Author Topic: 99.8% W R O N G  (Read 53058 times)

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #90 on: May 05, 2014, 08:14:19 PM »
Just wanted to share a quick story with you. I know we've discussed this before but I can't find the thread.

This is about how easy it is to find someone online, and how easy it is for us to accidentally give details of our lives. For 3.5 years I had a part time job in an office. I was only there once a week for a few hours, so I never spent much time talking to the people who worked in the back, except for a couple that would come up to talk to the boss. Not that we didn't interact at all, but I never took lunches with them or really had any chance to chat. I'd come in, work and leave for another job. I was also usually the second person there so unless I had a question I had no reason to go back and talk to anyone.

The other night I met up with one of them. I had given them my business card, which has my full name on it (not a common name) and city, along with my cell. In turn, I had their email, cell and their physical address, plus I knew their full name with middle initial from work.

I was there a little over an hour and we were just chatting about silly things. But when I got home, I was able to find this person on FB in less than 15 mins simply because they handed me two little pieces of info that I didn't have before - that a sibling lived in another state and where they grew up. I had already searched on siblings and parents out of curiosity and had come up blank - mom was using a maiden name and one sibling had their info locked down. But having this other state PLUS the hometown zeroed me in. They have a common last name, and my friends first name is very common with quite a few variants. I had only tried the full name and the nickname I had heard at work. When the sibling set up the account for them though, it was set up with a nickname that I had never heard used for them (but was probably a childhood nickname) and middle name only. As soon as I found the sibling, I had my friend in seconds, searching the siblings friend list by first name.

So then I wondered how easy it would be for them to find me. I've had a coworker do a similar thing to me because they went to school with my sister and my sister had her family connections open to the public at that time (I also don't use my full name on fb). So I reverse engineered my own name and because it's uncommon enough that not many come up, I was easily able to find 3 people with open friend lists where people could find me, as long as they weren't fixated on my first/last name only. Then I wondered what info I had given my friend in conversation, and remembered I had laughed about my SIL having the same name as me, and what my brother did for a living. My brother doesn't have his work posted on FB but if he did, again it would be an easy way to me.

My point is that I wasn't trying to grill my friend for this info, we were just talking about every day stuff and of course family/friends/work/living arrangements all came up. So imagine a psychic who has our phone number because we've called them, can reverse search our area code - not bullet proof these days with cell phones, asks a quick question about a family member, etc. They do this all day every day and I'm sure they are much better at it then we can ever be.

There's a lot of info out there on us, like it or not. I discovered one of my bosses is putting our full names in a blog she writes when she wants to thank us specifically, so now a pic of her and her husband show up when I search for images with my name - creepy! I also found I had written a review for a product through work and while I didn't sign it, I must've been logged in as now those product images show up with my full name and I need to get them to remove that!

And the really funny thing was that another girl that worked the days I didn't, used to stalk the other workers on fb, but had never found my account or the person I saw the other night, because she never went beyond the traditional first/last name combo.

Food for thought.......

Offline Zee

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #91 on: May 05, 2014, 09:03:38 PM »
My point is that I wasn't trying to grill my friend for this info, we were just talking about every day stuff and of course family/friends/work/living arrangements all came up. So imagine a psychic who has our phone number because we've called them, can reverse search our area code - not bullet proof these days with cell phones, asks a quick question about a family member, etc. They do this all day every day and I'm sure they are much better at it then we can ever be.

There's a lot of info out there on us, like it or not. I discovered one of my bosses is putting our full names in a blog she writes when she wants to thank us specifically, so now a pic of her and her husband show up when I search for images with my name - creepy! I also found I had written a review for a product through work and while I didn't sign it, I must've been logged in as now those product images show up with my full name and I need to get them to remove that!

And the really funny thing was that another girl that worked the days I didn't, used to stalk the other workers on fb, but had never found my account or the person I saw the other night, because she never went beyond the traditional first/last name combo.

Food for thought.......

Ok, some of this may be accurate but still no one can find me, no reader, no friends, no one. I don't use a nickname or my real name ever on the Internet. I have many different email addresses and signons. My cell phone isn't even in my name so a person would be hard pressed to even know what to look for. Also, most people who are in the baby boomer range are not computer literate. They just learned to turn the thing on. I can figure out how literate a person is, within two minutes or less of speaking to them about the computer.  I'm a whiz with applications. I've taught myself how to download and find anything. There is almost nothing I don't have (it often times depends on how popular an item is).

A lot of people new to facebook or the computer age in general sort of believe many things they see on the internet and especially believe you have to use your real name. I have two alias on facebook (mostly for the games), because seriously they wouldn't ever know if that was the real you or not. Nor do I use a real photo.

I have even googled my real name and have had it removed from search sites and search engines.  All this takes time and is very time consuming so please guys, don't start believing a reader can find you or get some information about you.  It is possible, but highly unlikely unless you use the same exact logon and have given way too many details. I am extremely certain they don't know jack about me.

I'm just saying.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #92 on: May 05, 2014, 10:28:45 PM »
Zee, I'm saying for the average person the info is out there. You really can't find fb info about me, unless you also know my family. I don't use my real name nor do I have a pic. I do have other things that have shown up, but any email I used for the psychic sites have been made specifically for those sites and were never linked to me or anything else. Most people can't spell my last name anyway so they never get anywhere.

A lot of people don't realize what is out there about them, or how easy it is to find info.

For every person who has taken pains to hide their info, there are probably 5 who don't. Some people have jobs that require their names to be out there (realtors, lawyers, doctors). Even my job is starting to push us to be featured on our blog, which I've refused, and I won't let them take pix of me or do quick interviews with me either.

Yes, there are a ton of people who have led a quiet life and just aren't out there - even younger people. But that doesn't hold true for everyone.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 12:15:15 PM by sunandmoon »

Offline Truth

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #93 on: May 06, 2014, 03:34:52 AM »
sunandmoon, i have had similar concerns with getting readings from psychics on their own site. to schedule a reading you have to give them a lot of info about you - email, name, sometimes more. how easy is it to pull up at least your Facebook account if not a lot more about your life. some sites you can buy a membership and pay like 30 bucks or so and get all sorts of info on people with just their first and last name - recent addresses, jobs, credit score, etc.

did someone share this video here? i can't remember where i first saw it but its intriguing.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #94 on: May 06, 2014, 12:23:07 PM »
sunandmoon, i have had similar concerns with getting readings from psychics on their own site. to schedule a reading you have to give them a lot of info about you - email, name, sometimes more. how easy is it to pull up at least your Facebook account if not a lot more about your life. some sites you can buy a membership and pay like 30 bucks or so and get all sorts of info on people with just their first and last name - recent addresses, jobs, credit score, etc.

did someone share this video here? i can't remember where i first saw it but its intriguing.

Truth, I saw that video here awhile back. It is intriguing.

All I'm saying is how easy it was to let a few details slip without meaning to. Neither of us were fishing for information and we've known each other for a few years now, so we don't mean harm.

I mean, you're talking to someone, and they say - hey I went hiking on this mountain range last year, what a fun time! And you say, that's great, I've never been there, but I've been here and loved that. Bam, you just gave out some info about yourself.

I'm guarded by nature. I rarely use my last name in conversation and I've taken to signing up for things just using my last initial. Because I lived alone for so long, I don't tell people much about where I live. But unless you live like a hermit, or never engage with people at all, some things are just going to come out about you. And for those that do live guarded lives, you are certainly in the minority. Like I said, one of the girls I worked with stalked every one of the employees there via fb when she was bored. She just couldn't find me or the other person because we didn't use our "normal" names, I have a fake email and she didn't have theirs.

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #95 on: May 06, 2014, 04:38:16 PM »
I've done that as well. Stalked co-workers on FB, just to see the crap they put up and to look at the happiness they claim they are in and to look at their ugly families. Once companies realized the networking potential, my employer at the time, even unblocked FB and let us go on it daily.  Of course, there were monstrous people who were clueless about how they treated others and had the nerve to show everything? I found that so bizarre. Or maybe they just thought they were untouchable.

FB is allowed at my current employer, but this is a much older group and they really aren't computer savvy.  I showed them how to print double-sided when I got here and they thought I was god (eye roll). These people have been here over 35 plus years and always talk about what's for lunch, 401k plans and retirement, so they were forced to know something about the computer, although minimal.

These are the sorts who I'm saying where it never occurs to them not to share everything about their lives. I've heard where people have gotten robbed because the criminal saw they were out of town via their FB page. And of course they would post all the photos of the places where they were traveling to or as it stands today, use your feed to pinpoint where you are and it shows up on your FB.

I give people information about me freely, along with my real name, all the time, I don't feel any need to be fake. I was just never into being friends with a whole lot of strangers. I'm sure if a person knows what they are looking for, and how to search, they can find anything.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #96 on: May 06, 2014, 07:12:54 PM »
Oh geez, my friend the other night was just getting into fb. They wondered how people who had 700+ friends kept up with everyone and why you'd even want to? I have a friend who has over 1200 fb friends. That to me is just what you said, being friends with a whole bunch of strangers. I rarely request a friendship but will accept them as long as I know that person personally. Someone who knows my brother sent me a friend request and I've never heard of this person or seen them in my life. I just let them sit there.

I have all location services turned off on my phone and fb and never post pix when I'm away, although my bf is usually at my house when I'm gone anyway. I just wait till I get back and put up pix of where I was once they're all organized. A friend of a friend has a public wall and posts that she's in her "warm and cozy bed" WITH location turned on and it was very obvious by her postings that she was single and lived alone. CRAZY!

I also have a thing about friending co-workers, even if we are friends. Just seems a little odd to me, mixing work and play too much. But I know a ton of people do it.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 02:50:23 PM by sunandmoon »

Offline Zee

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #97 on: May 06, 2014, 09:09:31 PM »
I also have a thing about friending co-workers, even if we are friends. Just seems a little odd to me, mixing work and play too much. But I know a ton of people do it.

Yes exactly, and I don't necessarily consider co-workers friends. Even at company events, it's only because I have to. If you search the web you'll find articles where people have gotten fired for the information on their FB, because they mixed business with their personal life. Whereas at any other time the photos posted are harmless, but it's who sees them and what they think they see. It's just so much safer/and less worrisome to have two accounts (1 biz and 1 personal), just so your employer won't have a reason to axe you.

Some people either forget or are not aware of their location setting. That is really dangerous in this day and age for a single female, with the loonies out.  On a side note, I ordered some lunch from a restaurant on my way home (some hole place) and I was on the phone taking in the front seat and was starting to get out of my car. One of the employees from the restaurant I just left, was in the parking lot of the apartment complex where I lived. 

He approached me and started asking about the lunch I purchased and saying he just saw me there. I just stood there for a sec and was like, did you just follow me from the restaurant?  Don't friggin' think I won't call the police. That pretty much ended the conversation and he got back in his car. I never saw or heard from him again, but seriously does he really think I would have been interested (under the circumstances)? WTF!!!!

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #98 on: May 06, 2014, 09:57:21 PM »
I was friends with one of my bosses, before she became a boss. About 6 months after I was hired, I ended up deleting her. She rarely posted and had a bunch of friends anyway so I'm hoping I wasn't missed (guess I could've just hidden her from my posts but I didn't think of it at the time). But I had to think about everything I wrote, as I worked from home a lot during that time and of course when you're billing someone by the hour, you don't want them to think you're not working, but still billing.

I hear you on the creepy guy. I had a guy once follow me out from a warehouse club at night and tried to insist on helping me load my car. Normally you can't find anyone when you really need help, and here I was with only a few things and he's insisting that he's going to help me. While it may have been what it seemed, I was a little freaked out by it and I ended up walking back towards the store till he got the message and left me alone.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 02:49:12 PM by sunandmoon »

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #99 on: May 06, 2014, 10:43:56 PM »
It's much better to be safe than sorry.  There is a well known self defense book about a girl who was raped by some guy, who insisted on helping her bring her groceries up to her second or third floor apartment. 


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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #100 on: August 31, 2014, 04:46:01 AM »
Not all psychics are fake.

Offline Bella

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #101 on: June 25, 2016, 11:11:37 PM »
Bump on this too.... everyone should read this thread.  from start to finish.

Some really heartfelt posts. 

tired of it all

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #102 on: June 28, 2016, 02:20:16 AM »
I read through this whole thread again too.  Thank you Bella for bumping this up.

My heart goes out to those who were misled or disappointed by psychics.  Or ripped off by those pretending to be psychic.  I damn sure know how it feels. 

A few years ago I had closed my account on Keen and stopped getting readings.  I had finally reconnected with an ex but once it happened I realized there was no way I would want him back.  I felt disgusted because so many readers had told me we would get back together.  I thought they were all wrong.  I felt like I had wasted so much time and money.  I wrote it all off as bullshit.

But none of that even compared to what I have been through since I went back on Keen.  And I've beat myself up about it and wished I had never gone back.  I thought what a stupid horrible mistake.  After awhile I got extremely paranoid that most of these readers are just scam artists.  Nothing was happening like they predicted.  Often the total opposite was happening.  I had lots of people telling me stuff that contradicted what the readers were telling me.  It looked like the readers were all wrong. 

Things slowed way down.  Over a year went by where I didn't see any signs that this one situation was changing at all.  It looked totally dead and done.  Then out of nowhere things slowly started moving forward again.  It has been exceedingly slow progress.  Most people probably would have given up.  I wouldn't blame anyone in a similar situation if they just wrote it off and gave up. 

I don't know what the eventual outcome will be.  I will not make excuses for psychics who made wrong predictions.  But I know now that they were not as wrong as I thought they were.  What looked like "reality" was not reality at all.  And when I took actions based on what I SAW as the reality - it reinforced it and made it seem even more real.   

My situation might be different from others.  This is the thing, most of us don't want to give out our whole story here.  It's easy to read what someone else is saying, read between the lines and then assume you know the whole story.

It's worth remembering that you don't know what you don't know.  That's true of other people's lives.  But it's true of our own as well.  Things may not have unfolded completely yet.  There can be more to come. 

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Re: 99.8% W R O N G
« Reply #103 on: June 28, 2016, 02:31:04 AM »
I know my reply will not be popular, but I am not here for popularity, so here goes.  Whatever works for you, personally, is what you have to go with.  If it works for Kicking to turn the page and put this in the past, then so be it. It may not work for others, but it works for her.

All I wish to say or contribute to this thread is that hyperbole is hyperbole.  "All psychics are", "none of the psychics were", "predictions never", "every prediction is", "100% of predictions", "0%  of the members" - these are all hyperbole.  And the truth lies somewhere between. What does that mean?  It means that while it may appear that psychic predictions are not accurate to some people, it is simply that - a perception by some people.  While it might be that former members have NOT come back to report on predictions there are any number of reasons why.  One of those reasons could be that their psychic predictions did not manifest, but it could also be for some other reason.

I'll give you an example.  I was married once.  To a man that I loved dearly.  He cheated.  They stole everything and the only way I was able to heal was to blog about that experience.  I did so daily.  I blogged about as the events unfolded, each event, each incident,. day-by-day for years.  Until one day I met Mr. Wonderful and the blog - out there in Cyberspace - remains just as it was that day.  I never went back to complete it...although events continued to unfold.  Although events turned out in my favor.  Why?  Because my focus was shifted.  It didn't mean that nothing worked out in the end.  It meant that I was distracted and by the time my life returned to its normal pace and cadence..."that" episode that prompted me to chronicle each experience became less significant.

Perception is everything.  I have learned that while reading with psychics.  I maintain that it is highly possible that we control whether psychic predictions manifest or not. I believe, and you are all welcome to disagree if you wish, but I believe that in order to see what so many of these talented 6th sense seers can see, it involves a paradigm shift in our own thinking.  If we don't do it, chances are it might not become our reality.

So, if I were to advise anything here and today, I would simply say this.  Believe what you wish.  Accept the reality that is before your eyes, but remember, what you see today is what is here today.  Tomorrow is completely a different case.  For those of you who feel in order to debunk psychic readings you must face the cold harsh reality that you face today, please do so.  But remember statements like "I know 100% he is not coming back" are simple hyperbole.   If psychics have no ability to see the future, then what makes you believe you can see it either?  Today's reality is today's and not tomorrow's. Open your mind to the possibility that you also cannot possibly know what tomorrow will bring.

Excellent post.