but her positive outcome did not happen and as I have said he is in another relationship.

Aries Intuition:  Is/was the most accurate, she is not perfect but she did see some of the important things that no one else saw.  Kisha did not see the other girl as significant and still stands by that, but I know differently.  Kisha has pushed timelines further and further with each call, the outcome has changed since I filled her in.  BUT she has been very accurate with general readings for me, she gets things right that are going on around me or people involving me.  Kisha is not good with specific people questions, if the person you want to know about is going to be around it will show up in the general read.  Kisha is not perfect, but I figured her reading style out and the general readings are accurate.  I would read with her again, she is one of two that I would read with.

Yona Farrell:  Accurately predicted what was going to happen before it happened.  I was shocked when it did happen, but she still sees further down the road a reconciliation...not happening. The first reading  she saw things better around March, this last reading the time is now July August.  Yona got most of the details surrounding the situation accurate, this last reading was off the charts good....she is the ONLY one who picked up a medical procedure that I will be having.  She offered some very crazy predictions and if they happen I will update...but what she suggested is not how I roll.  She read my career with excellence.  Yona is one of the two I would read with again.

Carmellady64: Very accurate with details, some stuff was crazy accurate.  Predictions were for the end of this month, when I called her back last week time had moved to March. 

Hilary80:  Accurate details, but some things she said wouldn't happen did.  I will give her credit the details that she got were not good guesses they were specific and details that I know to be true.  She didn't hold back and gave me the cold hard truth about what an a##hole this guy is.  I would consider reading with her again

Stephanies Guided Tarot: Wrong all the way around, I liked her and she did get some details correct but not enough to say I would read with her again.

Cookie:  I should have learned with her after I bought her a Mercedes and a house lol, she is a good remote viewer but you don't know how the information she is giving relates to you or anything you need to know.  She sold me an ocean in the desert last time, and this time was no different.  I called her back to tell her that I found out what is going on, her response to me was people change their mind.  I was so pissed and hurt, and this is not the first time she has done something like this to me.

Mystikka:  She was right for me before and I don't know about this time. She was kind of general with details.

Lady Jenna: I can say she got the whole situation on her own, right down to how things went down.  She for sure got details that I know to be true.  I don't believe in predictions anymore so her positive ones I am ignoring.

AdvisorM71:  I don't know I deleted her notes and a bunch more because I was so pissed.  I know she gave a positive outcome and that is not the case

Ask Peg:  She got the other girl but felt he is trapped lol, what the hell no one is ever trapped.  contact predictions did not happen

Spiritminded: Realistic but I don't remember I deleted her notes too.

Mystic Raven11:  I asked my question and got two different answers and then she said "anything else?" And then just went off in left field lol.  Prediciton things will turn around at the end of the year lol whatever

Barbar4846:  Accurately gave me the girls birth sign, he childs birth sign and details that are relevant.  Nothing she predicts happens but if you want the details she gives them, and she gave them to me before I knew anything was going on.

Carmencam:  Two different readings, first one positive on keen...then I called her private number and the reading took a nose dive a complete 180.  She told me I will meet my husband and know I just met him??? WTF, I don't want a husband.

Pat58:  She got some small details, but totally wrong wrong wrong and she lies!

There were so many more and one day I will review them all, but this upsets me and I just cant do it right now.

I don't know why I felt this time would be different, and I don't know why I felt out of 1200 members that my predictions would come true...the outcomes  do NOT happen and I know this.

I could have save myself a lot of money over the past few months!  The reality is what you see...if he blocks you, he doesn't want to hear from you, if he is with someone else he has moved on, if he doesn't call he isn't concerned.

Accept what is, this is reality.  Emotions and Feelings lie to you, don't believe them!  Believe actions or the lack thereof.

Pretty much everyone sold me the reconciliation fantasy, it didn't happen.  I, like synergy, am moving on from this and I know I have learned my lesson this time.

Offline hope4love

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2014, 06:34:32 AM »
I'm sorry you're going through this and yes, I've been there too. 
The physical reality always trumps any psychic take. 
Be good to yourself and give yourself time to heal.

Offline sagitira

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2014, 09:53:11 AM »
kth as if you were writing my story. i thought i'm no longer going to post here cause i came to the same conclusion. just recently i discovered that ALL THE READINGS I HAD were bs. same totally same stories - he is depressed, stuck, he loves you doesn't love her, he is used to her...hmmm...really?

reality is that:
1. if a guy is into you then he will make sure you know - that's a fact. you don't have to call psychics to find out
2. if he has gf and if he is soo unhappy as psychics say then even my logic tells me noone stays in unhappy relationship at least not for long. the guy is clearly not that unhappy and is getting something out of the relationship regardless of what it is.
3. if a guy has not contacted you for some time it really should be a sign to move on. calling psychics nonstop asking for contact - what's the point? call me i can guess the same dates for you and then tell you ooh hun he had it written down but is afraid to contact you. i know now that if a guy didn't contact me i would at least try to find out what happens. if he does not respond then i have to move on. simple.

i know a lot of original memebers do not post. i'm not original member i did join later however i have been calling psychics for 2 years and also like you almost everybody saw he will break up with his gf (timeframes pushed and now they are planning to move in together - nice one) and seeing us together.

let me tell you something - us together will never happen. i started to respect myself now i recon i'm in the acceptance phase where i know this guy does not deserve my love. yes i miss him, i still might hold feelings but i know i will never allow him to be my bf in future. i am to precious to be the other woman and he hurt me to much for this relationship to ever work. plus my question will always be- he cheated on her with other women, what on earth makes me think he would not cheat on me? lololol of course he would...

i don't know why we reach out to psychics. i can guarantee you people who do not reach out psychics and break up they go through the healing process faster. only cause they have no psychics telling them there will be reconcilliation, that he loves them and other bull that keeps you holding on.

i am extremely angry at myself for contacting psychics. by holding on i inflicted such a pain on myself that i would not wish upon my worse enemy. i regret holding on i feel it was biggest mistake in my life as a result of this i am in a position where i cannot move on as fast as i can as i work with the ass....

like you it was just a few weeks ago i had that final breakdown where i cried so bad i was almost unable to breathe. i realised that nothing happened, nothing will ever happen and i was lied to in a nasty way and now it's like i have to start from the beginning and heal.

what readings do to you is often mask the pain. when you feel down you have  a reading there is 99percent chance that reader tells you he loves you, thinks about you, he thinks he can't have you or is stuck but he loves you very much...o my...what bs - however you are looking for that temporary relief cause you feel anxcious and sad and depressed. and readings do give you that but i have to say its TEMPORARY!..the sadness often creeps up and it's a part of healing process. we have to go trhough the grieving process there is no other way how to move on. i was getting readings to stop the pain. now i know in order to get over the pain i have to go through it directly and not looking for shortcuts by consulting psychics.

i'm really sorry for your pain. as i said i was not going to post anymore because the same reason - nothing solid has come true-  the things are literally going opposite direction as predicted.

i am happy to say it's been days since i had last reading. i am not planning to have readings anymore. they completely mess up with your head. you stop listening to your intuition and that makes you make more mistakes. after i stopped i am now starting to feel better :) i was in this hopefully last stage of realisation for 2 full months - crying, not sleeping, not eating. now finally i am feeling better and ready to accept that the asshole i spent so much money for will never be with me but LIFE DOES GO ON. it's not going to stop because we are hurting we have to live it. i was angry at the whole world, at God and at everything for having to go through this. but i can see i did have a choice to end it time ago. didn't listen to my intuition so i'm here now trying to warn new members please please do not have a reading after reading. you have to open your eyes and look at your situation realistically. it is hard. very very hard and i feel for you all but psychic readings for me proved to be one huge ripoff. i don't wanna upset member this is only my own experience.

anyway kth my heart goes out to you. please stay strong, do not consult psychics you did so well. it will be ok, trust me it will. it takes time, lots of effort but you'll get there...really that website is a God sent for me. people's stories opened my eyes. i saw the pattern,the red flags and warning signs i ignored with my ex. now i know better in my next relationship i will not be making same mistakes.

if you need support please don't be afraid to pm me. my online friends helped me a lot, kept me strong and often made me see reality i couldn't see. support network is very important.

in fact i was talking with another member here saying how good it would be to have support network, website or blog for people who are going through similar experience but also having disappointment from psychic readings. that support would be much better then having a reading itself.
apologies for spelling mistakes i was typing fast :)

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2014, 03:32:44 PM »
It's a personal choice whether someone wishes to trust the information given by a psychic or not. And if you have reached the point where you now question whether psychics have talent, then, by all means disregard the information they offer - that means disregarding all the positive aspects of the readings and negative aspects of the readings and simply rely on what you can determine in reality.  If your man is with someone else, reality suggests that there is a 1 in 2 chance he will stay with that person.  That also means there is a 1 in 2 chance he'll leave her.  Reality also suggests that if you still like your ex and can forgive his transgressions, there is a 1 in 2 chance you will be together again, just as there is a 1 in 2 chance you won't. And finally there is a 1 in 2 chance that you will move beyond this place and onto something new, just as there is a 1 in 2 chance you won't.  The numbers don't lie.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2014, 05:08:13 PM »
I am sorry for what you have gone through, KTH.  Many of us know the feeling all too well.  I do believe many of these readers have a gift... they can see the past and present.   I have had predictions happen, so there is something to that, but this is potentially do to the probability of an event occuring or because some things don't have as many variables as others.  I do think anything dealing with human emotions is difficult to read.

Bark, your math is incorrect.  The odds for reconciliation are much worse than simply having a 1 and 2 chance.  The way you word it makes sense, but that's not how it works because there are other factors.  He can actually meet someone else, she can meet someone else, etc.  The odds are not 50%.  They are lower. 

For what it's worth, I also read with Hilary80 and I think she is REALLY good.  Like outrageously good.  BUT nothing she predicted happened.  I will say though, she saw things there's no way she could've known.  Stuff other readers have never seen... incredible details. 

I think getting readings is an addiction.  Lord knows I would've stopped long time ago considering NONE of my big outcome predictions have happened the way readers said they would.  The thing is, I like getting readings.  It's kind of sick.  Anne even gave me a pretty firm talking to last time I called her.  Anyways, that's besides the point.  I agree with everyone who says to take a person's action at face value.  I will also make a recommendation I have made many times before.  Please, set a timeframe.  Do not wait for someone for YEARS.  Tell yourself that if you don't hear from him by ## days or months, then you are letting go and not making another call about them.  It's not worth it.  I could have a driveway full of cars had I stopped calling years ago.

I want to point out (and some of you may remember this) I started calling psychics years ago about a man I used to refer to as "J".  Many readers said we would reconcile, get married... the whole nine yards.  You know what happened?  He ended up marrying another woman we worked with!!!  He secretly dated her for 2 months and married her!!!  I do still have a certain liking and favoring for Kisha and LadyP because they were two of the VERY FEW who told me he would never come back.  Cookie and Barbara (I mention them specifically because they are popular) told me I would marry that man.  After he married our coworker, I called them and they told me it would shortly end in divorce.  He doesn't love her.  It was an impulsive mistake.  I could still be waiting for him to this day if I hadn't had accepted reality.  Guess what?  They're still married.  Happily.  I've run into them at happy hours.  I see them eating lunch together.  They are still married. 

I didn't marry C either.  He straight up told me he can't be with a woman with two young children.  There was not one reader who told me he had those concerns.  Not one. 

This last situation I was in... I was told by many that this man would take a certain dramatic action to change his current situation.  Nope.  He didn't.  He told me he WON'T. 

Lesson:  Readers are wrong.  They get stuff.  But the future hasn't happened.  What makes us think they will know?  They can't and they don't.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2014, 05:35:34 PM »
My math is NOT incorrect.  There is an equal (=) chance that a relationship with an other person will fail, just as there is an equal chance (=) that it will be successful.  There is an equal chance (=) that he will come back, just as there is an equal (=) chance he will not.
Bark, your math is incorrect.  The odds for reconciliation are much worse than simply having a 1 and 2 chance.  The way you word it makes sense, but that's not how it works because there are other factors.  He can actually meet someone else, she can meet someone else, etc.  The odds are not 50%.  They are lower. 

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2014, 05:41:46 PM »
The numbers are not accurate, and numbers do not form an accurate equation when applied to relationships.

Do not trust anything these psychics tell you, they may get details but the happy outcomes NEVER happen.  The stories here on the forum should be proof enough.

I am just sharing my horror story, maybe someone here will get the outcome they desire.  With that said, there are approximately 1200 members here, maybe one or two have report an outcome that was favorable.  If numbers are how you are gauging the probability of a favorable outcome then perhaps consider those odds.

I know my post will not resonate with some here, but my post is very familiar if you read the forum.  Every member will move at their own pace and choose how long they stay in this nightmare, but this is my second go around and again I am here posting the disappointment, foolishness, defeat, and sadness surrounding these readings.

It's a personal choice whether someone wishes to trust the information given by a psychic or not. And if you have reached the point where you now question whether psychics have talent, then, by all means disregard the information they offer - that means disregarding all the positive aspects of the readings and negative aspects of the readings and simply rely on what you can determine in reality.  If your man is with someone else, reality suggests that there is a 1 in 2 chance he will stay with that person.  That also means there is a 1 in 2 chance he'll leave her.  Reality also suggests that if you still like your ex and can forgive his transgressions, there is a 1 in 2 chance you will be together again, just as there is a 1 in 2 chance you won't. And finally there is a 1 in 2 chance that you will move beyond this place and onto something new, just as there is a 1 in 2 chance you won't.  The numbers don't lie.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2014, 05:43:21 PM »
This is absolutely not true.  That is not how probability works. 

A coin has two sides.  When you toss it in the air, it can come up heads or tails.  Initially one would say there is a 1 to 2 chance that heads or tails will appear.  However, if you toss the coin 50 times that does not mean that heads will come up 25 times and tails would come up 25 times.  There are other factors involved.  Probability is a guide... not a standard and not an absolute.  There is a 50% chance he will come back.  There is a 50% chance he will not.  When you factor in TIME PASSED, new relationships, etc, it becomes like tossing the coin in there air more than once.  The percentage is NOT 50%.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2014, 06:23:19 PM »
each time you toss a coin there is an equal (=) chance it will land heads up as it would land tails up.  That's my point. And that is irrefutable.
This is absolutely not true.  That is not how probability works. 

A coin has two sides.  When you toss it in the air, it can come up heads or tails.  Initially one would say there is a 1 to 2 chance that heads or tails will appear.  However, if you toss the coin 50 times that does not mean that heads will come up 25 times and tails would come up 25 times.  There are other factors involved.  Probability is a guide... not a standard and not an absolute.  There is a 50% chance he will come back.  There is a 50% chance he will not.  When you factor in TIME PASSED, new relationships, etc, it becomes like tossing the coin in there air more than once.  The percentage is NOT 50%.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2014, 06:36:10 PM »
Respectfully, and again, I disagree. This is not true at all.  Each time a coin is tossed there is an equal chance of it landing head up or tails up, NO MATTER how often it is tossed, the chance is still EQUAL that it lands heads up or tails up, BECAUSE for each coin toss there are only 2 likely outcomes - heads up or tails up.  So the chances are 50/50 in each and every coin toss.

You are confounding this.  The point I am making is that when given a "yes" or "no" situation your chances of it coming up the way you wish is equal, and that is because there are 2 and only 2 likely outcomes.  Yes, or No.
When you factor in TIME PASSED, new relationships, etc, it becomes like tossing the coin in there air more than once.  The percentage is NOT 50%.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2014, 06:47:16 PM »
It really does not matter what information we receive, the fact are telling us the outcome.  If the other person is involved with someone else, living with someone else, and not communicating with us the facts are representing the truth...the outcome is it O V E R! There is no mathematical equation for O V E R. 

Joel Osteen says: "Why put a question mark where there is a period"

If someone has not communicated with you for at least six months, has blocked you from social networks, and does not show any action toward is fact they are not coming back.  Accepting this is like a nightmare that one can not wake up from.  The only hope that lingers is false hope, I would rather have no hope than false hope.  As time progresses the truth become clear and the false hope hurts deeper than accepting the reality as it is presented.

So, I pose the question:  Why put a question mark where there is a period?  The question mark is what triggered my emotional break, depression, sadness, defeat, foolishness and and and!

Respectfully, and again, I disagree. This is not true at all.  Each time a coin is tossed there is an equal chance of it landing head up or tails up, NO MATTER how often it is tossed, the chance is still EQUAL that it lands heads up or tails up, BECAUSE for each coin toss there are only 2 likely outcomes - heads up or tails up.  So the chances are 50/50 in each and every coin toss.

You are confounding this.  The point I am making is that when given a "yes" or "no" situation your chances of it coming up the way you wish is equal, and that is because there are 2 and only 2 likely outcomes.  Yes, or No.
When you factor in TIME PASSED, new relationships, etc, it becomes like tossing the coin in there air more than once.  The percentage is NOT 50%.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2014, 07:10:45 PM »
When you gamble, there are odds.  If life worked the way you think it does, all odds would be 50/50.  Because life isn't black and white, when two teams play, the odds are not always 50%.  The odds are influenced by player health, season performance, etc.  Likewise when determining odds for a situation to occur, one has to look at all the factors.  If I tell my ex never to speak to me again, I am decreasing the odds that he will return.  If move to another country, I am decreasing the odds.  If YEARS pass since the last contact, the odds decrease as well. 

Anyways, KTH is right.  Who cares.  Reality proves he isn't here.  There's a 100% reality that you're not together.  100%.

Plus, when you live your life waiting, you're not living.  Go find someone new who will actually talk to you.  Not someone who has been silent for years.  Odds he will return are decreasing as we speak. 

Not to be insensitive, but there was Friday night that chat was FULL.  And I sat back and thought, wow.  These are intelligent, awesome women.  Women who should be living.  Women who should be doing something on a Friday night instead of sitting on a psychic forum chat.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I was there too.  But, WTF?!  Am I going to meet the love of my life by sitting at home waiting on an ex who isn't coming back, drinking wine, and reviewing readers on a forum?  Hell no.  Neither will anyone else.  Go live life.  Sure, maybe your ex will return.  Maybe he won't.  But at least you're living in the meantime.  Or take the money you'd spend on a reading and go pamper yourself instead!  You deserve it!! 

Offline Bark angel

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2014, 08:28:12 PM »
What I think you are trying to say is that in psychic readings about relationships being restored there are more than 2 likely outcomes.  Actually there aren't.  it will either be or not be, Just as in a strict yes/no situation, or head/tails situation, there are ONLY 2 outcomes. 

Likewise when determining odds for a situation to occur, one has to look at all the factors.  If I tell my ex never to speak to me again, I am decreasing the odds that he will return.  If move to another country, I am decreasing the odds.
Exactly - which is why I have always asserted that WE can influence a positive or negative outcome to alter what was predicted. It's not simply a case of a psychic saying something will occur and we can run roughshod over parties involved and expect the same outcome!  We play an integral part too.  And it is not just a black/white case as telling someone off, or hanging up on them, or being brusque in the supermarket line.  It could be hardening of your heart, or a cooling off of a passion - all play a role in the end result.

If YEARS pass since the last contact, the odds decrease as well. 
Technically, that doesn't affect the outcome, but years do permit a hardening of the heart, a cooling off of passion; grievances and bitterness, or simply indifference to creep in that DO affect the way we play our role!

Anyways, KTH is right.  Who cares.  Reality proves he isn't here.  There's a 100% reality that you're not together.  100%.
It is all a matter of perception.  Reality is, before you met Mr. Wonderful, how was life for you?  You were not with him.  He was 100% not there. The reality was that a Mr. Wonderful did NOT exist - at that moment. 
Perception is all that matters here.  If before Mr. Wonderful arrived you continued to say to yourself, "my reality is that a Mr. Wonderful will never be in my life, because look he is not here today" you would have been wrong.  Because in a matter of time, along came Mr. Wonderful.  I just ask that you consider that....

Plus, when you live your life waiting, you're not living. 
Most of the good psychics I have spoken to insist that this is a necessary and integral part of predictions manifesting, by the way.  None of them prescribe waiting at all. That's why I have always maintained that we do not do with the information what we are supposed to do with it, and as a result, perhaps we too are responsible for whether a prediction manifests or not.

